We have had 3 festivals in the past 8 days, and the results are impressive! There is one more band festival on Tuesday, followed by a bit of a break in performances until our spring concerts on May 22 and 23. The Advanced Band and Jazz Band will have their spring trip on May 16-20 with additional rehearsals after school to help them prepare. Auditions for next year's ensembles will take place after the spring concerts.
Festival #1: Music in the Parks Festival
On April 21, the Intermediate Band and 14 Concert Band members participated in the first spring trip for this ensemble. These students were well behaved and worked so well together as a team. Not only that, but they took home "Excellent" ratings, 1st place in the middle school band division, and the Esprit De Corps award. Only one of these awards is given at the festival, and our kids definitely earned it! In addition, the Nevada Appeal ran a nice story about the band, including a link to help support the students whose instruments were stolen that night. Take a look here: https://www.nevadaappeal.com/news/carson-middle-school-band-deals-with-hardships-wins-awards/
Festival #2: NZNMEA Band Festival
On April 25, the Concert/Intermediate band classes combined to perform as a mass band at our festival. This was the sixth year that we've hosted the area middle schools, and once again, the students brought their "A" game. The combined Concert/Intermediate Band earned 2 "Excellent" ratings (II+) and the Advanced Band earned 2 "Superior" Ratings (I+). This is the 6th consecutive year in which the Advanced Band earned unanimous Superior ratings, and the 3rd consecutive year that they were "I+" ratings, the highest form of a "superior" rating possible. In the recorded comments, one of the judges said the following at the end of our performance: "I have nothing to say. You guys are awesome!" To leave a judge speechless is incredible. A huge thank you goes out to the parents that helped run this festival, as well.
Festival #3: Reno Jazz Festival
On April 27, the Jazz Band performed in their biggest festival of the year and took home their highest ratings in the history of the band! They earned 2 "Superior" ratings and 1 "Excellent" rating. At a festival that attracts about 30 middle schools from all over the west coast, they rated higher than about half the participating schools. You can see it for yourself with this comparison chart of all the participating schools.
May 1 - Festival #4: Northern Zone Beginning Band Festival
This is our final festival of the year (phew), taking place on May 1 at Silverland Middle School in Fernley. All eligible students from Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Handbells are attending. They will take turns performing with other area middle school groups, and they perform at the following times:
- Beginning Band: 9:20 AM
- Concert Band: 10:00 AM
- Handbells: 10:40 AM
For more information, see the link for the handout on the top of this page.
Advanced Band Rehearsals/Spring Trip Prep
These rehearsals are mandatory for all who are participating on the spring trip on May 16-20. Those in Advanced Band that are not going on the spring trip should also plan to attend.
- May 1, 2:30-4:30
- May 8, 2:30-3:45
- May 10: 2:30-4:30
- May 14: 2:30-4:30
- May 15: 2:30-4:30
- May 15: Spring Trip Meeting/Uniform Check, 4:30-5:30 PM
May 22 - Spring Concert, Part 1
This is the final concert of the year where students will perform their spring music and celebrate all the major accomplishments over the school year. The concert begins at 6:00 PM and the following groups perform:
- Handbells
- Beginning Band
- Concert Band
May 23 - Spring Concert, Part 2
This is the final concert of the year where students will perform their spring music and celebrate all the major accomplishments over the school year. The concert begins at 5:30 PM and the following groups perform:
- Jazz Band
- Intermediate Band
- Advanced Band
After these spring concerts, there will be final practice logs, a final playing test, and auditions for the Advanced Band/Jazz Band classes for 2018-2019. More information on these items later in May. Have a great week!
-Mr. Jacques-
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