Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving week.  It's now time for the home stretch of the semester.  This time of the year is wonderful for many reasons, including many performance opportunities for our students.  Here are some highlights from last week:

  • 21 students were selected for the NZNMEA Honor Band this year.  Congratulations to our hard working students! 
  • All groups ran through their music last week, setting us up to make final touches for all our events.

We have four events coming up that will involve all performing groups.  Please note that these events are mandatory for the performing groups involved.

December 4: Winter Concert, Part 1
This concert features Beginning Strings, Beginning Band, and Concert Band.  Call time is 5:30 PM for Beginning Strings and 6:00 PM for everybody else at the Carson City Community Center.  The concert begins at 6 PM and should end by 7 PM.  Additional details may be found HERE
December 5: Carson City Tree Lighting
This event features the Advanced Band as they perform Christmas music for part of the tree lighting ceremony.  Call time is 6:15 PM at Telegraph Square and their performance will take place between 6:30 and 7:00 PM.  I encourage students to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, decorate their instruments, and HAVE FUN!
December 6: Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade
This event features Intermediate Band and Advanced Band.  Call time for students is 9:00 AM in the band room.  The parade begins at 1 PM in Sparks.  Following the parade, students will be given time to explore Meadowood Mall before returning to CMS by approximately 5 PM.  Additional details may be found HERE
December 11: Winter Concert, Part 2
This concert features Advanced Strings, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band and Jazz Band.  Call time is 5:30 PM for Advanced Strings  and 6:00 PM for everybody else at the Carson City Community Center.  The concert begins at 6:00 PM and should end by 7:30 PM.  Additional details may be found HERE

*Your Intermediate Band and Advanced Band students have been asked to try on their tuxedo shirts from last year.  Please make sure they do this as soon as possible!

Practice Logs

Since all classes broke the 80% benchmark, I offered practice logs for extra credit.  I will be grading these on Monday.  Practice logs are due again for everybody this Friday.  Let's see if we can beat these percentages:

Concert Band: 91%
Intermediate Band: 86%
Advanced Band: 83%
Advanced Strings: 90%
Beginning Band: 97%
Beginning Strings: 94%

After School Rehearsals

There is one more marching band rehearsal and one jazz band rehearsal.  In the event of inclement weather, I will shorten the marching rehearsal to just one hour and keep us inside.

December 2: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:45-4:30 PM
December 9: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:45-4:30 PM

Parent Meeting

We will have a planning meeting to discuss all upcoming events on Monday, December 1 at 6:30 PM in the CMS Band Room.  Anyone is welcome to attend.

It's time for the holiday season.  I look forward to a fun and festive few weeks!

Mr. Jacques

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Winter Concerts and Parades

Dear Parents,

Our second wave of performances begins in a little over a week!  Students from all groups are making good progress.  Here are the highlights:

  • 36 students auditioned for Honor Band and results are just a couple days away.  
  • Students also took a music concepts quiz and generally did very well.  
  • Concert Band members are working on earning their orange "band karate" belts.
  • Beginning Band students just learned how to play eighth notes. 

We have four events coming up that will involve all performing groups.  Please note that these events are mandatory for the performing groups involved.

December 4: Winter Concert, Part 1
This concert features Beginning Strings, Beginning Band, and Concert Band.  Call time is 5:30 PM for Beginning Strings and 6:00 PM for everybody else at the Carson City Community Center.  The concert begins at 6 PM and should end by 7 PM.  Additional details may be found HERE
December 5: Carson City Tree Lighting
This event features the Advanced Band as they perform Christmas music for part of the tree lighting ceremony.  Call time is 6:15 PM at Telegraph Square and their performance will take place between 6:30 and 7:00 PM.  I encourage students to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, decorate their instruments, and HAVE FUN!
December 6: Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade
This event features Intermediate Band and Advanced Band.  Call time for students is 9:00 AM in the band room.  The parade begins at 1 PM in Sparks.  Following the parade, students will be given time to explore Meadowood Mall before returning to CMS by approximately 5 PM.  Additional details may be found HERE
December 11: Winter Concert, Part 2
This concert features Advanced Strings, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band and Jazz Band.  Call time is 5:30 PM for Advanced Strings  and 6:00 PM for everybody else at the Carson City Community Center.  The concert begins at 6:00 PM and should end by 7:30 PM.  Additional details may be found HERE

*Your Intermediate Band and Advanced Band students have been asked to try on their tuxedo shirts from last year.  Please make sure they do this BEFORE Thanksgiving break so we can manage trade-ins and ensure that everyone has a proper fitting uniform for their concerts.*

Practice Logs

All classes broke the 80% benchmark, which means that there will be no practice logs due this week!  Students may still turn in a practice log for extra credit.  Here's the breakdown of how each class did:

Concert Band: 91%
Intermediate Band: 86%
Advanced Band: 83%
Advanced Strings: 90%
Beginning Band: 97%
Beginning Strings: 94%

Remember, just because there isn't a practice log due does not mean you should stop encouraging them to practice this week!

After School Rehearsals

Now that honor band auditions are completed, we have two more marching rehearsals and one jazz band rehearsal:

November 25: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:45-4:30 PM
December 2: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:45-4:30 PM
December 9: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:45-4:30 PM

Parent Meeting

We will have a planning meeting to discuss all upcoming events on Monday, December 1 at 6:30 PM in the CMS Band Room.  Anyone is welcome to attend.

And that's the news! As always, let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Mr. Jacques

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Life Lessons Learned from a Music Ensemble

Dear Parents, 
During this brief bit of down time in our student's busy musical lives, I thought I'd share an article. Although the title mentions marching band, all students in all ensembles at CMS experience these same lessons.  
Feel free to discuss this with your kids.  You may leave a comment here, as well.  I'm very interested to see if any of you notice a difference in these qualities from your children.  
"In this post I’ll highlight 18 lessons that marching band teaches kids.
marching band stock photoMusic. Music affects the brain. Hearing it. Playing it. Especially playing it. The math involved in playing music keeps the brain active and growing. Music can uplift you when you’re down or dragging.
Neurological multi-tasking. Marching and playing at the same time is challenging, and marching band members meet the challenge of marching at one tempo while playing at another. The neuronal connections grown in marching band will benefit the students throughout life, for multi-tasking through college and in the workplace, and for multi-tasking as a parent.
Discipline. Long rehearsals. Memorize drill. Memorize music. Early is on time; on time is late. The discipline you experience and practice is a foundation for discipline later, through college, in the workplace, as a parent. The discipline of being a part of a team like a marching band is experience that you’ll take with you through life.
Teamwork. Every part of a team is important. Every part contributes. There is amazing satisfaction in coming together with a team, working hard alongside and with a team, to perform a show. And the teamwork is very different from that of a sports team, where the goal is to defeat opponents in games. In sports, teams try to go after an opponent’s weakness and to shut down an opponent’s strong scorer. The teamwork in marching band is about individual and group self-improvement, competing with self, comparing results with self over time.
Camaraderie. Shared experiences over time build relationships and friendships. A job transfer moved our family across the country as my sophomore was ending her 8th grade year. We moved in time for her to attend every practice with the marching band. She began her freshman year in a new school in her new state with a posse of friends from the marching band. Marching band was a wonderful bridge between two states
Time management. From July through November, a good chunk of time will be consumed by rehearsals, football games, and contests. You give up a lot of computer time, video game time, free time during those months. Time management experience will serve you well throughout life.
Sacrifice. Band members get an opportunity to see the benefits of sacrificing what you want to do (computer chats, shopping, goofing off) for the good of the team. There is personal satisfaction in knowing as you are walking off the field together that the group had a good show. Seeing your scores improve throughout the season or from year to year is rewarding. Awards, medals, trophies from festivals and competitions are sweet tangible payoffs to the sacrifices band members make throughout the season.
Resilience. Students mess up. They keep going. Judges make mistakes or make calls we don’t agree with. The band members keep going. Students learn that a bobble or a fall during a competition is not the end of the world. Resilience is a hot topic in psychology today, and being able to bounce back after a mistake or setback is an important skill throughout life, a skill that develops by being practiced and experienced, and (fortunately or unfortunately), there are lots of opportunities to practice in marching band. We parents watched in dismay as our band experienced a tempo tear during prelims of a competition and yet the band recovered and finished strong. I was as proud of them for their collective resiliency as I was by the fact that we made finals that day.
Flexibility combined with creative problem solving. Our band staff embraces feedback from judges’ commentaries. Instead of rigidly insisting that the show they put together at camp in July is perfect, they take constructive criticism seriously and make adjustments where needed. Our staff model flexibility and creative problem solving for the students; the students practice flexibility in tweaking the show until the show is the way the directors want it.
Manners and respect. Band members practice the habits of manners and respect. Students represent both school and community when at a performance or competition. Our band is expected to be respectful in all situations, from rehearsals to football games to competitions. While the parents are going nuts in the stands, the band members on the field remain perfectly still in situations where we all know they wanted to dance and scream.
Generosity. Our kids applaud other bands at competitions. Our parents applaud other bands at competitions. Applauding another band takes nothing away from our own band.
Education and history. The fine arts camp my daughter attended during two summer vacations names cabins after composers. Imagine our delight to make the connection that she stayed in the cabin named for Bizet and last year played a melody from Carmen with the marching band.
Trust. When you’re marching backwards, or sideways, you must trust that your bandmates are doing what they’re supposed to do so that you don’t crash into them on a trek across the football field during your precision marching.
Lots of practice hours. In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell tells us that 10,000 hours of practice at anything = success. During marching season, marching band students get many more hours of playing music than most non-marching students.
Music programs give our students practice and experience in skills that reach far beyond musical notes and instruments. The kids don’t realize that they are getting experience in so many non-musical life-skills that will have positive impacts as they become adults. Our band director often quotes the Harris Poll that found that 73% of CEOs from Fortune 1000 companies were involved in music programs in high school. When I think about the different areas of development that marching band reaches, I can see why. I am glad that my children have the opportunity that I did not have and watching them and their friends grow into adulthood will be a joy to watch from a front row seat as we parents and teachers see the ways in which marching impacts their lives over the years."

Monday, November 17, 2014

Concert Preparations

Dear Parents,

I have some reminders about honor band auditions, practice logs, and our winter concerts. Besides that, not much news this week.

This week's focus in class is exclusively winter concert music.  Students need to be sure they learn notes and rhythms for their parts at home so they can come to rehearsal to learn how it fits in with the group, as a whole.  If they do this, we can make great music out of these songs!

Honor Band auditions will take place at lunch and after school all this week.  The audition material is mandatory for advanced band members as a playing test, but optional for them to put in to be considered for honor band.  Results will be posted on Tuesday, November 25.

Practice logs will be available to submit on Thursday and Friday.  They are due at the same time, 11:59 PM this Friday.  If all classes earn an 80% or higher, they will be awarded a week without practice logs, which will come in handy during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.

December 4: Winter Concert, Part 1 - 5:30 PM call time in the Community Center for Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Beginning Strings. Concert begins at 6:00 PM.
December 5: Carson City Tree Lighting - 6:00 PM call time at the skating rink for advanced band members.  Anyone else is welcome to come and cheer us on in this festive event.
December 6: Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade - Call time TBA in band room for intermediate and advanced band members.  Details and entry information is forthcoming.
December 11: Winter Concert, Part 2 - 5:30 PM call time in the Community Center for Intermediate Band, Advanced Strings, Advanced Band, and Jazz Band.  Concert begins at 6:00 PM.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekly Update 11/8

Dear Parents,

All classes have had a great week of continuing to work towards learning their Winter concert music.  On Friday, each class underwent a playing test.  We also had 16 students play along with the Blue Thunder Marching Band at Carson High School on Friday night.  On Saturday, 26 students and 5 amazing chaperones took the trip to Reno to watch the state's best marching bands compete for the State Championship.

The Veterans Day Parade is a go for Tuesday.  Call time for Intermediate and Advanced Band students is 7:30 AM in the band room.  I will be there at 7:15 for anybody who would like to come early and help set up for breakfast.  I will send a final reminder email to just the parents of the participating students with further details on Monday.  I really appreciate everybody who signed up to help.  We still need the following:

  • More uniform help
  • 1 more chaperone
  • 1 French braider
  • 1  more for juice
  • 2 more for fruit
Please sign up here if you are able to help!

Upcoming Events

November 11: Veterans Day Parade - Call time 7:30 AM in the band room for intermediate and advanced band members.  We should be back by 1:00 PM.
December 4: Winter Concert, Part 1 - 5:30 PM call time in the Community Center for Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Beginning Strings.
December 5: Carson City Tree Lighting - 6:00 PM call time at the skating rink for advanced band members.  Anyone else is welcome to come and cheer us on in this festive event.
December 6: Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade - Call time TBA in band room for intermediate and advanced band members.  Details and entry information is forthcoming.
December 11: Winter Concert, Part 2 - 5:30 PM call time in the Community Center for Intermediate Band, Advanced Strings, Advanced Band, and Jazz Band.

Practice Logs

Practice logs are due each Friday at 11:59 pm.  Students may click the link on the top of the website, or go here.  Here is how each class did:

Concert Band - 85%
Intermediate Band - 80%
Advanced Band - 83%
Advanced Strings - 80%
Beginning Band - 83%
Beginning Strings - 80%

I'm very impressed with how much each class stepped it up as a whole.  As a result, students may take a week off of submitting practice logs! (This doesn't mean they should stop practicing!)

After School Rehearsals

November 12: Honor Band Clarinet Sectional: 2:30-3:30 PM
November 13: Honor Band Percussion Sectional: 2:30-4:00 PM
November 14: Honor Band Brass Sectional: 2:30-3:30 PM
Other sections will have sectional time at lunch.  I will begin holding auditions at lunch and after school during the week of November 17.

That is all for this week.  More later!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, November 2, 2014

More Band For Your Buck

Dear Parents,

The Marching Band came together and performed very well at the Nevada Day Parade on Saturday.  I'm so impressed with everything that came together to make this parade such a great memory for all the students!

  • Several parents treated the band to a delicious hot breakfast in the band room. I can't thank you enough. The food was delicious and we had very happy kids.
  • The uniforms looked great!  Thank you, parents, for getting the kids in and out of the uniforms and French braiding the hair so well! (had I attempted the braiding, they'd look like rats' nests)
  • I also appreciate the Nevada Day Parade president allowing us to arrive at the parade location at a later time.  It cut our wait time down from 4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.  
  • The band members were very positive and excited throughout the event.  They showed a terrific amount of pride and camaraderie.  
Photos from this event are posted on the website, which can be found by clicking this link: Nevada Day Parade Photos

Upcoming Events

November 7: Fall Football Game - 5:30 PM call time at Carson High School for all members of intermediate and advanced band.  Anyone else is welcome to come as spectators to see the band.
November 8: Sierra Band Crusade - 8:45 AM call time in the band room for intermediate and advanced band members.  This is an optional event that is open to the first 30 people who bring me their $10 for admission and lunch.
November 11: Veterans Day Parade - Call time TBA in the band room for intermediate and advanced band members.  Details and entry information is forthcoming.
December 4: Winter Concert, Part 1 - 5:30 PM call time in the Community Center for Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Beginning Strings.
December 5: Carson City Tree Lighting - 6:00 PM call time at the skating rink for advanced band members.  Anyone else is welcome to come and cheer us on in this festive event.
December 6: Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade - Call time TBA in band room for intermediate and advanced band members.  Details and entry information is forthcoming.
December 11: Winter Concert, Part 2 - 5:30 PM call time in the Community Center for Intermediate Band, Advanced Strings, Advanced Band, and Jazz Band.

Practice Logs

Practice logs are due each Friday at 11:59 pm.  Students may click the link on the top of the website, or go here.  Here is how each class did:

Concert Band: 64%
Intermediate Band: 37%
Advanced Band: 62%
Advanced Strings: 75%
Beginning Band: 83%
Beginning Strings: 84%

Since many Intermediate Band students did not turn in a practice log, their practice log playing test will also double as their official playing test on Friday.  This only applies to the students who did not turn in a practice log.  All others will take the test on Friday.

After School Rehearsals

November 4: Fall Football Game Music Rehearsal: 2:30-4:00 PM
November 7: Jazz Band Rehearsal: 2:30-4:30 PM
During the following week (starting Nov. 12), I will begin honor band sectionals.  They will run from 2:30-3:30 PM.  I'll figure out an official schedule and update you on this later in the week.

-Mr. Jacques-