Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017: Year In Review

Dear Parents,

What a year it has been! It's time for my annual "year in review" post, highlighting everything that took place in the Carson Middle School band program during 2017:

  • The Jazz Band performed in its fourth Jazz Extravaganza performance with the Carson High School Jazz Band and the Mile High Jazz Band. 
  • The Jazz Band also hosted the Mile High Jazz Workshop, where students were offered free clinics coached by professional musicians.
  • If that wasn't enough, the Jazz Band traveled to Folsom to perform at the Folsom Jazz Festival. 
  • The Jazz Band made their 5th appearance at the Jazz in the Schools Clinic at UNR.
  • 21 band members proudly represented Carson Middle School in the Northern Zone Honor Band.
  • The annual Band-O-Rama event was held at Carson High School.
  • For the 3rd time in the program's history, the CMS Advanced, Intermediate, and Concert Bands traveled to Reno to perform in the Washoe County Band Festival, earning "Superior" and "Excellent" ratings.
  • Advanced Band earned unanimous "Superior" ratings at the Northern Zone Band Festival! These ratings were also the highest at the entire festival.  Click below to listen to a song from this performance:
  • Garry Carson, a magician out of Las Vegas, donated a magic show for the 2nd time. We raised over $1,000 in ticket sales and enjoyed a fantastic show.
  • 8 band members proudly represented Carson Middle School in the NMEA All-State Band in Las Vegas.
  • The Bingo Chili Night fundraiser generated $5,000 for the program!
  • Beginning Band and Concert Band earned unanimous "Superior" ratings at the Northern Zone Beginning Music Festival!
  • The Jazz Band performed at the Northern Zone Jazz Band Festival in Gardnerville.
  • The Jazz Band performed at the Reno Jazz Festival, earning the jazz band's first ever "superior" rating.
  • Advanced Band took their annual spring trip, performing in Disneyland, attending a soundtrack recording session, performing with a local middle school band, and participating in a clinic with Dr. Betancourt.
  • All groups performed their spring concerts in the Cafeteria, signaling an end to the 2016-2017 school year.
  • We hosted the 3rd annual Mile High Jazz Camp, which included 5 days of rehearsals and a concert with the Mile High Jazz Band.
  • The school year began with record enrollment of approximately 220 in the bands!
  • Handbells were offered again for the first time since 2011.
  • Advanced Band students ran the 5th annual car wash fundraiser.  Over $1500 was generated for the program.

Thank you to everyone that helped make 2017 such a huge success! 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Dear Families,

I hope your students are enjoying a much deserved break from school, and you're getting in some quality family time with your loved ones. I wanted to post a quick update with some of the recordings so you can share your child's accomplishments with friends and family:

Beginning Band
Up On A Housetop
CMS Ringers
Ode to Joy
Concert Band
Diary Of A Grumpy Elf
Jazz Band
Nutcracker Swing
Intermediate Band
Abominable Snowman Chase
Advanced Band
Santa Meets Sousa
Christmas Star
Nightmare Before Christmas
It's the Holiday Season

I'll be following up with my annual "year in review" post next week. In the meantime, Merry Christmas!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Winter Concert FAQs

Dear Readers,

With the concert coming up, and the inevitable questions that I receive from students, I have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions.  If your question is not answered here, feel free to send me an email!

Q: When is the concert?
A: Tuesday, December 19

Q: Wait...where is this again?
A: Carson City Community Center

Q: Can we come early to help set up?
A: Yes, as long as it's no earlier than 4:30 PM and you are with your parents.  Bring decorations or lights and we may even use them as part of our concert!

Q: When is call time?
A: 5:45 PM for Beginning Band, Handbells, and Concert Band. No later than 6:45 PM for everybody else. In more than 1 ensemble? Arrive at the earlier of the two call times.

Q: What if I forget my instrument or music at CMS?
A: Beg your parents to take you back to school for whatever you forgot, and beg a custodian to let you into the band room. There's no guarantee that you'd make it back in time for your group's performance. Your best bet is to bring home everything you need that afternoon.

Q: What do we wear?
A: Parents may wear whatever they want!!  But seriously, here's the concert attire for each group:
  • Beginning Band, Concert Band: Blue CMS Band polo or SSA polo with black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes.
  • Handbells: Festive/Christmas-like attire.
  • Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, Jazz Band: Tuxedo outfit issued to your student, including blue cummerbund, bow tie, vests (certain Jazz Band members) and black marching shoes or dress shoes.  *Remember to take your garment bags home*
Q: Can we decorate our instruments or ourselves?
A: Absolutely!  Holiday hats are encouraged.  If you decorate instruments, make sure the decorations do not get in the way of the functionality of the instrument or damage the lacquer.

Q: Can I bring baked goods without signing up online?
A: Sure!  Just show up with your favorite individually packaged cookies, fudge, brownies, or anything else and we will sell it.

Q: What time does the concert start?
A: The concert starts at 6:00 PM. Part 2 starts at 7:00 PM.

Q: What is the order of groups: 
A: Beginning Band, Handbells, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band

Q: What time does the concert end?
A: The entire event should finish around 8:00 PM. 

Q: Where do students sit when they don't perform?
A: They will sit with their families in the audience. They will also be required to stay in the audience whenever someone is performing. No students should be in the lobby or restrooms when anyone is playing. 

Q: How much is admission?
A: My concerts are always FREE!

See you all Tuesday night!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

'Twas the Week Before the Concert...

Dear Parents, 

'Twas the week before the concert, when all through the town,
All the students were stirring up excellent sounds.
The songs were rehearsed in the band room with care, 
In hopes that Mr. Jacques will know we're prepared. 

That's right, folks! The winter concert is 1 week away, and I cannot wait for a fun evening in the Community Center with some of my favorite people. We also have our final playing tests and practice logs due on Friday.

December 15: Elementary School Winter Assembly Tours
On Friday, Advanced Band will finish their week-long tour to various elementary schools to perform a concert for all students and staff. These visits have been taking place during Advanced Band's rehearsal time. This tradition began last year, and it greatly helped our band program grow. We have also been receiving outstanding publicity for the band program. Check out the video that Fremont Elementary School produced after our visit:

Check out these pictures from Monday's stops at Seeliger and Bordewich Bray:

A HUGE thank you to Michelle for chaperoning and taking photos, as well as all teachers/administrators for supporting this new tradition.

December 19: Winter Concert (MANDATORY for all students in all groups)
The concert is just a few days away! Click here for a digital copy. This concert begins at 6:00 PM in the Community Center.  Here's a to-the-minute schedule:
  • 4:30 PM: Parents and students who signed up to help set up and decorate will meet.
  • 5:00 PM: Stage hands who signed up to help backstage will meet.
  • 5:45 PM: Call time for Beginning Band, Handbells, Concert Band. 
    • Beginners will warm up on stage, while all others will sit in the audience.
  • 6:00 PM: Beginning Band performs to open part 1
  • 6:20 PM: Handbells perform
  • 6:30 PM: Concert Band performs
  • 6:45 PM: Intermission
  • 7:00 PM: Jazz Band performs to open part 2
  • 7:20 PM: Intermediate Band performs
  • 7:40 PM: Advanced Band performs
  • 8:00 PM: Approx. end of concert. Students need to help clean up before they leave. 
We need your help with the following items/services:
  • Decorating: Arrive around 4:30 pm and bring decorations from home. This can include plastic Christmas trees, lights, poinsettias, empty boxes that are wrapped up and disguised as gifts, etc. Or, if unable to decorate at that time but you want to let us borrow some decorations, you may drop them off at the community center earlier in the day.
  • Stage hands - You'll help students in the back-of-the-house with setup, set changes, handbell tables, lights, and tear down at the end. There are 2 shifts.
  • Baked goods (anything pre-packaged and not too messy to be sold for $1 each). 
  • Light booth tech: You will run various slides on a Powerpoint and project an animation in the background of one of Jazz Band's selections.
Able to help in any of these areas? Please sign up here! See the flyer for additional details such as concert dress, student expectations, etc. 

*Your Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students will be fitted into their concert dress that includes tuxedo shirts, black dress pants, cummerbund, and bow tie within the next week. This uniform will be allowed to go home.

Final Grades
The end of the semester is only 2 weeks away. Can you believe it?  Students in all classes will have their final practice log due on December 15. Beginning Band had their final playing test last week, and all other classes will be completing theirs on video by Friday of this week.  The last day to retake any playing tests will be Wednesday, December 20.  After that, all scores will be final as grades will be due for the first semester.

After School Rehearsals
We are finished with after school rehearsals for the 1st semester!  Thank you so much to all parents for making it possible for students to have this extra time after school when we needed it most. Looking ahead, here are the extra rehearsals in January:
January 9: Honor Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 16: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 23: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 30: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM

Have a great week, and let me know if you have any questions!

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Marching Into December...

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to the Advanced Band on their performance as they helped support the Empty Bowls fundraiser. Also, a huge thank-you goes out to FISH for feeding the band!
Congratulations to the Marching Band as they performed in the Sparks Christmas Parade! What a nice way to finish out the marching band season!  Here is a video clip from the end of the parade:


December 11, 13, 15: Elementary School Winter Assembly Tour
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Advanced Band will visit the area elementary schools to perform a concert for all students and staff. These visits will take place during Advanced Band's rehearsal time. This tradition began last year, and it greatly helped our band program grow. Students who are participating in this were sent home with a flyer on Tuesday afternoon.

December 19: Winter Concert (MANDATORY for all students in all groups)
Students were sent home with a flyer last week. Click here for a digital copy. This concert begins at 6:00 PM in the Community Center.  Here's a to-the-minute schedule:

  • 4:30 PM: Parents and students who signed up to help set up and decorate will meet.
  • 5:00 PM: Stage hands who signed up to help backstage will meet.
  • 5:45 PM: Call time for Beginning Band, Handbells, Concert Band. 
    • Beginners will warm up on stage, while all others will sit in the audience.
  • 6:00 PM: Beginning Band performs to open part 1
  • 6:20 PM: Handbells perform
  • 6:30 PM: Concert Band performs
  • 6:45 PM: Intermission
  • 7:00 PM: Jazz Band performs to open part 2
  • 7:20 PM: Intermediate Band performs
  • 7:40 PM: Advanced Band performs
  • 8:00 PM: Approx. end of concert. Students need to help clean up before they leave. 
We need your help with the following items/services:
  • Decorating: Arrive around 4:30 pm and bring decorations from home. This can include plastic Christmas trees, lights, poinsettias, empty boxes that are wrapped up and disguised as gifts, etc. Or, if unable to decorate at that time but you want to let us borrow some decorations, you may drop them off at the community center earlier in the day.
  • Stage hands - You'll help students in the back-of-the-house with setup, set changes, handbell tables, lights, and tear down at the end. There are 2 shifts.
  • Baked goods (anything pre-packaged and not too messy to be sold for $1 each). 
  • Light booth tech: You will run various slides on a Powerpoint and project an animation in the background of one of Jazz Band's selections.
Able to help in any of these areas? Please sign up here! See the flyer for additional details such as concert dress, student expectations, etc. 

*Your Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students will be fitted into their concert dress that includes tuxedo shirts, black dress pants, cummerbund, and bow tie within the next week. This uniform will be allowed to go home.

Final Grades
The end of the semester is only 2 weeks away. Can you believe it?  Students in all classes will have their final practice log due on December 15. Beginning Band had their final playing test last week, and all other classes will have theirs next week.  The last day to retake any playing tests will be Wednesday, December 20.  After that, all scores will be final as grades will be due.

After School Rehearsals
There is one more Advanced Band rehearsal for the semester. Looking ahead to January, mark your calendar if your student is in Jazz Band.
December 12: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 16: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 23: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
January 30: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM

Have a "band"tastic week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

It's The Holiday Season...

Dear Parents,

It's that time of year where the music helps bring the holidays alive!  You'd think that as a band director, teaching and rehearsing holiday music year-after-year would turn into cruel and unusual punishment, yet here we are. It's my favorite time of the year and we take full advantage of that with all our upcoming events.  Please note that these events are mandatory for the performing groups involved.

December 1: Empty Bowls fundraiser - Part of the tree lighting festivities
This event features the Advanced Band as they perform Christmas music at City Hall as part of the Empty Bowls fundraiser.  We will rehearse after school until 5 PM, be fed at City Hall from 5:15-6:00, watch the tree lighting together, and perform from approximately 6:15-6:45 PM.  I encourage students to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, decorate their instruments, and HAVE FUN!

December 2: Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade
This event features Intermediate Band and Advanced Band.  Call time for students is 9:00 AM in the band room.  The parade begins at 1 PM on Victorian Ave. in Sparks.  Following the parade, students will be given time to explore Meadowood Mall before returning to CMS by approximately 5 PM. Download a copy of the handout by clicking on the link above this page.  Sign up here to help out!

December 11, 13, 15: Elementary School Winter Assembly Tour
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Advanced Band will visit the area elementary schools to perform a concert for all students and staff. These visits will take place during Advanced Band's rehearsal time. This tradition began last year, and it greatly helped our band program grow. We will be playing for all 5 elementary schools that feed to CMS! Let me know if you're available mid-morning on these days and you'd like to chaperone. We need 2-3 extra sets of hands to help with setup, moving equipment, etc, along with the added joy of hearing your child perform!

December 19: Winter Concert
This concert features all performing groups: Beginning Band, Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, Jazz Band, and Handbells.  Call time is 5:30 PM for Advanced Strings  and 6:00 PM for everybody else at the Carson City Community Center.  The concert begins at 6:00 PM and should end by 8:00 PM. I will send an email with all pertinent details by Friday.

*Your Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students will be fitted into their concert dress that includes tuxedo shirts, black dress pants, cummerbund, and bow tie within the next 2 weeks. This uniform will be allowed to go home.

Practice Logs
Practice logs will be due by Friday, December 2, for all classes (except CTE music). There will be 1 more practice assignment for the semester as we begin the final push towards the winter concert.

After School Rehearsals
There is one more marching band rehearsal.  We will be continuing the Tuesday rehearsal tradition for the Advanced Band to help them prepare for the winter assemblies.

November 28: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
December 1: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-5:00 PM (leads directly into dinner/performance that night)
December 5: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
December 12: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM

Have a fantastic week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Giving Thanks...

Dear Parents,

This week, I have been reminding all students in all ensembles how thankful I am to have them in my classes.  I have been pushing your student to be their best, not only in how they play, but in terms of teamwork, camaraderie, leadership, time-management, integrity, and respect. I am pleased to say that each of these ensembles has become more than just a class; they are now a community  Your kids are truly amazing, and the results you'll hear in the next month will showcase exactly that.  I'm so thankful for this wonderful job, amazing kids, and very supportive parents.

Honor Band Results
Every year during this time, we have honor band auditions and the results are in. 17 students from CMS were invited to join the honor band!  1/4 of the Advanced Band made it into this group, as well as 3 members from Intermediate Band, 1 from Concert Band, and believe it or not, 1 from Beginning Band!  This year, out of all area middle schools, CMS has the most students participating in the Northern Zone Honor Band!

We have four events coming up that will involve all performing groups.  Please note that these events are mandatory for the performing groups involved.

December 1: Empty Bowls fundraiser - Part of the tree lighting festivities
This event features the Advanced Band as they perform Christmas music at City Hall as part of the Empty Bowls fundraiser.  We will rehearse after school until 5 PM, be fed at City Hall from 5:15-6:00, watch the tree lighting together, and perform from approximately 6:15-6:45 PM.  I encourage students to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, decorate their instruments, and HAVE FUN!

December 2: Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade
This event features Intermediate Band and Advanced Band.  Call time for students is 9:00 AM in the band room.  The parade begins at 1 PM on Victorian Ave. in Sparks.  Following the parade, students will be given time to explore Meadowood Mall before returning to CMS by approximately 5 PM.  Sign up here to help out!

December 11, 13, 15: Elementary School Winter Assembly Tour
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Advanced Band will visit the area elementary schools to perform a concert for all students and staff. These visits will take place during Advanced Band's rehearsal time. Let me know if you're available mid-morning on these days and you'd like to chaperone.

December 19: Winter Concert
This concert features all performing groups: Beginning Band, Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, Jazz Band, and Handbells.  Call time is 5:30 PM for Advanced Strings  and 6:00 PM for everybody else at the Carson City Community Center.  The concert begins at 6:00 PM and should end by 8:00 PM.  I'll have a signup posted after our parent meeting.

*Your Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students will be fitted into their concert dress that includes tuxedo shirts, black dress pants, cummerbund, and bow tie within the next 2 weeks. This uniform will be allowed to go home.

Practice Logs
All students have their new practice charts with what needs to be looked over during the break. This is a great time of the year for your student to perform for families that may be coming in from out of town.  Encourage them to show off their winter concert music and give everyone in the family something else to be thankful for!

After School Rehearsals
There is one more marching band rehearsal.  We will be continuing the Tuesday rehearsal tradition for the Advanced Band to help them prepare for the winter assemblies.

November 21: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
November 28: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
December 1: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-5:00 PM (leads directly into dinner/performance that night)
December 5: Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM

It's time for the holiday season.  I look forward to a fun and festive few weeks.  Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Mr. Jacques

Monday, November 13, 2017

Onward and Upward...

Dear Parents,

Before I discuss upcoming events, I wanted to take a moment and share last week's successes with you.

UNR Brass Quintet Clinic
On November 8, the UNR Brass Quintet performed for and worked with Concert Band.  These college students are working on becoming music educators and they put on a wonderful show for our students.  The students in Concert Band were incredible hosts.  One of the members of the ensemble shared this: "The Nevada Manzanita Brass Quintet had an awesome gig at Carson Middle School!  I've never been so inspired or loved by a group of over-enthusiastic 6th graders in my life!" Way to make such a positive impression on these soon-to-be music educators!

CMS Veterans Concert
On November 9, Advanced Band performed as part of the Veterans Tribute Concert in the cafeteria. They received many compliments from fellow parents and teachers about their sound and their behavior in the bleachers. They were role models for all the students in attendance, and their positive behaviors did not go unnoticed.  I posted a video of this performance on our Facebook page.  

Veterans Day Parade
On Saturday, the Marching Band performed in downtown Reno, marching up Virginia Street as they played Tribute to America.  This is the 4th time we've marched in this parade, and the 4th time we have made it in the news!  Here's a picture of us from the Reno Gazette-Journal:
The band performed alongside Reno High School's band while waiting for the parade to begin!
We also made it on KTVN's lead story for a 3rd year in a row! Check it out here!  Congratulations on a job well done!

It's time for individual class updates!

Jazz Band is hard at work on their 4 selections for the winter concert. They'll have a playing test on Friday. Practice logs are also due on Friday.
Advanced Band is making final preparations for the honor band auditions, as well as beginning the process of learning all their winter concert and assembly tour selections. Those not auditioning will still be performing the honor band music as a playing test by Friday.  Practice logs are also due on Friday.
Concert Band is working on building confidence as they work into more challenging music. They will have their first video playing test to record on Google Classroom, and practice logs are due on Friday.
Intermediate Band is also working on building confidence with more challenging music. They will have their first video test, as well, on Google Classroom. Practice logs are due on Friday.
Beginning Bands are building on the basics and beginning to work on their first piece of sheet music. They had a playing test last Friday, and students may come in at lunch to improve their scores. Practice logs are due on Thursday.
CTE Music has learned their first song on handbells!  They have also made it to their purple "recorder karate" belts, with only 3 more belts to go. 


November 14: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
November 21 (new): Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
November 28: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
December 1 (new): Advanced Band Empty Bowls Rehearsal/Concert, 2:30-6:30 PM (details forthcoming)
December 2: Sparks Christmas Parade, All Day (details forthcoming)

Thank you for keeping your student on track with everything at home. Onward and upward!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, November 6, 2017

Marching Into November...

Dear Parents,

Time for a long overdue update.  Before I share this week's announcements, a congratulations is in order to our marching band for their performance at the Nevada Day Parade. They played amazingly and marched with pride.  A huge thank you to all parent volunteers, including Raynell, who spent countless hours getting all these students into their uniforms. Congratulations to all!

Honor Band Auditions
Thursday is the last day to sign up for honor band auditions! These auditions are open to any band student, and they will be recorded playing 4 short excerpts. Auditions will be after school on 11/7, 11/8, 11/14, and 11/15, or at lunch on 11/14 or 11/15. Results will be posted in early December.  I have also posted listening examples on your student's Google Classroom.

Marching Rehearsal - November 7
This is our standard after school marching band rehearsal from 2:30-4:30 PM. Attendance is required unless I have received a note excusing them. This will be our only rehearsal before the Veterans Day Parade.

UNR Brass Quintet To Visit - November 8
On Wednesday at 12:00 PM, the University of Nevada's Brass Quintet will be performing for the Concert Band! All other band students are welcome to come listen to this performance, but they will need permission from their teachers. Parents are invited! Check in at the front office if you would like to attend.

Veterans Tribute Concert - November 9
On Thursday, Advanced Band students will be performing for part of the annual Veterans Tribute Concert in the cafeteria. The concert begins at 1:00 PM, and students will all be excused from half of their 7th and 8th period classes for this event.  Parents are invited. Check in at the front office if you would like to attend.

Veterans Day Parade - November 11 (Mandatory for Intermediate and Advanced Band)
On Saturday, the Marching Band will be performing at the Veterans Day Parade in Reno. We will be the first marching band in this event, as well as the only Carson City band and the only middle school band! Here are the details:

  • Call Time: 7:30 AM in the band room
  • Depart CMS: 9:30 AM
  • Arrive in Reno: 10:30 AM
  • Parade Starts: 11:11 AM
  • Depart Reno: 12:00 PM
  • Return to CMS: 1:00 PM
  • Dismissed by approximately 1:30 PM
Thank you to everyone who has been able to help support our students! If you'd like to help, you may sign up here!

December 1: Jazz in the Commons
December 1: Advanced Band performance for Empty Bowls, Evening TBA.
December 2: Marching Band performance at Sparks Christmas Parade, 9 AM-5 PM
December 11, 13, 15: Advanced Band elementary school assemblies
December 19: Winter concert for ALL ensembles, 6:00 PM at the Community Center

We will also be having a parent meeting during the third or fourth week of this month. Stay tuned for details.  Here's to a great (and short) week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, October 27, 2017

Happy Nevada Day!

Dear Parents,

With a successful fall concert behind us, it's time to look ahead at our next group of events.

Here are a few reminders about the Nevada Day Parade, which is mandatory for all Intermediate and Advanced Band students:
  • 7:30 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms, take a photo, and load the bus
    • Please wear light clothing underneath. It will be on the warm side this year.
  • 8:45 AM: Arrive at staging area on Fleishmann Way and warm-up.
  • 10:00 AM: Parade begins.  Entry number is 41.
  • Approx. 12:00 PM: Return to CMS to change.
  • Approx. 12:30 PM: Dismissal.
Just a reminder: This event is mandatory for all Intermediate and Advanced Band members, as well as members from Concert Band who have been fitted for uniforms. More information is int he handout sent home with students a couple weeks ago.

Thank you so much to everyone that signed up! We only have a spot or two left. Sign up to help here!

Each year, I take a group of students to UNR so they can watch the Nevada state marching band championships, otherwise known as Sierra Band Crusade! This optional event is open to anyone who has been marching. The cost is $10, which includes transportation, admission, and lunch. The first 30 to sign up will have a spot on the bus. We also need a few chaperones, and the cost is also $10.

All marching band members will report to the band room at 8:00 AM for another incredible day. Our entry number and staging details should arrive any day. The parade begins in downtown Reno at approximately 11:30 AM. If you're able to help volunteer, sign up here!

After school marching rehearsals continue for Intermediate and Advanced Students on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4:30 PM. Attendance is expected for all Intermediate and Advanced Band students. I am also including optional honor band rehearsals that will take place during the week of Halloween.  I'll add more rehearsals later once I see who needs the help.

Marching Rehearsal/Parade Schedule
October 30: Honor Band trumpet sectional, 2:30-4:00 (new day)
October 31: Honor Band percussion sectional, 2:30-4:00 (new day)
November 1: Honor Band saxophone sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 2: Honor Band clarinet sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 3: Honor Band flute sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 6: Honor Band low brass/low reeds sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 7: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30
November 11: Veterans Day Parade
November 14: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30
November 28: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30
December 2: Sparks Christmas Parade

Honor Band
Students in all ensembles except Beginning band were offered copies of the honor band audition music. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students. Simply practicing the audition will make them better musicians. I encourage all students to take advantage of the after school help, (if your student's instrument is not included on an after school sectional, I'll work with them at lunches). The auditions will take place in my office during the 2nd week of November. The audio recordings will then be sent to a committee who will determine the top musicians in northern Nevada!  Now is the time for your students to begin working on the music for this audition. The auditions sneak up on us every year!

See many of you on Saturday!

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Fall Concert and Nevada Day Parade

Dear Parents,

Just one more week until the fall concert, and 10 days until the Nevada Day Parade!  Read below for all details.

The fall concert is on Wednesday, October 25, at 6:00 PM in the CMS Gym. This performance is mandatory for all band students. Here is the itinerary:
  • 5:30 PM - Call time for Beginning Band, seated and ready to warm up in gym
  • 5:30 PM - Call time for Intermediate and Advanced Band in the band room; change into uniforms
  • 5:45 PM - Call time for Concert Band
  • 6:00 PM - Concert Begins with Beginning Band, followed by Concert Band, Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band. 
  • 7:15 PM - Approximate end of the concert. Beginning/Concert Band students will help clean up and Intermediate/Advanced Band students will change out of their uniforms.
  • 7:30 PM - Approximate time students will be dismissed. 
Just a reminder--this performance is mandatory for all students.  As a performance-based class, the concerts are a major portion of your student's grade. In the band room, there will be a sign-in sheet, as well as a sign-out sheet. Students will sign in before call time and sign out after the concert has finished. Just a reminder: students will stay for the entire length of the concert. 

Concert Dress
Wearing the proper uniform items are essential to a successful performance. Here's what each class will wear to the fall concert:
  • Beginning and Concert Band: Blue polo (provided by band fees), black dress pants, black socks, black dress shoes.  New this year--Halloween costumes! Students in these ensembles may wear a Halloween costume as long as it is school-appropriate and does not affect their ability to play their instrument properly.
  • Intermediate and Advanced Band: Complete marching uniform (provided by band fees), black socks, black marching shoes (provided by band fees). After the parades, they will then switch to their formal tuxedo outfits.
  • Jazz Band: Students will wear what they wore in their primary ensemble. 
A few other things
  • While the other bands perform, students will sit as an ensemble on the bleachers on the opposite side of the parents with their instruments/music.
  • One again, students will stay for the entire concert and sign out when they put their instruments/uniforms away.
  • We need a few parent volunteers to help out with uniforms and general student supervision. Sign up to help here! 

I have new information about the Nevada Day Parade!
  • 7:30 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms, take a photo, and load the bus
  • 8:45 AM: Arrive at staging area on Fleischmann Way and warm-up.
  • 10:00 AM: Parade begins.  Entry number is 41.
  • Approx. 12:00 PM: Return to CMS to change.
  • Approx. 12:30 PM: Dismissal.
Just a reminder: This event is mandatory for all Intermediate and Advanced Band members, as well as members from Concert Band who have been fitted for uniforms. Students have received a handout with information. Click here to read it.

We also need parent volunteers! Sign up to help here!

After school marching rehearsals continue for Intermediate and Advanced Students on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4:30 PM. Attendance is expected for all Intermediate and Advanced Band students. I am also including optional honor band rehearsals that will take place during the week of Halloween.  I'll add more rehearsals later once I see who needs the help.

Marching Rehearsal/Parade Schedule
October 24, 2:30-4:30
October 26, Marching Rehearsal, 9:10-10:30 AM (during class)
October 30: Honor Band percussion sectional, 2:30-4:00
October 31: Honor Band trumpet sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 1: Honor Band saxophone sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 2: Honor Band clarinet sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 3: Honor Band flute sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 7: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30
November 14: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30
November 28: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30

Honor Band
Students in all ensembles except Beginning band were offered copies of the honor band audition music. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students. Simply practicing the audition packet will make them better musicians. I encourage all students to take advantage of the after school help, (if your student's instrument is not included on an after school sectional, I'll work with them at lunches) The auditions will take place in my office during the 2nd week of November. The audio recordings will then be sent to a committee who will determine the top musicians in northern Nevada!  Now is the time for your students to begin working on the music for this audition. The auditions sneak up on us every year!

Have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, October 6, 2017

Round 1 of Events

Dear Parents,

We are about to embark on our first round of band events for the school year!  I have important/helpful information in this edition of our newsletter.

Parent Volunteer Meeting
We will have a parent meeting on October 10 at 6 PM in the band room to coordinate uniform help, parade help for all parades, and Chili Bingo Night, our biggest fundraiser of the year.  There's never such a thing as too much help, so we welcome you to join us and help support these great events.

Fall Concert
The fall concert is on Wednesday, October 25, at 6:00 PM in the CMS Gym. This performance is mandatory for all band students. Here is the itinerary:
  • 5:30 PM - Call time for Beginning Band, seated and ready to warm up in gym
  • 5:30 PM - Call time for Intermediate and Advanced Band in the band room; change into uniforms
  • 5:45 PM - Call time for Concert Band
  • 6:00 PM - Concert Begins with Beginning Band, followed by Concert Band, Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band. 
  • 7:15 PM - Approximate end of the concert. Beginning/Concert Band students will help clean up and Intermediate/Advanced Band students will change out of their uniforms.
  • 7:30 PM - Approximate time students will be dismissed. 
Concert Dress
Wearing the proper uniform items are essential to a successful performance. We require the following: 
  • Beginning and Concert Band: Blue polo (provided by band fees), black dress pants, black socks, black dress shoes.
  • Intermediate and Advanced Band: Complete marching uniform (provided by band fees), black socks, black marching shoes (provided by band fees). After the parades, they will then switch to their formal tuxedo outfits.
  • Jazz Band: Tuxedo vest/jacket and white tuxedo shirt (provided by jazz band fees), black dress pants, black socks, black dress shoes.
Nevada Day Parade - October 28
Here is what I know about the Nevada Day Parade on October 28:
  • 8:00 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms, take a photo, and load the bus
  • 9:00 AM: Arrive at staging area for warm-ups.
  • 10:00 AM: Parade begins.  Entry number TBA
  • 12:00 PM: Return to CMS to change and eat lunch.
  • Approx. 1:00 PM: Dismissal.
Just a reminder: This event is mandatory for all Intermediate and Advanced Band members, as well as members from Concert Band who have been fitted for uniforms. Students will receive handouts with further details in class as soon as we know our entry number and staging details (we usually find out around October 20).

Marching Rehearsals
After school marching rehearsals continue for Intermediate and Advanced Students on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4:30 PM. Attendance is expected for all Intermediate and Advanced Band students. If they cannot attend, I need a note or email from parents in advance in order to excuse them.

Marching Rehearsal/Parade Schedule
October 10, 2:30-4:30
October 17, 2:30-4:30
October 24, 2:30-4:30
October 26, 1:10-2:30 (during class)
October 28: Nevada Day Parade
November 7, 2:30-4:30
November 11: Veterans Day Parade
November 14: 2:30-4:30 PM
November 28: 2:30-4:30 PM
December 2: Sparks Christmas Parade

Honor Band
Students in all ensembles except Beginning band were offered copies of the honor band audition music. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students. Simply practicing the audition packet will make them better musicians. The auditions will take place in my office during the 2nd week of November. The audio recordings will then be sent to a committee who will determine the top musicians in northern Nevada!  Now is the time for your students to begin working on the music for this audition. The auditions sneak up on us every year!

Have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, September 25, 2017

Update Time...

Dear Parents,

This week, I'm announcing some changes to help the band program run more efficiently. I also have the profit from our car wash fundraiser.

Car Wash
Congratulations to all who participated in this year's car wash fundraiser! We had the car wash on a chilly Saturday Morning with several hard-working students from the Advanced Band. We raised a record $1,840 in profit!  We couldn't have done this without all the wonderful parent volunteers who donated time and materials to make this car wash a success.

A Few Changes
I think it's safe to say that this year's switch to block schedule has had an affect on all of us in one way or another.  As a teacher, it has put a noticeable strain on me. Working with record enrollment combined with seeing your students half as often presents a few challenges.  My goal is to streamline things a bit so I can put more focus into what matters most: your students. After researching some ideas, we are going to switch some of our routines up a bit: 
  • Practice logs will now be due every 2 weeks. They will still be submitted online during class time, and due by 3 PM on Friday. This will also allow them more time to put focused effort into their practice goals.
    • Due this Friday, September 29: Concert Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band
    • Due next Friday, October 6: Beginning Bands
  • Playing tests will always take place if the class meets on a Friday.  
  • Make-up playing tests will be allowed up to the time of the next test. Once a new playing test occurs, the score your student earns from the previous test will be final. Within that window between playing tests (typically 2 weeks), students are always welcome to replay the test during lunch or after school for a better score. 
  • I highly recommend that students always practice on days that they do not have band.  This step should help your student retain everything learned in class so less time is spent in class reviewing and reteaching. This should also help them focus time and effort on their other academic classes so their grades don't suffer.
Adjusting these items will open up considerably more time for me to get to the most important part of our time together in class: getting to know and work with your kids and helping them become great musicians. They will also have more time to cover all the goals in their practice charts.

Marching Rehearsals
Marching rehearsals continue every Tuesday!  Advanced Band can already play through the entire parade piece from memory, and Intermediate Band should be able to play the entire song with minimal mistakes by Friday. Students in Concert Band are invited to join and give marching band a shot. We rehearse every Tuesday from 2:30-4:30 PM.

Honor Band
Advanced Band students received honor band audition music last week. Students in Concert Band and Intermediate Band are welcome to copies of this music, and may practice it once they've mastered the content in their practice charts. Auditions will take place in mid-November.

Fall Concert
Can you believe our fall concert is only 1 month away?  We will have our concert on the evening of October 25 in the gym. I'll have more details next week.

If I have any additional updates, I'll let you know. Have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, September 15, 2017

A Week of Firsts...

Dear Parents,

This past week was a big week in terms of what your students were able to accomplish. We had our first playing tests, submitted our first practice logs, and either accomplished our first notes or our first songs. Students are also selling tickets for their first band fundraiser of the year.

Jazz Band just finished learning their 2nd song of the school year, and they're moving on to harder music next week! We are also happy to have several new "recruits" trying out the trumpet parts. They will audition into the band shortly and we will have an even more swingin' group!
Advanced Band is well on their way to memorizing Tribute to America. They have also received their first song for the fall concert. With how well they're playing, we are just about ready to begin tackling Nightmare Before Christmas!
Concert Band relearned their first 5 notes with a good tone, as well as basic rhythms. Some students are moving ahead and others are getting extra help from me. This band is coming together and shaping up to be a fine group.
Intermediate Band has finished their first playing test, and they are starting the process of learning Tribute to America. I have also handed them their fall concert music, and they are making decent progress.
Beginning Bands have been introduced to their first 3 notes, and have just completed their first ever playing test! I'd say that in another week, they will be ready for their first song. Keep practicing!

Marching Rehearsals

After school marching rehearsals continue for Intermediate and Advanced students on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4:30 PM. Students in these groups are expected be at all rehearsals. Also, students in Concert Band are invited to sit in and check out the music. If they do not wish to learn the music, I have positions available for banner carriers and flags in the back. If they want to march, I will do my best to include them.

Marching Rehearsal/Parade Schedule
September 19, 2:30-4:30
September 26, 2:30-4:30
October 3, 2:30-4:30
October 10, 2:30-4:30
October 17, 2:30-4:30
October 24, 2:30-4:30
October 28: Nevada Day Parade
November 7, 2:30-4:30
November 11: Veterans Day Parade
November 14: 2:30-4:30 PM
November 21: 2:30-4:30 PM
November 28: 2:30-4:30 PM
December 2: Sparks Christmas Parade

Parades are our biggest events in terms of audience and publicity. We always strive for perfection in everything we do, and as a result, we have an outstanding reputation. Last year, we even had a clip of us featured on the news!

Car Wash: September 23
The car wash will be held from 9 AM-2 PM at Grocery Outlet. Spread the word, and check your email to see how you can sign up to help.

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, September 8, 2017

Practicing and Fundraising

Dear Parents,

This week's newsletter includes an intro to practicing, our first fundraiser, and our upcoming rehearsals.


I get it...many students do not like to practice. It's like musical homework! Yuck!

The key to successful practicing is consistency! Helping your child set aside a regular, dedicated time for practice over these initial months of band can have a dramatic effect on their trajectory as a musician!

Practicing at home ensures their success. It's expected that they take their instruments home whenever possible (preferably daily), have their music out with their practice log right next to it, and go through all the goals for each day.  If they cannot take their instruments home daily, my room is always open at lunch so they can come in and work on their goals. Our mission is for them to always learn our parts at home so they can learn how everything fits together during class.  

If you haven't heard music at home yet, please ask your student how practicing works.  I also encourage you to take a minute, sit down with your student, and ask them what they need to practice this week.  Ask them to show you their music and show you how their instrument works. Your interest and support at home will go a long way towards their success.

Also, every two weeks we'll have in-class playing tests. They will play an excerpt from what they've practiced over the week and I will score them on certain goals (correct notes, rhythm, articulations, dynamics, etc). The more consistent they are at practicing, the better they'll do on their in-class tests, and the better they'll be as a band.  All students are always welcome to come in and redo a playing test for a higher grade. 

I will also be open each day at lunch and after school most Wednesdays for extra help. They are always welcome to come in and work on their music, even if they do not have any specific questions for me. 

Car Wash Fundraiser

Advanced Band students have been sent home with 5 car wash tickets each and all other classes except concert band have been sent home with 2 car wash tickets each. The car wash is on September 23 from 9 AM-2 PM at Grocery Outlet. The money raised from this annual CMS Bands tradition goes towards offsetting fees for those needing financial assistance and the Intermediate/Advanced/Jazz Band's spring trips. 

Upcoming Rehearsals/Events
September 12: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM (Intermediate and Advanced Band; optional for Concert Band)
September 19: Marching Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM (Intermediate and Advanced Band; optional for Concert Band)
September 24: Car Wash Fundraiser at Grocery Outlet, 9 AM-2 PM.

That is all for this week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, September 4, 2017

Getting Started...

Dear Parents,

Two weeks down and a much-needed 3 day weekend behind us! It's time to announce our first after school rehearsals, update you on your student's class progress, and introduce practicing, a skill that students will use for the rest of their lives in music.
    Class Progress

    Jazz Band has reviewed fundamentals, including the blues scale and sight reading. They have their first two songs and are off to a solid start.

    Advanced Band is off to a great start, but is that a surprise to anyone? We have reviewed fundamentals, sight read the parade piece, and began introducing marching. Once again, this band is destined to be one of the best bands in the state of Nevada if they work as hard as I know they can!

    Concert Band is reviewing fundamentals.  There's a lot to remember: sitting properly, breathing, pressing down the right keys, maintaining a proper embouchure, listening while watching the director, all while making sure that the tongue starts the note properly. As I said before, best kids ever!  Students need to have their instruments and books by September 5, unless other arrangements were made with Mr. Jacques.

    Intermediate Band is in the process of reviewing fundamentals and reacquainting themselves with their instruments. This class is the "melting pot" of the band program, with students in all 3 grades and students from several different schools. Once everyone is caught up and at the same level, the sky's the limit for this group!

    Beginning Band is learning how to put together their instruments, put them away, take care of them, sit properly, breathe correctly, hold instruments correctly, play their first note, and practice...phew! There's a reason why it's a proven fact that students who are in band are the best kids ever!  Students need to have their instruments and books by September 5, unless other arrangements were made with Mr. Jacques.

    After School Rehearsals
    • September 5: 2:30-4:30 PM, Percussion Workshop. This is open to any percussionist (yes, even beginners!) and we will introduce students to the exciting world of rudiments and other rhythmic fun.  Intermediate and Advanced Band percussionists will be tried out on the various marching instruments and audition for their favorite instrument in the parade.
    • September 12: 2:30-4:30 PM, Marching Band Rehearsal for Intermediate Band and Advanced Band. These rehearsals will continue on a weekly basis (always on Tuesdays) until the Nevada Day Parade. Concert Band members are invited to come watch or participate.
    Practice Logs Begin

    Students will be familiarized with practicing this week, with the first practice assignments beginning on Thursday/Friday. At CMS, their practicing is based on goals accomplished, not minutes practiced. This means that their time may vary from as little as 10 minutes to as much as 30+ minutes, depending on what each student needs. They will have an online practice log to complete on their last class of the week, and they will always have laptop time during band if they choose to use it. There is also extra credit available if they practice every day. They will get more information on this next week, but if you want a sneak preview, click "This week's practice assignment" link on the CMS Bands homepage.  I will update these by the end of the week.

    That is all for now!

    -Mr. Jacques

    Sunday, August 27, 2017

    A New Beginning...

    Dear Parents, 

    We are just about ready to start making music, but before we do that, I wanted to take a moment and share this information with you.

    Everything you need to know about band program will be posted on and updated regularly.  Here's a rundown of band fees, required materials, and important due dates. 

    Every student is responsible for providing the following as soon as you are able: 

    1) Class Contract, signed by both parent and student. 
    2) Required Fees for your student's ensemble.
    3) Optional Fees: 
    • School Instrument Rentals
      • $100 to rent through CMS, applications due ASAP (we are almost out of instruments)
      • You may rent through a local music store, and may of them have "rent-to-own" programs. A complete list of local music stores is available online.
      • If you order an instrument online, please talk to me first so I can help you with price/quality of instruments available.
    *If any of these fees create a financial hardship on your family, I accept late payments and we can even work out payment plans. 

    Every student is responsible for providing the following supplies by Tuesday, September 5:

    1) Instrument
    2) Band book: Sound Innovations (make sure to get the book that matches your instrument) 
    3) Portable Music Stand (for practice at home) 
    4) Pencil (keep a pencil in your instrument case, we will use them daily!) 
    5) Accessories for individual instrument: 
    • Flute -Cleaning rod (normally included with instrument) -Swab for rod (any rectangular piece of cotton is fine) -Polishing cloth 
    • Clarinet/Saxophone -Reeds (1 box, Rico brand- minimum size 2.5) -Cleaning Swab -Cork Grease -Neck Strap (sax only) -Polishing cloth (sax only)*
    • Trumpet/Baritone -Valve Oil -Slide Grease -Polishing Cloth*
    • Trombone -Slide Cream/Oil -Mini Water Spray Bottle -Polishing Cloth*
    • Percussion -Bell Kit for practicing at home (I have a limited supply available for rental), drum sticks.
    *I have limited quantities of reeds, cork grease, valve oil, and slide cream available for sale. Students may purchase these items through me if it is difficult for you to make it to a local music store.

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions. I check it regularly throughout the week.  I look forward to working with you all!

    -Mr. Jacques

    Friday, August 11, 2017

    CMS Sneak Peak

    Dear Students and Parents, 

    You are receiving this email because your student is signed up for Beginning Band at Carson Middle School.  My name is Nick Jacques and I'd like to welcome you to our school's award-winning band program!  With over 200 students registered for band this year, we have record enrollment and this year promises to be the best year yet.  I have a few quick items I would like to share with you as we approach the first days of school:
    • The band room will be open during the CMS Sneak Peak, and I welcome you all to come in and meet me!  Times are Wednesday, August 16 from 4-6 PM for 6th grade students, and Thursday, August 17 from 4-6 PM for 7th and 8th grade students.  I will also be collecting fees, selling method books, and accepting instrument rental applications during this time. 
    • Absolute Music will be renting instruments and other supplies in the band room on Wednesday, August 16, during the 6th grade Sneak Peak, for your convenience.  Feel free to come visit them, even if you are in 7th or 8th grade.
    • Our website is I also post a weekly band newsletter, and you'll receive an email each time it's updated.  Feel free to take a minute and read through the following pages between now and the first day of school. The answers to many of your questions will be found here:
    • I also have a limited number of school-owned instruments available for a low price of $100 for the entire school year ($75 for those on free or reduced lunch). I will have rental applications available at the Sneak Peak. Those who wish to rent high-demand school instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, percussion) will be given priority based on financial need. School instruments will be distributed by Friday of the first week of school. Those who do not get a school instrument will be fully refunded and offered additional time to obtain one from a local music store.
    • Jazz Band auditions will continue during the first week of school. If your student is interested, we will meet each day at 7 AM (Jazz Band's class time). We will finish auditions by Friday, August 25 and have the final roster posted over that weekend. Keep practicing!
    • We need parent help! If you're interested, let me know during Sneak Peak.
    If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to ask. I look forward to meeting you all at Sneak Peak!

    -Mr. Jacques-

    Saturday, June 3, 2017

    That's All, Folks!

    Dear Parents,

    We did it!  Another outstanding school year is in the books.  I wanted to first talk about promotion:
    • This year, approximately 100 band students performed at promotion.
    • Every year, I time the performance of Pomp and Circumstance, and it has ranged between 6 and 15 minutes. This year's was 14 minutes, and the students never sounded tired. 
    • Everybody helped out with cleaning and organizing the band room, saving me hours of time.
    I have NEVER had such a GREAT sounding band at promotion.  When we performed some festival music at the end of the ceremony, the 7th grade Advanced Band members were sight reading!  Oh, did I mention that these were all 6th and 7th graders??  The future looks very bright for our band program!

    To all the 8th graders: Don't think I forgot about you!  You played Star Wars extremely well, and the thunderous applause at the end is proof of that.  Your hugs, positive comments, and genuine excitement made me even more sad to say goodbye.  But again, don't think of it as goodbye. Think of it as "See you later!" It has been quite a journey seeing you all grow both as human beings and musicians. Best of luck at CHS!

    Hair We Go

    Each year's Advanced Band is different. What sets this year's band apart is how quickly they were able to learn music. In February, I made a deal with them. After Bandorama, we had only 2 weeks to learn 3 new songs for our band festivals. Usually, we have over a month, and it pushed this band harder than any other band I've had. As a result, the deal was that I'd dye my hair blue if they were able to earn straight "superior" ratings at the festivals. Well, they did just that. As a matter of fact, they were 1 of only 3 schools to earn "superior" ratings at that festival.  I am so happy that they did well and that I was able to live out the promise I made with them.

    The "before" and "after" shot by our very own band parent and stylist, Tracy Caraway, as she gives me a look that you'll never be able to un-see!

    The 3rd annual Jazz Camp begins on Wednesday, June 7!  We still have spaces available. The explorer's session will introduce jazz to any student on any instrument. The ensemble session is for experienced jazz musicians. I have a fun set planned, including "25 or 6 to 4," "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy," and "Soul Bossa Nova," as well as 1-2 other songs. Sign up now, and pay registration on the first day of camp. See you Wednesday!

    Thank you for a great year, everybody.  Parents: I could not have done all this without you. Have a great summer!

    -Mr. Jacques-

    Sunday, May 21, 2017

    Spring Trip 2017

    Dear Parents,

    This update is a chance for you to all get a glimpse into what we do during our annual spring trip. Of course, to truly experience it, your student has to be there. Keep striving for the best in music and your student will experience an opportunity like this in middle or high school.

    After a full day of school, we departed at 3:30 PM and enjoyed a scenic drive through the eastern Sierra, arriving in Anaheim around 1:00 AM.

    We slept in and woke up to a perfect day for a beach party. Kids roasted hot dogs, s'mores, and swam in the ocean. For some, this was their first ever time seeing the ocean!
    The Band
    The band, plus all chaperones and siblings
    After the beach time, we went to Cerritos College to rehearse and have a clinic compliments of Dr. Betancourt, director of bands. 
    Dr. Betancourt working with the band
    Our day concluded with a pizza dinner and swim time at the hotel.

    We woke up bring and early, heading to Dale Jr. High for a performance with Mrs. Urquidez, my first band director who taught me how to play alto saxophone when I was 9. We played for her band, she played for my band, we played a few songs together, and then we sight read each other's music! 
    The combined band
    Me and my first band director, Mrs. Urquidez!

    After that, it was off to the park for even more fun! Students and parents spent the day together and rode rides, ate delicious food, drank lots of water, and used gallons of sunscreen! We then went backstage and performed our soundtrack clinic. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to take photos. Students sight read through 3 songs and then listened to their masterpieces behind actual film clips!  

    This day was perhaps the most amazing of them all. The day began warm when we checked out of the hotel, and it only got hotter as it went on. As I was having lunch, I opened up this good omen: 
    As I told the nervous students: if they did their best, they'd make me proud. Well, they did just that! The performance on stage was incredible, despite the high temperatures and windy conditions. I absolutely mean it when I say that THEY COULD NOT HAVE PERFORMED BETTER!
    Check out the temperature immediately after our performance! 
    The performance is on our facebook page, so feel free to like our site and enjoy the concert for yourself! They handed us a plaque backstage and the guide told the band that they were one of the best behaved groups she has ever had. She also said that their performance made her day, and they are  amazing musicians. We will be invited back next year! All we have to do is submit their phenomenal performance to Disney Performing Arts. They presented us with a plaque and we were free to enjoy the rest of the day at the park. 
    Even with warm temperatures and the parks at capacity, the students and parents still had a blast. We left at 11 PM for the overnight return trip and got home just this morning. 

    Thank you so much to all the parents for supporting this trip. From paying for your student, to chaperoning, to donating items, it wouldn't have been possible without you. We were able to give the students a top-notch experience that they will never forget. 

    Look for another update tomorrow with reminders about this week's concerts. We will end the year on a very positive "note." 

    -Mr. Jacques