Sunday, March 29, 2020

Reflecting on March Madness...

Dear CMS Band Families,

It was a month ago that I wrote a newsletter update with the title "Leaping into March Madness" as a way to say that March gets pretty busy. Little did we all know what we were truly in for.  I have to say that I am finding myself quite sad that I cannot teach. During a time of year that's usually filled with events, I feel it even more.  I miss your kids dearly and I hope they are doing okay at home.


I will hold Zoom lessons at the following times this week:
Concert Band: Monday and Wednesday from 10:00-10:30 AM
Advanced Band: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00-10:30 AM
Intermediate Band: Monday and Wednesday from 11:00-11:30 AM
6th Period Beginning Band: Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00-11:30 AM
7th Period Beginning Band: Monday and Wednesday from 12:00-12:30 PM

All students in all classes will meet on Friday from 10:00-11:00 AM to wrap up the week.

Several students expressed confusion with the PDF I posted and mistakenly completed that assignment when they didn't have to. Please only ask for a PDF assignment if your student is unable to practice or access a computer.  Here is the preferred assignment:

Practicing + Flipgrid Recording - Students will practice for at least 30 minutes for the week and complete the practice survey on Friday. They will then record themselves playing through one of their pieces on Flipgrid while listening to a backing track through their headphones. Directions will be posted in Google Classroom on Monday and I will walk students through this process in Zoom.  I will then take all these recordings and edit them together to create a virtual band performance!

Alternative assignment: Practicing, EdPuzzles, and Quizizz - If students cannot get Flipgrid up and running or they're struggling with the tempo in the baking tracks, students will practice for at least 30 minutes for the week and complete the practice survey on Friday. Then, students will have an assortment of videos with questions in EdPuzzle, as well as some quizzes (through a program called "Quizizz"--not a typo). Detailed instructions will be posted in Google Classroom.

Just a reminder: students do not need to complete Flipgrid AND the alternative assignment. These assignments are due on Friday at noon.

Finally, just a reminder that we now track attendance weekly. Students are to communicate with each of their teachers at least once per week. Any communication through Zoom, practice surveys, or emails will count towards their weekly attendance requirement.

Are we beginning to get the hang of this new normal? It has been a learning curve for us all. We as teachers are constantly adjusting and adapting to do what is in the best interest of you and your students.  Thank you so much for your patience as we work to smooth things out. I appreciate you all!

-Mr. Jacques-

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