Thursday, January 31, 2019

Calm before the storm...

Dear Parents,

With our first wave of after school rehearsals and performances coming up, along with preparations for our biggest fundraiser of the year kicking into high gear, we are truly in the calm before the storm. Coincidentally, our current weather pattern looks to be pretty similar. Talk about timing! We are also just a few weeks away from Chili Bingo Night, with the raffle portion of the fundraiser beginning on Tuesday.


All classes will have their weekly rehearsal, practice log, and citizenship grades posted by Friday afternoon. There are playing tests on Friday for students in Jazz Band, Beginning Band, and Concert Band. Good luck to all students as they prepare for next week's student-led conferences!

After school activities really begin to pick up next week for certain students. On Thursday and Friday, all non-honor band students will have a substitute teacher. They will be playing both days. There will be no practice logs next week.

Feb. 5: Jazz Band rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
Feb. 6: Chili Bingo Night planning meeting, 7:00-8:00 PM
Feb. 7: Honor Band rehearsals, day 1, 7:15 AM-4:30 PM
Feb. 8: Honor Band rehearsals, day 2, 7:15 AM-10:00 PM
Feb. 9: Jazz in the Schools Performance, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

CHILI BINGO NIGHT - Date changed to March 1
If you thought the popcorn fundraiser was big, just wait! Chili Bingo Night is our largest fundraiser of the year. In fact, we raised $10,000 last year that went towards the storage we have today, along with helping many students pay for their spring band trips. Throughout the last month, many parents were hard at work securing donations from area businesses. On Tuesday, students will receive a list of donated items, along with raffle tickets to sell.  I will have more directions in a few days once we officially launch the event. Any parent interested in helping with this event is invited to our Chili Bingo Night planning meeting on Feb. 6 at 7:00 PM.  Without parent help, this event simply would not be possible. We appreciate all that you do!

Have a "super" weekend (get it?) and I'm looking forward to our "kickoff" of Chili Bingo Night fundraising next week!

-Mr. Jacques-

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