Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The 7th Inning Stretch...

Dear Parents,

I posted a similar update a few years ago and I think it's time to repost it: With baseball season officially in full "swing," I've recently started thinking of a school year as being similar to baseball.  What do they have in common?  Well, just like a game has 9 innings, the school year has 9 full months.  There are ones that are filled with quite a lot of activity, and others that are rather quiet.  Being that it's spring break, I realized that we also get our own "7th inning stretch," which, might I add, seemed very necessary for both the students and their director!

Spring break is a great time to recharge and refresh. As easy as it is to forget about practicing, this time is also great for revisiting music-related responsibilities at a more relaxed pace.  All classes have new songs and all classes have their final festivals and concerts of the school year right around the corner. With less than 2 months to go, it's going to be a whirlwind finish to what has been a truly wonderful school year. Here's a list of the rest of the year's events as I know them:


April 26: Reno Jazz Festival, 10:05 AM performance
April 30: Northern Zone Beginning Band Festival, 11:10 AM performance
May 1: Northern Zone Jazz Night, 6:00 PM performance
May 11: Intermediate Band Spring Trip
May 15-19: Advanced Band and Jazz Band Spring Trip
May 21: SPRING CONCERT - Mandatory for all ensembles
June 5: 8th Grade Promotion; mandatory for all 6th and 7th grade band members.

Is your student wishing for more band after the school year is over? Wouldn't it be great to only have band each day and not have to balance it out with 6 other classes?  Well, you're in luck. I'm pleased to announce the inaugural Capital City Summer Pops! This ensemble will be put on by the Capital City Community Band and conducted by Mr. Jacques. Students will learn fun movie themes, marches, and pop selections. Rehearsals will be June 11-14 and 18-21 from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM each day, with a concert on the afternoon of Sunday, June 23. This camp is open to anyone who has been a member of their school's band program. For more information and to register your student, CLICK HERE.

Are you also interested in a summer jazz band opportunity? Well, don't feel left out! The 5th annual Jazz Camp is also on June 11-14 and 18-21, and meets from 8:30-10:00 AM each day. Jazz Camp students must have at least 1 year of playing experience on their current instrument. No prior jazz band experience is necessary.  Students will also have the opportunity to be in both Jazz Camp and the Summer Pops bands.  For more information and to register your student, CLICK HERE.

Last week, students should have submitted their video practice log. If your student received a grade of "0," it's not too late and they can turn it in late through April 22 for up to half credit.  Students also earned their weekly participation points for being prepared and actively participating in their rehearsals. I also updated citizenship last Friday.

I hope your students are enjoying spring break. I miss them already and cannot wait to see them all back on April 23.

-Mr. Jacques-

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