Friday, August 11, 2017

CMS Sneak Peak

Dear Students and Parents, 

You are receiving this email because your student is signed up for Beginning Band at Carson Middle School.  My name is Nick Jacques and I'd like to welcome you to our school's award-winning band program!  With over 200 students registered for band this year, we have record enrollment and this year promises to be the best year yet.  I have a few quick items I would like to share with you as we approach the first days of school:
  • The band room will be open during the CMS Sneak Peak, and I welcome you all to come in and meet me!  Times are Wednesday, August 16 from 4-6 PM for 6th grade students, and Thursday, August 17 from 4-6 PM for 7th and 8th grade students.  I will also be collecting fees, selling method books, and accepting instrument rental applications during this time. 
  • Absolute Music will be renting instruments and other supplies in the band room on Wednesday, August 16, during the 6th grade Sneak Peak, for your convenience.  Feel free to come visit them, even if you are in 7th or 8th grade.
  • Our website is I also post a weekly band newsletter, and you'll receive an email each time it's updated.  Feel free to take a minute and read through the following pages between now and the first day of school. The answers to many of your questions will be found here:
  • I also have a limited number of school-owned instruments available for a low price of $100 for the entire school year ($75 for those on free or reduced lunch). I will have rental applications available at the Sneak Peak. Those who wish to rent high-demand school instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, percussion) will be given priority based on financial need. School instruments will be distributed by Friday of the first week of school. Those who do not get a school instrument will be fully refunded and offered additional time to obtain one from a local music store.
  • Jazz Band auditions will continue during the first week of school. If your student is interested, we will meet each day at 7 AM (Jazz Band's class time). We will finish auditions by Friday, August 25 and have the final roster posted over that weekend. Keep practicing!
  • We need parent help! If you're interested, let me know during Sneak Peak.
If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to ask. I look forward to meeting you all at Sneak Peak!

-Mr. Jacques-

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