Monday, April 20, 2015

Strings, and all that jazz...

Dear Parents,

Welcome to another great week!  I just came back from a fantastic long weekend with the All-State Band at the NMEA Conference in Las Vegas.  Six students represented the best musicians at CMS and performed with the best band members from all the other middle schools in the entire state.

All-State Band

From left to right: Adelynn Puett, Regan Lowe, Buddy McDonald, Josephine Payan, Cierra Randall, and Syrena Chowanski.

April 22: "String Fling" Concert at Eagle Valley Middle School   This is the orchestra's version of Band-O-Rama.  String students will perform with students from Eagle Valley Middle School and Carson High School.  Concert will begin at 7:00 PM, and call time will be 6:30 PM.

April 24-25: Reno Jazz Festival at UNR   Jazz Band students will attend a clinic with Mr. Wackerman, my middle school and high school jazz band teacher, on April 24 at 8:00 AM.  This will be followed by lunch and additional time to attend clinics and see other band performances.  On April 25, we perform at 1:10 PM.  This is our first ever performance at this festival, where bands from all over the country attend and compete.  I encourage any of you to attend this historic performance!

April 28-30: CHS Wind Ensemble Auditions  Hey 8th graders!  Wind Ensemble auditions will take place after school until 4 PM on April 28, 29, and 30.  Students do not need to sign up for a time and can show up whenever their schedule allows.  They will need to prepare the following:

3 major scales of their choice
1 one-octave chromatic scale, tongued up and slurred down
A prepared piece that showcases their best tone and technique

May 7-10: Advanced Band Spring Trip in Disneyland   Advanced Band students are participating in a trip where they will perform for a middle school band, attend a recording session clinic in Disneyland, and play on stage at Disneyland. All fees are now past-due and must be paid as soon as possible.  Students will be receiving a code of conduct and grade check form, both of which need to be signed by a parent. These will be due Monday, April 27.

May 13: Spring Concert: Part 1, in the Cafeteria  This concert features the Beginning Band, Concert Band, and the 5th grade bands from Bordewich Bray, Mark Twain, and Fritsch Elementary Schools.  Time: 5:30 PM.

May 14: Spring Concert, Part 2, in the Cafeteria   This concert features the Beginning Strings, Advanced Strings, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, and Jazz Band.  Time: evening TBA.

May 29: 8th Grade Promotion in the Gym   7th grade band members in Intermediate and Advanced Band will perform for the 8th grade promotion.  This event begins after school and usually concludes around 2:00 PM.

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