Monday, October 22, 2018

Busy Week...

Dear Parents,

Just a couple more days until the fall concert! I'm going to break down the details of the fall concert so you and students have a smooth and rewarding evening of music.

The fall concert is on Wednesday, October 25, at 6:00 PM in the CMS Gym. This performance is mandatory for all band students. Here is the itinerary:
  • 2:30 PM - Concert Band dress rehearsal in the band room, followed by dinner (for Concert Band and stagehands only)
  • 5:15 PM - Band room opens for all others. Students will leave cases and tune their instruments here before heading to their seats in the gym.
  • 5:30 PM - Call time for Beginning Band and Concert Band, seated and ready to warm up in gym
  • 5:30 PM - Call time for Marching Band members in the band room; change into uniforms in band room.
  • 5:45 PM - Call time for Intermediate Band and Advanced Band with instruments in gym bleachers (east side).
  • 6:00 PM - Concert Begins with Beginning Band, followed by Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, and Jazz Band.
  • 7:15 PM - Approximate end of the concert. Beginning/Concert Band students will help clean up and Intermediate/Advanced Band students will change out of their uniforms.
  • 7:30 PM - Approximate time students will be dismissed. 
Just a reminder--this performance is mandatory for all students.  As a performance-based class, the concerts are a major portion of your student's grade. In the band room, there will be a sign-in sheet, as well as a sign-out sheet. Students will sign in before call time and sign out after they have finished putting everything away. Just a reminder: students will stay for the entire length of the concert. 

Concert Dress
Wearing the proper uniform items are essential to a successful performance. Here's what each class will wear to the fall concert:
  • Beginning Band, Concert Band, Intermediate Band (not in marching band): Blue polo (provided by band fees), black dress pants, black socks, black dress shoes. Students in these ensembles may wear a Halloween costume as long as it is school-appropriate and does not affect their ability to play their instrument properly.
  • Marching Band (including everyone in Advanced Band): Complete marching uniform (provided by band fees), black socks, black marching shoes. 
  • Jazz Band: Students will wear what they wore in their primary ensemble. 
  • We are waiting for a few extra small size polos to arrive. If your student is waiting for their shirt, they may wear their own navy blue SSA shirt if they wish.
  • If your student has paid their fee since polos were distributed a few weeks ago, they may pick them up after 5:15 PM in the band room. 
A few other things
  • While the other bands perform, students will sit as an ensemble on the bleachers on the opposite side of the parents with their instruments/music. 
  • Students in the bleachers will be practicing effective concert etiquette. 
  • Once again, students will stay for the entire concert and sign out after they put things away.
Just a few reminders about the Nevada Day Parade:
  • 7:30 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms, take a photo, and load the bus
  • 8:45 AM: Arrive at staging area on Long Street and warm-up.
  • 10:00 AM: Parade begins.  Entry number is 67.
  • Approx. 12:00 PM: Return to CMS to change.
  • Approx. 12:30 PM: Dismissal.
Just a reminder: This event is mandatory for all Marching Band students. Students have received a handout with information. Click here to read it.

We also need parent volunteers! Click here to volunteer

After school marching rehearsals continue for Intermediate and Advanced Students on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4:30 PM. I am also including optional honor band rehearsals that will take place during the week of Halloween.

Honor Band
Students in all ensembles except Beginning band were offered copies of the honor band audition music. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students. Simply practicing the audition page with their practice strategies will make them better musicians. I encourage all students to take advantage of the after school help (if your student's instrument is not included on an after school sectional, I'll work with them at lunches). With my schedule being as full as it is, this will be the only times that I'm able to offer sectionals, so we highly recommend that your student attends.

October 30: Honor Band saxophone sectional, 4:30-5:30 (after marching rehearsal)
October 31: Honor Band trumpet sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 1: Honor Band clarinet sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 2: Honor Band flute sectional, 2:30-4:00
November 7: Honor Band percussion sectional, 2:30-4:30

The auditions will take place in my office during the 2nd and 3rd week of November. The audio recordings will then be sent to a committee who will determine the top musicians in northern Nevada!  Now is the time for your students to finish working on the music for this audition. The auditions sneak up on us every year!

Let's have an amazing, musical week!

-Mr. Jacques-

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