Friday, September 4, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect

Dear Parents,

As we all head into a much-deserved 3 day holiday weekend, I thought I'd update you on your student's progress, as well as introducing practicing, a skill that they will use for the rest of their lives in music.  Here's how each group is doing:

Jazz Band is well on their way towards learning their first piece of the year, as well as improving over the blues scale.  I could still use more trombone players, but all the other sections are in really good shape!  I will be auditioning the percussion section later this month.  I appreciate everybody's diligence in making it on time to a 7 AM rehearsal.

Concert Band is reviewing fundamentals.  There's a lot to remember: sitting properly, breathing, pressing down the right keys, maintaining a proper embouchure, listening while watching the director, all while making sure that the tongue starts the note properly.  There's a reason why it's a proven fact that students who take music are the best kids ever!

Intermediate Band has learned most of their parade piece, and it's week 3!  They have also played their first test and learned how to march.  We had 75% attendance at our last marching rehearsal and their enthusiasm is contagious!

Beginning Band has learned how to put together their instruments, put them away, take care of them, sit properly, breathe correctly, hold instruments correctly, play their first note, and...they have began learning their second and third notes. As I said kids ever!

Advanced Strings has learned their first song, and they received two more to begin working on over the weekend.  They're fundamentals are really strong, so they sky is the limit with them.

Advanced Band could put on a concert and sound really great on their parade piece.  They took their playing test for chair placements and are eagerly awaiting the results to be announced Tuesday.  Their next step: memorization.  They will also receive the Star Spangled Banner to learn next week.  They're off to such a strong start.

Beginning Strings has learned the parts of their instrument, instrument care, posture, playing position, their open strings, and note names.  They also successfully performed their first playing test.  Next up for them: their first songs.

Practicing - Young Groups

Students will begin practicing today.  I have given Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Beginning Strings a sheet that maps out everything they need to do.  Feel free to look this over with the kids.  I'll be sending out a digital copy soon if they ended up misplacing them.  They will have an online practice log to complete between September 10 and 11. They will get more information on this next week, but if you want a sneak preview, click the practice log link on the CMS Bands homepage.

Practicing - Experienced Groups

For Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, and Advanced Strings, practice logs will be very similar to last year.  The only difference is that it is goal-based and not time-based.  Students are free to practice as long as it takes to complete their weekly goals, even if it's less than 100 minutes total.  Please ensure that they still have their instruments home for at least 4 days.  Practice logs will be submitted online between September 10 and 11 on the CMS Bands homepage.

That is all for now.  Enjoy your long weekend!

-Mr. Jacques-

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