Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017: Year In Review

Dear Parents,

What a year it has been! It's time for my annual "year in review" post, highlighting everything that took place in the Carson Middle School band program during 2017:

  • The Jazz Band performed in its fourth Jazz Extravaganza performance with the Carson High School Jazz Band and the Mile High Jazz Band. 
  • The Jazz Band also hosted the Mile High Jazz Workshop, where students were offered free clinics coached by professional musicians.
  • If that wasn't enough, the Jazz Band traveled to Folsom to perform at the Folsom Jazz Festival. 
  • The Jazz Band made their 5th appearance at the Jazz in the Schools Clinic at UNR.
  • 21 band members proudly represented Carson Middle School in the Northern Zone Honor Band.
  • The annual Band-O-Rama event was held at Carson High School.
  • For the 3rd time in the program's history, the CMS Advanced, Intermediate, and Concert Bands traveled to Reno to perform in the Washoe County Band Festival, earning "Superior" and "Excellent" ratings.
  • Advanced Band earned unanimous "Superior" ratings at the Northern Zone Band Festival! These ratings were also the highest at the entire festival.  Click below to listen to a song from this performance:
  • Garry Carson, a magician out of Las Vegas, donated a magic show for the 2nd time. We raised over $1,000 in ticket sales and enjoyed a fantastic show.
  • 8 band members proudly represented Carson Middle School in the NMEA All-State Band in Las Vegas.
  • The Bingo Chili Night fundraiser generated $5,000 for the program!
  • Beginning Band and Concert Band earned unanimous "Superior" ratings at the Northern Zone Beginning Music Festival!
  • The Jazz Band performed at the Northern Zone Jazz Band Festival in Gardnerville.
  • The Jazz Band performed at the Reno Jazz Festival, earning the jazz band's first ever "superior" rating.
  • Advanced Band took their annual spring trip, performing in Disneyland, attending a soundtrack recording session, performing with a local middle school band, and participating in a clinic with Dr. Betancourt.
  • All groups performed their spring concerts in the Cafeteria, signaling an end to the 2016-2017 school year.
  • We hosted the 3rd annual Mile High Jazz Camp, which included 5 days of rehearsals and a concert with the Mile High Jazz Band.
  • The school year began with record enrollment of approximately 220 in the bands!
  • Handbells were offered again for the first time since 2011.
  • Advanced Band students ran the 5th annual car wash fundraiser.  Over $1500 was generated for the program.

Thank you to everyone that helped make 2017 such a huge success! 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Dear Families,

I hope your students are enjoying a much deserved break from school, and you're getting in some quality family time with your loved ones. I wanted to post a quick update with some of the recordings so you can share your child's accomplishments with friends and family:

Beginning Band
Up On A Housetop
CMS Ringers
Ode to Joy
Concert Band
Diary Of A Grumpy Elf
Jazz Band
Nutcracker Swing
Intermediate Band
Abominable Snowman Chase
Advanced Band
Santa Meets Sousa
Christmas Star
Nightmare Before Christmas
It's the Holiday Season

I'll be following up with my annual "year in review" post next week. In the meantime, Merry Christmas!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Winter Concert FAQs

Dear Readers,

With the concert coming up, and the inevitable questions that I receive from students, I have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions.  If your question is not answered here, feel free to send me an email!

Q: When is the concert?
A: Tuesday, December 19

Q: Wait...where is this again?
A: Carson City Community Center

Q: Can we come early to help set up?
A: Yes, as long as it's no earlier than 4:30 PM and you are with your parents.  Bring decorations or lights and we may even use them as part of our concert!

Q: When is call time?
A: 5:45 PM for Beginning Band, Handbells, and Concert Band. No later than 6:45 PM for everybody else. In more than 1 ensemble? Arrive at the earlier of the two call times.

Q: What if I forget my instrument or music at CMS?
A: Beg your parents to take you back to school for whatever you forgot, and beg a custodian to let you into the band room. There's no guarantee that you'd make it back in time for your group's performance. Your best bet is to bring home everything you need that afternoon.

Q: What do we wear?
A: Parents may wear whatever they want!!  But seriously, here's the concert attire for each group:
  • Beginning Band, Concert Band: Blue CMS Band polo or SSA polo with black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes.
  • Handbells: Festive/Christmas-like attire.
  • Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, Jazz Band: Tuxedo outfit issued to your student, including blue cummerbund, bow tie, vests (certain Jazz Band members) and black marching shoes or dress shoes.  *Remember to take your garment bags home*
Q: Can we decorate our instruments or ourselves?
A: Absolutely!  Holiday hats are encouraged.  If you decorate instruments, make sure the decorations do not get in the way of the functionality of the instrument or damage the lacquer.

Q: Can I bring baked goods without signing up online?
A: Sure!  Just show up with your favorite individually packaged cookies, fudge, brownies, or anything else and we will sell it.

Q: What time does the concert start?
A: The concert starts at 6:00 PM. Part 2 starts at 7:00 PM.

Q: What is the order of groups: 
A: Beginning Band, Handbells, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band

Q: What time does the concert end?
A: The entire event should finish around 8:00 PM. 

Q: Where do students sit when they don't perform?
A: They will sit with their families in the audience. They will also be required to stay in the audience whenever someone is performing. No students should be in the lobby or restrooms when anyone is playing. 

Q: How much is admission?
A: My concerts are always FREE!

See you all Tuesday night!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

'Twas the Week Before the Concert...

Dear Parents, 

'Twas the week before the concert, when all through the town,
All the students were stirring up excellent sounds.
The songs were rehearsed in the band room with care, 
In hopes that Mr. Jacques will know we're prepared. 

That's right, folks! The winter concert is 1 week away, and I cannot wait for a fun evening in the Community Center with some of my favorite people. We also have our final playing tests and practice logs due on Friday.

December 15: Elementary School Winter Assembly Tours
On Friday, Advanced Band will finish their week-long tour to various elementary schools to perform a concert for all students and staff. These visits have been taking place during Advanced Band's rehearsal time. This tradition began last year, and it greatly helped our band program grow. We have also been receiving outstanding publicity for the band program. Check out the video that Fremont Elementary School produced after our visit:

Check out these pictures from Monday's stops at Seeliger and Bordewich Bray:

A HUGE thank you to Michelle for chaperoning and taking photos, as well as all teachers/administrators for supporting this new tradition.

December 19: Winter Concert (MANDATORY for all students in all groups)
The concert is just a few days away! Click here for a digital copy. This concert begins at 6:00 PM in the Community Center.  Here's a to-the-minute schedule:
  • 4:30 PM: Parents and students who signed up to help set up and decorate will meet.
  • 5:00 PM: Stage hands who signed up to help backstage will meet.
  • 5:45 PM: Call time for Beginning Band, Handbells, Concert Band. 
    • Beginners will warm up on stage, while all others will sit in the audience.
  • 6:00 PM: Beginning Band performs to open part 1
  • 6:20 PM: Handbells perform
  • 6:30 PM: Concert Band performs
  • 6:45 PM: Intermission
  • 7:00 PM: Jazz Band performs to open part 2
  • 7:20 PM: Intermediate Band performs
  • 7:40 PM: Advanced Band performs
  • 8:00 PM: Approx. end of concert. Students need to help clean up before they leave. 
We need your help with the following items/services:
  • Decorating: Arrive around 4:30 pm and bring decorations from home. This can include plastic Christmas trees, lights, poinsettias, empty boxes that are wrapped up and disguised as gifts, etc. Or, if unable to decorate at that time but you want to let us borrow some decorations, you may drop them off at the community center earlier in the day.
  • Stage hands - You'll help students in the back-of-the-house with setup, set changes, handbell tables, lights, and tear down at the end. There are 2 shifts.
  • Baked goods (anything pre-packaged and not too messy to be sold for $1 each). 
  • Light booth tech: You will run various slides on a Powerpoint and project an animation in the background of one of Jazz Band's selections.
Able to help in any of these areas? Please sign up here! See the flyer for additional details such as concert dress, student expectations, etc. 

*Your Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students will be fitted into their concert dress that includes tuxedo shirts, black dress pants, cummerbund, and bow tie within the next week. This uniform will be allowed to go home.

Final Grades
The end of the semester is only 2 weeks away. Can you believe it?  Students in all classes will have their final practice log due on December 15. Beginning Band had their final playing test last week, and all other classes will be completing theirs on video by Friday of this week.  The last day to retake any playing tests will be Wednesday, December 20.  After that, all scores will be final as grades will be due for the first semester.

After School Rehearsals
We are finished with after school rehearsals for the 1st semester!  Thank you so much to all parents for making it possible for students to have this extra time after school when we needed it most. Looking ahead, here are the extra rehearsals in January:
January 9: Honor Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 16: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 23: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 30: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM

Have a great week, and let me know if you have any questions!

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Marching Into December...

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to the Advanced Band on their performance as they helped support the Empty Bowls fundraiser. Also, a huge thank-you goes out to FISH for feeding the band!
Congratulations to the Marching Band as they performed in the Sparks Christmas Parade! What a nice way to finish out the marching band season!  Here is a video clip from the end of the parade:


December 11, 13, 15: Elementary School Winter Assembly Tour
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Advanced Band will visit the area elementary schools to perform a concert for all students and staff. These visits will take place during Advanced Band's rehearsal time. This tradition began last year, and it greatly helped our band program grow. Students who are participating in this were sent home with a flyer on Tuesday afternoon.

December 19: Winter Concert (MANDATORY for all students in all groups)
Students were sent home with a flyer last week. Click here for a digital copy. This concert begins at 6:00 PM in the Community Center.  Here's a to-the-minute schedule:

  • 4:30 PM: Parents and students who signed up to help set up and decorate will meet.
  • 5:00 PM: Stage hands who signed up to help backstage will meet.
  • 5:45 PM: Call time for Beginning Band, Handbells, Concert Band. 
    • Beginners will warm up on stage, while all others will sit in the audience.
  • 6:00 PM: Beginning Band performs to open part 1
  • 6:20 PM: Handbells perform
  • 6:30 PM: Concert Band performs
  • 6:45 PM: Intermission
  • 7:00 PM: Jazz Band performs to open part 2
  • 7:20 PM: Intermediate Band performs
  • 7:40 PM: Advanced Band performs
  • 8:00 PM: Approx. end of concert. Students need to help clean up before they leave. 
We need your help with the following items/services:
  • Decorating: Arrive around 4:30 pm and bring decorations from home. This can include plastic Christmas trees, lights, poinsettias, empty boxes that are wrapped up and disguised as gifts, etc. Or, if unable to decorate at that time but you want to let us borrow some decorations, you may drop them off at the community center earlier in the day.
  • Stage hands - You'll help students in the back-of-the-house with setup, set changes, handbell tables, lights, and tear down at the end. There are 2 shifts.
  • Baked goods (anything pre-packaged and not too messy to be sold for $1 each). 
  • Light booth tech: You will run various slides on a Powerpoint and project an animation in the background of one of Jazz Band's selections.
Able to help in any of these areas? Please sign up here! See the flyer for additional details such as concert dress, student expectations, etc. 

*Your Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students will be fitted into their concert dress that includes tuxedo shirts, black dress pants, cummerbund, and bow tie within the next week. This uniform will be allowed to go home.

Final Grades
The end of the semester is only 2 weeks away. Can you believe it?  Students in all classes will have their final practice log due on December 15. Beginning Band had their final playing test last week, and all other classes will have theirs next week.  The last day to retake any playing tests will be Wednesday, December 20.  After that, all scores will be final as grades will be due.

After School Rehearsals
There is one more Advanced Band rehearsal for the semester. Looking ahead to January, mark your calendar if your student is in Jazz Band.
December 12: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 16: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 23: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 30: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM

Have a "band"tastic week!

-Mr. Jacques-