Friday, February 28, 2020

Leaping into March Madness...

Dear Parents,

March Madness, a saying that most of us relate to basketball, definitely means something different when it comes to next week in our music world. When I was a college student at UNR, both of these worlds collided for a couple of magical weeks when the band played at basketball games.  Since our team did well, we also traveled with them to the NCAA tournament. We were always excited to travel to new and exciting places together as a band.  No, I was never excused from all the midterms and projects I left behind while traveling, but those experiences are my best memories from college.

This week, many students will have performances, and they will have their first taste of these experiences making great music with good friends. Between our performances and the end of quarter 3, next week is a big one! Here's everything you need to know:

March 1: Capital City Community Band Concert - This event will include our school's Clarinet Choir and Percussion Ensemble, along with other youth groups. The Capital City Community Band hosts this annual concert as a salute to young musicians. The concert begins at 3 PM in the Carson City Community Center.  Extra credit for all students who check in with me at the end of this concert!

March 3: Jazz Extravaganza Concert - All money from presale tickets is due back to me by Tuesday morning, March 3.  CMS Jazz Band and the Mile High Jazz Band put together a joint concert to benefit our music program.  This concert begins at 7 PM in the Carson City Community Center and tickets are just $10. Students ages 18 and younger are free! The Mile High Jazz Band donates all the profits from this concert to the CMS Jazz Band. Click here for the flyer.

March 6: Advanced Band at Washoe County Band Festival - As the only bands who perform here from outside of Washoe County, this festival is an amazing educational experience for our students.  The Advanced Band performs at 2:40 PM in Nightingale Concert Hall at UNR.  Click here for the flyer.  Please email me if you can chaperone.

Just 1 more week until grades are due for quarter 3.  Many students have been making up tests. Some students have been so determined that they have improved by as many as 3 letter grades in just a week!  This is proof positive that all our students will be successful if they put their minds to it.  Just a few more notes about grades:
  • I will update all grades by Sunday night, including citizenship. 
  • Students will have until Thursday, March 5, make-up or re-take any missing playing tests. Students may retake tests for me in class, after school, on SmartMusic, or recorded at home and emailed to me.
  • I will be available after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 3:30 PM for any students who wish to practice, receive help, or re-take tests. There will be no Percussion Ensemble or Clarinet Choir this week. 
The next payment is due on March 15. This date is also the cut-off for any refunds.  Please let me know if you need any financial assistance or extra time to catch up on payments.  
  • Intermediate and Concert Band: Full payment of $180 is due on this date.
  • Advanced Band: Payment #4 of $125 is due on this date.  
Save the date!  Band-O-Rama is on March 26, and is mandatory for all groups. More information to follow after next week. 

Here's to a successful busy week in March, where 2 months of hard work during quarter 3 begins to pay off in amazingly musical ways. Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Jacques-

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