Monday, November 13, 2017

Onward and Upward...

Dear Parents,

Before I discuss upcoming events, I wanted to take a moment and share last week's successes with you.

UNR Brass Quintet Clinic
On November 8, the UNR Brass Quintet performed for and worked with Concert Band.  These college students are working on becoming music educators and they put on a wonderful show for our students.  The students in Concert Band were incredible hosts.  One of the members of the ensemble shared this: "The Nevada Manzanita Brass Quintet had an awesome gig at Carson Middle School!  I've never been so inspired or loved by a group of over-enthusiastic 6th graders in my life!" Way to make such a positive impression on these soon-to-be music educators!

CMS Veterans Concert
On November 9, Advanced Band performed as part of the Veterans Tribute Concert in the cafeteria. They received many compliments from fellow parents and teachers about their sound and their behavior in the bleachers. They were role models for all the students in attendance, and their positive behaviors did not go unnoticed.  I posted a video of this performance on our Facebook page.  

Veterans Day Parade
On Saturday, the Marching Band performed in downtown Reno, marching up Virginia Street as they played Tribute to America.  This is the 4th time we've marched in this parade, and the 4th time we have made it in the news!  Here's a picture of us from the Reno Gazette-Journal:
The band performed alongside Reno High School's band while waiting for the parade to begin!
We also made it on KTVN's lead story for a 3rd year in a row! Check it out here!  Congratulations on a job well done!

It's time for individual class updates!

Jazz Band is hard at work on their 4 selections for the winter concert. They'll have a playing test on Friday. Practice logs are also due on Friday.
Advanced Band is making final preparations for the honor band auditions, as well as beginning the process of learning all their winter concert and assembly tour selections. Those not auditioning will still be performing the honor band music as a playing test by Friday.  Practice logs are also due on Friday.
Concert Band is working on building confidence as they work into more challenging music. They will have their first video playing test to record on Google Classroom, and practice logs are due on Friday.
Intermediate Band is also working on building confidence with more challenging music. They will have their first video test, as well, on Google Classroom. Practice logs are due on Friday.
Beginning Bands are building on the basics and beginning to work on their first piece of sheet music. They had a playing test last Friday, and students may come in at lunch to improve their scores. Practice logs are due on Thursday.
CTE Music has learned their first song on handbells!  They have also made it to their purple "recorder karate" belts, with only 3 more belts to go. 


November 14: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
November 21 (new): Advanced Band Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
November 28: Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
December 1 (new): Advanced Band Empty Bowls Rehearsal/Concert, 2:30-6:30 PM (details forthcoming)
December 2: Sparks Christmas Parade, All Day (details forthcoming)

Thank you for keeping your student on track with everything at home. Onward and upward!

-Mr. Jacques-

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