Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November News...

Dear Parents,

I have a short, but information-packed update that includes an update from the Dolan Auto Group fundraiser, a new practice method, and some fun events.

Thank you to everyone who voted and spread the word about our Dolan Auto Group class project! They are giving us $5,000 to go towards new cabinets for instruments and uniforms. The presentation of the check will take place during Advanced Band sometime this week.

This month, we are trying a new practice method. Rather than having weekly practice charts, students are going to have weekly playing tests in class.  The playing tests will take place on Wednesday-Thursday. Material will be chosen from things the band has rehearsed in class during the week.  Students will use all the practice strategies learned from the online practice charts and apply those to specific items discussed in class that day. If you ask your student, "What are you supposed to practice tonight?" they should have a specific song and specific sections marked. If they reply with, "band music," you may want to remind them to pay more attention in class. :)

This performance is mandatory for all Intermediate and Advanced Band students.  During class on November 8, these students will join the choirs for a special performance at CMS for area veterans. They'll be released from class at 8:45 AM And return by 10:15 AM. If you would like to come watch, the concert begins at 9:00 AM.  Concert attire is the royal blue band t-shirt with khakis, black pants, or jeans.

VETERANS DAY PARADE - November 11 at 11:30 AM
This performance is mandatory for all Marching Band students.
On November 11, the Marching Band will participate in the Veterans Day Parade.  We are entry #17 and the first band!  Call time is 8:00 AM (new time), the parade begins in downtown Reno at 11:30 AM, and students are typically back home and dismissed by 1:00 PM.  As always, we need volunteers to help this event run smoothly.  Please sign up here!

Honor band auditions will take place on the week of November 26. I will continue signing up students this week. We have two more sectionals planned:

  • Flutes: Wednesday at lunch.
  • Percussion: Wednesday from 2:30-4:30 PM

LOOKING AHEAD: Winter Concert
The winter concert is on December 18 and begins at 6:00 PM in the CMS Gym.  Be sure you save the date for this event, which is mandatory for all students in all groups. This event will also include a bake sale. Students may decorate their instruments or wear holiday-themed hats, and the entire evening is a lot of fun.

Have a great rest of your week!

-Mr. Jacques-

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