Monday, September 25, 2017

Update Time...

Dear Parents,

This week, I'm announcing some changes to help the band program run more efficiently. I also have the profit from our car wash fundraiser.

Car Wash
Congratulations to all who participated in this year's car wash fundraiser! We had the car wash on a chilly Saturday Morning with several hard-working students from the Advanced Band. We raised a record $1,840 in profit!  We couldn't have done this without all the wonderful parent volunteers who donated time and materials to make this car wash a success.

A Few Changes
I think it's safe to say that this year's switch to block schedule has had an affect on all of us in one way or another.  As a teacher, it has put a noticeable strain on me. Working with record enrollment combined with seeing your students half as often presents a few challenges.  My goal is to streamline things a bit so I can put more focus into what matters most: your students. After researching some ideas, we are going to switch some of our routines up a bit: 
  • Practice logs will now be due every 2 weeks. They will still be submitted online during class time, and due by 3 PM on Friday. This will also allow them more time to put focused effort into their practice goals.
    • Due this Friday, September 29: Concert Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band
    • Due next Friday, October 6: Beginning Bands
  • Playing tests will always take place if the class meets on a Friday.  
  • Make-up playing tests will be allowed up to the time of the next test. Once a new playing test occurs, the score your student earns from the previous test will be final. Within that window between playing tests (typically 2 weeks), students are always welcome to replay the test during lunch or after school for a better score. 
  • I highly recommend that students always practice on days that they do not have band.  This step should help your student retain everything learned in class so less time is spent in class reviewing and reteaching. This should also help them focus time and effort on their other academic classes so their grades don't suffer.
Adjusting these items will open up considerably more time for me to get to the most important part of our time together in class: getting to know and work with your kids and helping them become great musicians. They will also have more time to cover all the goals in their practice charts.

Marching Rehearsals
Marching rehearsals continue every Tuesday!  Advanced Band can already play through the entire parade piece from memory, and Intermediate Band should be able to play the entire song with minimal mistakes by Friday. Students in Concert Band are invited to join and give marching band a shot. We rehearse every Tuesday from 2:30-4:30 PM.

Honor Band
Advanced Band students received honor band audition music last week. Students in Concert Band and Intermediate Band are welcome to copies of this music, and may practice it once they've mastered the content in their practice charts. Auditions will take place in mid-November.

Fall Concert
Can you believe our fall concert is only 1 month away?  We will have our concert on the evening of October 25 in the gym. I'll have more details next week.

If I have any additional updates, I'll let you know. Have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, September 15, 2017

A Week of Firsts...

Dear Parents,

This past week was a big week in terms of what your students were able to accomplish. We had our first playing tests, submitted our first practice logs, and either accomplished our first notes or our first songs. Students are also selling tickets for their first band fundraiser of the year.

Jazz Band just finished learning their 2nd song of the school year, and they're moving on to harder music next week! We are also happy to have several new "recruits" trying out the trumpet parts. They will audition into the band shortly and we will have an even more swingin' group!
Advanced Band is well on their way to memorizing Tribute to America. They have also received their first song for the fall concert. With how well they're playing, we are just about ready to begin tackling Nightmare Before Christmas!
Concert Band relearned their first 5 notes with a good tone, as well as basic rhythms. Some students are moving ahead and others are getting extra help from me. This band is coming together and shaping up to be a fine group.
Intermediate Band has finished their first playing test, and they are starting the process of learning Tribute to America. I have also handed them their fall concert music, and they are making decent progress.
Beginning Bands have been introduced to their first 3 notes, and have just completed their first ever playing test! I'd say that in another week, they will be ready for their first song. Keep practicing!

Marching Rehearsals

After school marching rehearsals continue for Intermediate and Advanced students on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4:30 PM. Students in these groups are expected be at all rehearsals. Also, students in Concert Band are invited to sit in and check out the music. If they do not wish to learn the music, I have positions available for banner carriers and flags in the back. If they want to march, I will do my best to include them.

Marching Rehearsal/Parade Schedule
September 19, 2:30-4:30
September 26, 2:30-4:30
October 3, 2:30-4:30
October 10, 2:30-4:30
October 17, 2:30-4:30
October 24, 2:30-4:30
October 28: Nevada Day Parade
November 7, 2:30-4:30
November 11: Veterans Day Parade
November 14: 2:30-4:30 PM
November 21: 2:30-4:30 PM
November 28: 2:30-4:30 PM
December 2: Sparks Christmas Parade

Parades are our biggest events in terms of audience and publicity. We always strive for perfection in everything we do, and as a result, we have an outstanding reputation. Last year, we even had a clip of us featured on the news!

Car Wash: September 23
The car wash will be held from 9 AM-2 PM at Grocery Outlet. Spread the word, and check your email to see how you can sign up to help.

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, September 8, 2017

Practicing and Fundraising

Dear Parents,

This week's newsletter includes an intro to practicing, our first fundraiser, and our upcoming rehearsals.


I get it...many students do not like to practice. It's like musical homework! Yuck!

The key to successful practicing is consistency! Helping your child set aside a regular, dedicated time for practice over these initial months of band can have a dramatic effect on their trajectory as a musician!

Practicing at home ensures their success. It's expected that they take their instruments home whenever possible (preferably daily), have their music out with their practice log right next to it, and go through all the goals for each day.  If they cannot take their instruments home daily, my room is always open at lunch so they can come in and work on their goals. Our mission is for them to always learn our parts at home so they can learn how everything fits together during class.  

If you haven't heard music at home yet, please ask your student how practicing works.  I also encourage you to take a minute, sit down with your student, and ask them what they need to practice this week.  Ask them to show you their music and show you how their instrument works. Your interest and support at home will go a long way towards their success.

Also, every two weeks we'll have in-class playing tests. They will play an excerpt from what they've practiced over the week and I will score them on certain goals (correct notes, rhythm, articulations, dynamics, etc). The more consistent they are at practicing, the better they'll do on their in-class tests, and the better they'll be as a band.  All students are always welcome to come in and redo a playing test for a higher grade. 

I will also be open each day at lunch and after school most Wednesdays for extra help. They are always welcome to come in and work on their music, even if they do not have any specific questions for me. 

Car Wash Fundraiser

Advanced Band students have been sent home with 5 car wash tickets each and all other classes except concert band have been sent home with 2 car wash tickets each. The car wash is on September 23 from 9 AM-2 PM at Grocery Outlet. The money raised from this annual CMS Bands tradition goes towards offsetting fees for those needing financial assistance and the Intermediate/Advanced/Jazz Band's spring trips. 

Upcoming Rehearsals/Events
September 12: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM (Intermediate and Advanced Band; optional for Concert Band)
September 19: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM (Intermediate and Advanced Band; optional for Concert Band)
September 24: Car Wash Fundraiser at Grocery Outlet, 9 AM-2 PM.

That is all for this week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, September 4, 2017

Getting Started...

Dear Parents,

Two weeks down and a much-needed 3 day weekend behind us! It's time to announce our first after school rehearsals, update you on your student's class progress, and introduce practicing, a skill that students will use for the rest of their lives in music.
    Class Progress

    Jazz Band has reviewed fundamentals, including the blues scale and sight reading. They have their first two songs and are off to a solid start.

    Advanced Band is off to a great start, but is that a surprise to anyone? We have reviewed fundamentals, sight read the parade piece, and began introducing marching. Once again, this band is destined to be one of the best bands in the state of Nevada if they work as hard as I know they can!

    Concert Band is reviewing fundamentals.  There's a lot to remember: sitting properly, breathing, pressing down the right keys, maintaining a proper embouchure, listening while watching the director, all while making sure that the tongue starts the note properly. As I said before, best kids ever!  Students need to have their instruments and books by September 5, unless other arrangements were made with Mr. Jacques.

    Intermediate Band is in the process of reviewing fundamentals and reacquainting themselves with their instruments. This class is the "melting pot" of the band program, with students in all 3 grades and students from several different schools. Once everyone is caught up and at the same level, the sky's the limit for this group!

    Beginning Band is learning how to put together their instruments, put them away, take care of them, sit properly, breathe correctly, hold instruments correctly, play their first note, and practice...phew! There's a reason why it's a proven fact that students who are in band are the best kids ever!  Students need to have their instruments and books by September 5, unless other arrangements were made with Mr. Jacques.

    After School Rehearsals
    • September 5: 2:30-4:30 PM, Percussion Workshop. This is open to any percussionist (yes, even beginners!) and we will introduce students to the exciting world of rudiments and other rhythmic fun.  Intermediate and Advanced Band percussionists will be tried out on the various marching instruments and audition for their favorite instrument in the parade.
    • September 12: 2:30-4:30 PM, Marching Band Rehearsal for Intermediate Band and Advanced Band. These rehearsals will continue on a weekly basis (always on Tuesdays) until the Nevada Day Parade. Concert Band members are invited to come watch or participate.
    Practice Logs Begin

    Students will be familiarized with practicing this week, with the first practice assignments beginning on Thursday/Friday. At CMS, their practicing is based on goals accomplished, not minutes practiced. This means that their time may vary from as little as 10 minutes to as much as 30+ minutes, depending on what each student needs. They will have an online practice log to complete on their last class of the week, and they will always have laptop time during band if they choose to use it. There is also extra credit available if they practice every day. They will get more information on this next week, but if you want a sneak preview, click "This week's practice assignment" link on the CMS Bands homepage.  I will update these by the end of the week.

    That is all for now!

    -Mr. Jacques