Tuesday, February 6, 2018

1 month down, 4 to go...

Dear Families,

That's right--one month of the spring semester is already behind us!  Read below to see photos from last week's events, class updates, grade news, and upcoming events.


Thank you to everyone who made the 15th annual Jazz Extravaganza a success! We raised $950 for the CMS Jazz Band program, much of it going right back to students to help cover their spring trip participation. 


Honor Band took place on February 1-2 in Fallon.  The CMS students were well-prepared and showcased outstanding musicianship.  The percussion section also left quite an impression on the guest conductor, who ended up inviting them to Day of Percussion at UNR! Well played, Honor Band students!
Here are the 19 students from CMS who showcased the very best in middle school music.
Nichole Heglund, guest conductor, was thrilled to work with the students!


Jazz Band is working hard to make the 3 songs they'll be performing at Saturday's Jazz in the Schools event even cleaner. They have a video playing test on Big Band Theory due by Thursday night.  Those who do not complete the video will play it in class on Friday.

Advanced Band is plugging away at their Bandorama music, which is virtually ready to perform.  That means one thing: an early start on festival music!  They have a video playing test on When Summer Takes Flight due by Sunday night.  Those who do not complete the video will play it in class on Monday.

Concert Band is working on playing confidently and practicing smart.  Are they using a metronome at home? They've received positive sub notes and I'm happy to see them making the most out of band.  They have a video playing test on Saturn, the Sixth Planet due by Sunday night.  Those who do not complete the video will play it in class on Monday.

Intermediate Band received negative sub notes, so I'll work with them on making correct choices, team work, etc. I am confident that they will make it right next time.  They have a video playing test on Kilauea due by Sunday night.  Those who do not complete the video will play it in class on Monday.

Beginning Band A is working on quicker recall with note names, rhythms, and other basics. We are also working hard to help them practice smarter.  Are they using a metronome at home?  They have a video playing test on Battle Command due by Thursday night.  Those who do not complete the video will play it in class on Friday.

Beginning Band B is working on the same practice, note name, and rhythm strategies as Beginning Band A.  This class is struggling with consistent practicing. Are you hearing your students practice every day? Are they using a metronome?  If not, I'm open at lunch every day and I'm happy to work with them at any time. They have a video playing test on Battle Command due by Thursday night.  Those who do not complete the video will play it in class on Friday.

5th Period Music is working on their percussion unit. I'm looking forward to giving them their first song next week. In the meantime, they've been tested on note names, rhythms, and basic drum stick grip.


Practice logs are due this Friday, February 9. Those who do not turn them in on time will receive a "0." Since this is a cumulative report of 2 weeks worth of practicing, it's impossible to make up the time if students miss it. There's no secret to success in the band world. "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

Video playing tests are due on Thursday night or Sunday night, depending on the class.  Students will record from their Chromebooks and submit it on Google Classroom. Students may record it as many times as they want before the due date, submitting their best take whenever they're ready. They may also submit at lunch.  If they do not complete this, they will play in person on Friday or Monday. 

When I was out last week for honor band, students took quizzes on note names, rhythms, and other music basics. Students will have a chance to retake these quizzes next week if they're unhappy with their scores.


February 10: Jazz in the Schools at UNR (Jazz Band)
March 2: Day of Percussion at UNR (optional event)
March 15: Band-O-Rama (ALL GROUPS)
March 15: Washoe County Band Festival (Advanced Band)

Stay tuned for information on our Chili Bingo Night fundraiser.  The fun begins this Thursday!

-Mr. Jacques-

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