Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Concert Week

Dear Parents,

After 2 months of setting classroom procedures, teaching students how to practice, giving them their first playing tests, and getting to know your students, it's time for the fun part: concerts!

Grades Wrap-Up
Quarter 1 grades wrapped up on Friday. Students had several weeks of practicing, a few playing tests, weekly participation, and weekly citizenship. If their grade is an A or B, your student has achieved mastery overall with practicing, participation, and performing.  Great job!  If their grade is a C or a D, they are close, but either have low playing test scores or low practicing scores.  These students can easily earn an A or B by the end of the semester.  Students with an F have not practiced or made up playing tests. Once they make up their playing tests and improve their practice habits, they will easily earn a C or higher by the end of the semester.  Log into Infinite Campus to see your student's official quarter 1 grade in band.

Nothing is due this week, and students will have their concert on Wednesday night, which is worth 30% of their overall grade in band.

Fall Concert
Our Fall Concert is on Wednesday night! Please read this section carefully:
  • Call time is 5:45 PM for Beginning Band and Concert Band, seated in the gym.
  • Part 1 begins at 6:00 PM
  • Call time is 6:45 PM for Intermediate Band, Jazz Band, and Advanced Band, seated in the gym.
  • Part 2 begins at 7:00 PM
  • Students must either wear their blue band polo with dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes, or their Halloween costume.  Halloween costumes must not interfere with their ability to play their instrument properly.
We will have a table with shirts for sale. If you have not yet paid your band fees, we will also collect those at this table.  Thank you to Rachel, Evelyn, and Connie for volunteering to run this table. 

This concert is mandatory for all band members and it's a major rite of passage in their music education.  It will be a rewarding and fun evening for everyone.

Nevada Day Parade
The Nevada Day Parade is on Saturday, October 26, and is mandatory for all Marching Band members.  Click here for the Nevada Day Parade letter, which has important information for all Marching Band members and their families.

Watching the parade and want to cheer us on?  We are entry #30, and I predict that we will be working our way down Carson Street between 10:30 and 11:00 AM.

Nevada Day Concert
As some of you may already know, I'm the director of the Capital City Community Band.  This band has been in existence since 1978 and was founded by a former teacher of the CMS Band program, Mr. Doede.  This band is performing on Saturday at 2:00 PM at the Legislative Mall Amphitheater. I am offering extra credit to all students who attend and check in with me at the end of the performance.  This concert is absolutely free and I invite you and your families to attend immediately following the parade.

Sierra Band Crusade
On November 9, the University of Nevada is hosting the Sierra Band Crusade, Nevada's state marching band championships.  Every year, I invite 30 Marching Band members and watch the competition with me.  I will be giving all interested marching band members a handout on Tuesday afternoon. The cost for the trip is $5 for students and $10 for chaperones. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to see what marching band at the high school is all about.

Veterans Day Parade
On Monday, November 11, the Marching Band will also be performing in the Veterans Day Parade.  We just received word that we are entry #18 and we will be marching down Virginia Street in downtown Reno around 11:30 AM.  I will have a handout with more details available to the marching band following the Nevada Day Parade.

That is "all" for this week.  I look forward to seeing you at our fall concert and other events in the next few days.  Let me know if you have any questions.

-Mr. Jacques-

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