Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Trips, Concerts, and Camps

Dear Parents,

Here I am again!  I'm feeling a little better, so what better time than now to update you all on the final wave of upcoming events.

First of all, a huge congratulations goes out to the Jazz Band for their first performance at the Reno Jazz Festival!  These students impressed my old band director, Mr. Wackerman, on Friday at their clinic, and he was very proud of all your kids.  The judges had some very helpful comments and suggestions that will be used for the Jazz Band's final concert.

Advanced Band Spring Trip

The Spring Trip is approaching fast.  Students are hard at work preparing their music.  Their Code of Conduct form needs to be brought back with a student and parent signature as soon as possible.  They will also need to return a signed grade check form with teacher signatures or they will not be allowed on the trip. This step is to ensure that all teachers support the students missing school and that the students are giving their best efforts in all classes.

We will also be having after school rehearsals to help make up for missed time during On Friday, students will receive a detailed itinerary and packing list during the after school rehearsal. On Wednesday, May 6, we will also have a parent meeting in the band room at 6:00 PM.  This will be mandatory for chaperones, and optional for anyone else wishing to have additional details about the trip.

Rehearsal schedule for Advanced Band:
Friday, May 1 - 2:30-4:30 PM
Monday, May 4 - 2:30-3:40 PM
Tuesday, May 5 - 2:30-3:40 PM
Wednesday, May 6 - 2:30-3:40 PM (if necessary)

Spring Concerts

These concerts are the final performances of the year for all ensembles.  These performances are mandatory.

May 13: Beginning Strings, Beginning Band, and Concert Band

Concert begins at 5:30 PM.  Call time will be 5:15 PM in the band room for attendance and warm-ups.  At 5:30, band members from Fritsch, Mark Twain, and Bordewich Bray Elementary Schools will perform.  Immediately following their performance will be Beginning Strings, followed by Beginning Band, and ending with Concert Band.  The concert should be finished by 7:00.  There will also be a bake sale and a special award ceremony for students in all groups.  If you can provide an item for the bake sale, please sign up HERE.

May 14: Intermediate Band, Advanced Strings, Advanced Band, Jazz Band

This concert will be held in two parts.  Call time will be 5:30 PM for Intermediate Band and Advanced Strings (part 1).  Part 1 begins at 6:00 PM.  Call time for Advanced Band and Jazz Band will be 6:00 PM (part 2).  Part 2 begins at 7:00 PM.  The performance should end by 8:00 PM.  There will also be a bake sale and a special award ceremony for students in all groups.  If you can provide an item for the bake sale, please sign up HERE.

Lake Tahoe Music Camp

Finally, I have an excellent opportunity that I'd like to offer to all band members: Lake Tahoe Music Camp.  This camp is held from July 5-11 at the 4H Camp near Stateline, right on the shore of Tahoe.  As a staff member of this camp, I will say from personal experience that students develop an even greater love of music.  They are immersed in a full camp environment with kids their age who share a love for music.  I highly recommend this camp to anyone who is available. Parents, this is also a week with no kids!  Here's a link for more information:
Financial aid is also available here:

Jazz Band Camp

Also this year, I will be hosting a jazz day camp on the mornings of June 1-5 in the band room, with a final performance at Comma Coffee on June 9 at 7:00 PM. Students do not need any prior jazz experience in order to attend, and it will also be open to other middle school and high school students in the district.  Cost for this one week day camp is still T.B.D., but it will be less than $50.  I will be handing out a flyer with more information within the next week.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Testing Begins

Dear Parents,

I wonder if I have been working too hard lately, because now I have a cold.  For that reason, I'll keep the newsletter brief and give you a couple reminders to get everybody through the next few days.

This week will involve 4 days of testing.  I will only see your students three times this week as a result.  Practice log due days will remain unchanged.

We will have an after school rehearsal with Advanced Band on Friday from 2:30-4:30 in preparation for the Spring Trip.  If your student cannot make it, let me know and they can meet with me during lunch to work on music.

I'll be updating in a few days with details about everybody's spring concerts, taking place on the evenings of May 13-14 in the CMS Cafeteria.

By the way, the Jazz Band was outstanding this weekend at the Reno Jazz Festival.  I'll post video and photos once I'm feeling better.

Good luck to all your students who are taking tests this week!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Strings, and all that jazz...

Dear Parents,

Welcome to another great week!  I just came back from a fantastic long weekend with the All-State Band at the NMEA Conference in Las Vegas.  Six students represented the best musicians at CMS and performed with the best band members from all the other middle schools in the entire state.

All-State Band

From left to right: Adelynn Puett, Regan Lowe, Buddy McDonald, Josephine Payan, Cierra Randall, and Syrena Chowanski.

April 22: "String Fling" Concert at Eagle Valley Middle School   This is the orchestra's version of Band-O-Rama.  String students will perform with students from Eagle Valley Middle School and Carson High School.  Concert will begin at 7:00 PM, and call time will be 6:30 PM.

April 24-25: Reno Jazz Festival at UNR   Jazz Band students will attend a clinic with Mr. Wackerman, my middle school and high school jazz band teacher, on April 24 at 8:00 AM.  This will be followed by lunch and additional time to attend clinics and see other band performances.  On April 25, we perform at 1:10 PM.  This is our first ever performance at this festival, where bands from all over the country attend and compete.  I encourage any of you to attend this historic performance!

April 28-30: CHS Wind Ensemble Auditions  Hey 8th graders!  Wind Ensemble auditions will take place after school until 4 PM on April 28, 29, and 30.  Students do not need to sign up for a time and can show up whenever their schedule allows.  They will need to prepare the following:

3 major scales of their choice
1 one-octave chromatic scale, tongued up and slurred down
A prepared piece that showcases their best tone and technique

May 7-10: Advanced Band Spring Trip in Disneyland   Advanced Band students are participating in a trip where they will perform for a middle school band, attend a recording session clinic in Disneyland, and play on stage at Disneyland. All fees are now past-due and must be paid as soon as possible.  Students will be receiving a code of conduct and grade check form, both of which need to be signed by a parent. These will be due Monday, April 27.

May 13: Spring Concert: Part 1, in the Cafeteria  This concert features the Beginning Band, Concert Band, and the 5th grade bands from Bordewich Bray, Mark Twain, and Fritsch Elementary Schools.  Time: 5:30 PM.

May 14: Spring Concert, Part 2, in the Cafeteria   This concert features the Beginning Strings, Advanced Strings, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, and Jazz Band.  Time: evening TBA.

May 29: 8th Grade Promotion in the Gym   7th grade band members in Intermediate and Advanced Band will perform for the 8th grade promotion.  This event begins after school and usually concludes around 2:00 PM.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome Back

Dear Parents,

It's great to be back!  Can you believe that there are only 7 more weeks of school?  In this time, we have our final performances, and students are eagerly preparing some new and fun music for you.  Here are all the upcoming events:

April 15-19: All-State Band in Las Vegas  Six students who were selected to be in this prestigious group will be joining students from Eagle Valley Middle School and Carson High School for a few days of outstanding music making.  I will be participating in the Nevada Music Educators Conference during this time, as well.  Students at CMS will have Raynell Heaton filling in for me.

April 20: Clinic with Dr. Ehrke  Students in Jazz Band, Concert Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band will have a clinic during their classes with Dr. Ehrke, the alto saxophone and clarinet professor from the University of Nevada.  He was also my private instructor throughout college.

April 22: "String Fling" Concert at Eagle Valley Middle School   This is the orchestra's version of Band-O-Rama.  String students will perform with students from Eagle Valley Middle School and Carson High School.  Concert will begin at 7:00 PM, and call time will be 6:30 PM.

April 24-25: Reno Jazz Festival at UNR   Jazz Band students will attend a clinic with Mr. Wackerman, my middle school and high school jazz band teacher, on April 24.  This will be followed by lunch and additional time to attend clinics and see other band performances.  On April 25, we perform at 1:10 PM.  This is our first ever performance at this festival, where bands from all over the country attend and compete.

May 7-10: Advanced Band Spring Trip in Disneyland   Advanced Band students are participating in a trip where they will perform for a middle school band, attend a recording session clinic in Disneyland, and play on stage at Disneyland.  All students in the younger bands can strive for a chance to be in this band and perform at this event next year.

May 13: Spring Concert: Part 1, in the Cafeteria  This concert features the Beginning Band, Concert Band, and the 5th grade bands from Bordewich Bray, Mark Twain, and Fritsch Elementary Schools.  Time TBA.

May 14: Spring Concert, Part 2, in the Cafeteria   This concert features the Beginning Strings, Advanced Strings, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, and Jazz Band.  Time TBA.

May 29: 8th Grade Promotion in the Gym   7th grade band members in Intermediate and Advanced Band will perform for the 8th grade promotion.  This event begins after school and usually concludes around 2:00 PM.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Time to Celebrate

Dear Parents,

Is there such a thing as being "too proud?" Well, here we are, and you should all be very proud. The CMS Bands and Orchestras have done more in a week than some bands have done all year.

Chili Bingo Night

Thanks to fellow teachers, students, and parents for running an amazing event.  There were around 100 students who sold over 10 tickets, and around 10 students who sold at least 100 tickets.  The top sellers sold over 300 tickets!  Our grand total of profit, including money earned at the event, was $6,300!  With all money generated from this, the Dolan fundraiser, and last school year's fundraisers, we will be purchasing new instrument and equipment storage this month!  Advanced Band also had 100% participation, with all 32 students selling at least 10 raffle tickets.  They will be receiving a party on Thursday!

We received several compliments from fellow teachers.  Check out this message from our superintendent, Richard Stokes:

"Dear Mr. Jacques,
Congratulations on a great event.  I enjoyed mixing with our students, staff, and parents, and enjoyed some great chili.
Nicely done!

Jazz Band Festival 

On Monday, the Carson Middle School Jazz Band performed at the NZNMEA Jazz Festival.  Students were not adjudicated or rated, but they were able to perform in front of other school jazz bands.  They are well on their way to a great performance at the Reno Jazz Festival on April 25.  We will continue after school rehearsals, but change the date in order to accommodate the testing schedule.  I'll post a new schedule sometime during spring break.

NZNMEA Band/Orchestra Festival

Congratulations to all performing groups!  Here's how they did:

Concert Band:  I, I: Two Superior Ratings
Intermediate Band: I-, I-: Two Superior Ratings
Advanced Band: I, I: Two Superior Ratings
Advanced Strings: I, I: Two Superior Ratings

For the first time in known history, all performing groups received unanimous "Superior" ratings! This is a major accomplishment and a sign of everybody's incredible dedication and work ethic. 

Here's how the festival rating system works:

I - Superior, the very best performance.  The band executed all aspects of music making very well at all times.
II - Excellent, a great performance.  The band had some minor musical imperfections but was overall very good.
III - Good, an average performance.  The band had several mistakes, but songs are still recognizable.
IV - Fair, a below average performance.  Quite a few errors in notes and rhythms.  Songs sound bad and are hard to recognize.

As you can see, your students were beyond incredible.  Additionally, the 11 student volunteers along with our parents helped run a festival that went incredibly smooth. Other band directors as well as band students from other schools complimented your students on their behavior and their leadership skills.  Despite a couple stressed band directors, the students rolled with it and showed incredible maturity and professionalism!  

Now, it's time for everybody to enjoy some much-deserved rest and relaxation as we go into Spring Break.  I'll post another update during break about our final events for the school year.  For now, it's time to celebrate!  

Mr. Jacques