Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wrapping It Up...

Dear Parents,

The spring trips and spring concert are behind us, and what a performance our bands had! We are now wrapping up the school year with final playing tests, Advanced Band auditions, and various uniform/instrument check-ins.

The 2019 Spring Trip took place last weekend and students had the time of their lives. Advanced Band performed in California Adventure on Thursday, and Jazz Band performed in the park on Saturday. Both bands performed with a local middle school where I first learned how to play saxophone as a 4th grader. We also had a clinic with Dr. Betancourt, the director of bands at Cerritos College. Along with making amazing music, students had a beach party, pool party, and 2 days in the theme parks to make memories that will last a lifetime.  A special thank you to all chaperones who helped make this trip so successful!  I uploaded pictures from this trip at the bottom of this post.  I also have live streams of both group's performances on our Facebook page: Carson Middle School Bands.

On Tuesday, all bands participated in their final concert of the school year. I am proud of all the students and all the groups for their fantastic performance. If you were unable to attend, a recording of this entire performance is also on the CMS Bands Facebook page. I am proud of all the musical accomplishments of our students this year, and the spring concert celebrated everything that took place, from successful fundraisers, to successful festivals, and everything in between.

On Wednesday, I assigned a final playing test to all students in all classes. The link to this assignment with all the directions is at the top of this page. This will also be your student's final week of official citizenship grades.  I will begin finalizing grades next week, and will leave just 1 grade left for some groups: 8th grade promotion.

On June 5, 6th and 7th grade students from Intermediate and Advanced Band will perform for the 8th grade promotion.  This is mandatory for students in those bands and optional for all others. In addition, 8th grade students in Advanced Band will set up their instruments before lining up for promotion. During the ceremony, they will be invited to go to their instruments to perform 1 final song with the band.  Call time will be 12:30 PM in the band room. The ceremony begins at 1 PM and the students will be dismissed once all instruments and borrowed uniform items have been returned.

Advanced, Intermediate, and Jazz Band students will need to clean and return all machine washable uniform parts by Monday, June 3.  Keep all washed items hung up in the garment bag separate from the dry clean only items.

All students must return their school-owned instruments on Wednesday, June 5 unless they are participating in Summer Pops or Jazz Camps.

Is your student wishing for more band after the school year is over? Wouldn't it be great to only have band each day and not have to balance it out with 6 other classes?  Well, you're in luck. I'm pleased to announce the inaugural Capital City Summer Pops! This ensemble will be put on by the Capital City Community Band and conducted by Mr. Jacques. Students will learn fun movie themes, marches, and pop selections. Rehearsals will be June 11-14 and 18-21 from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM each day, with a concert on the afternoon of Sunday, June 23. This camp is open to anyone who has been a member of their school's band program. For more information and to register your student, CLICK HERE.

Are you also interested in a summer jazz band opportunity? Well, don't feel left out! The 5th annual Jazz Camp is also on June 11-14 and 18-21, and meets from 8:30-10:00 AM each day. Jazz Camp students must have at least 1 year of playing experience on their current instrument. No prior jazz band experience is necessary.  Students will also have the opportunity to be in both Jazz Camp and the Summer Pops bands.  For more information and to register your student, CLICK HERE.

Again, congratulations to all groups on fantastic festival performances, trips, and of course, the spring concert!  Thank you for helping me close up shop for the summer.  Enjoy the pictures from the spring trip!

-Mr. Jacques-

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