Monday, May 20, 2019

The final events...

Dear Parents,

What a year it has been!  What started with record enrollment has become a huge year with very successful students.  We will celebrate all their successes at our annual spring concert, which is so big this year that we're holding it in multiple parts. Read below for more information.


Our CMS Band spring concert will be on Tuesday, May 21 in the CMS Cafeteria.  Attendance is mandatory for all groups.  New this year: we will have 4 mini-concerts.  Students are required to attend their portion of the concert and may stay for any other portion that they would like.  Here are the performance details:

5:30 – Call time for Beginning Band and Concert Band in band room
5:45 - Beginning Band and Concert Band take stage
6:00 – Part 1: Beginning Band and Concert Band
6:00 – Call time for Intermediate Band in audience
6:25 - Percussion Ensemble, Intermediate Band takes stage
6:30 – Part 2: Intermediate Band
6:30 – Call time for Jazz Band in audience
6:55 - Clarinet Choir, Jazz Band takes stage
7:00 – Part 3: Jazz Band
7:00 – Call time for Advanced Band in audience
7:25 - Advanced Band takes stage
7:30 – Part 4: Advanced Band

8:15 – Approx. end of concerts. Please help clean up cafeteria before going home to celebrate!

Students will receive full credit for being in their correct concert dress, showing up on time, being prepared, and having professional performance and audience etiquette. We will also be celebrating the successes of all our students at each concert by presenting awards. 

Students will have until May 30 to make up any tests or complete their final. This year's final will be posted on Google Classroom by Wednesday morning, and it will be due at the end of the day on Thursday, May 30. With the exception of the 8th grade promotion performance, this will be your student's last grade. Students auditioning for Advanced Band or Jazz Band must complete it as a video in order to be considered. 

Band students who are not graduating will participate in 8th grade promotion on June 5 at 1:00 PM. This event is mandatory for all 6th and 7th grade band members. Call time will be immediately after school in their blue band polos and black dress pants. Students will be dismissed as soon as everything has been returned to the band room and any school instruments are turned in.

Is your student wishing for more band after the school year is over? Wouldn't it be great to only have band each day and not have to balance it out with 6 other classes?  Well, you're in luck. I'm pleased to announce the inaugural Capital City Summer Pops! This ensemble will be put on by the Capital City Community Band and conducted by Mr. Jacques. Students will learn fun movie themes, marches, and pop selections. Rehearsals will be June 11-14 and 18-21 from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM each day, with a concert on the afternoon of Sunday, June 23. This camp is open to anyone who has been a member of their school's band program. For more information and to register your student, CLICK HERE.

Are you also interested in a summer jazz band opportunity? Well, don't feel left out! The 5th annual Jazz Camp is also on June 11-14 and 18-21, and meets from 8:30-10:00 AM each day. Jazz Camp students must have at least 1 year of playing experience on their current instrument. No prior jazz band experience is necessary.  Students will also have the opportunity to be in both Jazz Camp and the Summer Pops bands.  For more information and to register your student, CLICK HERE.

That's it for now. See you all on Tuesday evening.

-Mr. Jacques-

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