Monday, October 8, 2018

Fall Events

Dear Parents,

Please read the entire newsletter carefully for important information about all our upcoming events, including honor band auditions. We are now just a couple weeks away from our first major events of the school year!

FALL CONCERT - October 24 at 6:00 PM
The fall concert is a mandatory performance for ALL BAND STUDENTS! Beginning Band will amaze you with everything they've learned in just 2 months. Concert Band has a completely new and improved sound from when you last heard them play. Students will also hear the exciting progression of ensembles with Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, Marching Band, and Jazz Band performing.
Click here for the concert flyer

NEVADA DAY PARADE - October 27 at 10:00 AM
This performance is mandatory for all Marching Band members.  Here is our schedule and entry information:
  • 7:30 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms and load the bus
  • 8:45 AM: Arrive at staging area on Long Street and warm-up.
  • 10:00 AM: Parade begins.  Entry number is 68.
  • Approx. 12:30 PM: Return to CMS to change.
  • Approx. 12:45 PM: Dismissal.
Click here for the parade flyer
Click here to volunteer

Optional: Nevada Day Concert
At 2 PM on Saturday, October 27, the Capital City Community Band will be performing a free concert at the legislative Mall. This outdoor amphitheater is located across the street from The Fox.  I am taking over as the new director and invite all students to come listen to some great music.

Optional: Sierra Band Crusade
On Saturday, November 3, Marching Band students have the option to take a trip to Reno to watch the Sierra Band Crusade, which is the Nevada state marching band championships. I will accept the first 30 students who bring me their $5 fee. Parents are encouraged to take the bus with us and chaperone this fun day of music.

This performance is mandatory for all Intermediate and Advanced Band students.  During class on November 8, these students will join the choirs for a special performance at CMS for area veterans. If you would like to come watch, we perform at 9:00 AM.  Concert attire is the royal blue band t-shirt with khakis or jeans.

VETERANS DAY PARADE - November 11 at 11:30 AM
This performance is mandatory for all Marching Band students.
On November 11, the Marching Band will participate in the Veterans Day Parade.  I will have more information shortly, but call time will be 8:30 AM in the band room, the parade begins in downtown Reno at 11:30 AM, and students are typically back home and dismissed by 1:00 PM.

Students in all ensembles were offered a chance to audition for honor band.  Honor Band is a group of the top band students in Northwestern Nevada.  All interested students have been given an audition sheet with several excerpts that they will learn. Auditions take place in November, and students will sign up to have me record a performance of their audition. A panel of musicians will listen to these recordings and determine who has made it into the band. Typically, CMS band students make up 1/4 to 1/3 of the entire honor band!

We are holding an after school practice session for all interested students on Wednesday from 2:30-4:30 PM.  We encourage all interested students to attend a fun afternoon where they will learn this music.


Beginning Band learned their first 5 notes and read through their fall concert songs on Friday. This week, it's on to the fun part of making these songs sound great!
Concert Band has their 3 songs that they will perform for the fall concert. We are on to cleaning these songs and helping students learn how to practice them so they sound wonderful at the concert.
Intermediate Band has a total of 4 songs. Two of them will be played with the Advanced Band and eventually be performed at the Veterans Tribute Concert. The other two will be performed by the Intermediate Band only.
Advanced Band also has a total of 4 songs, including the two songs they're learning with Intermediate Band for the Veterans Tribute Concert. The other two will be performed by the Advanced Band only. One of them is a selection for their spring band festivals, and the other is a selection they'll play for their spring Disneyland trip.
Jazz Band received another song on Friday and sight read it so well that I am confident they can knock your socks off by performing it at the fall concert. They are on their way to great things!
Marching Band is able to play through their memorized parade song, but several students are still working on memorizing the rough spots. We are also hard at work to improve how the marching looks. Are they practicing marching at home while they practice?  We will continue rehearsals on Tuesdays until 4:30 PM.

That's all, folks! Let me know if you have any questions.

-Mr. Jacques-

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