Sunday, March 16, 2014

Festivals, festivals, and more festivals

  • Orchestra students received top honors at the Washoe County Orchestra Festival  
  • The jazz band plays at the honor jazz concert Monday night at 7 PM in the Community Center.
  • The NZNMEA Band Festival is this Thursday at the Community Center.
  • The Washoe County Band Festival is next Thursday, March 27, at Damonte Ranch High School.
  • Bingo Chili Night planning is coming along smoothly, and is still a go on March 28 from 6-8 PM.
Orchestra Festival Results

A HUGE congratulations to our CMS String Orchestra, who earned two "superior" ratings and one "excellent" rating at the Washoe County Orchestra Festival.  As a reminder for how festival ratings work, "superior" ratings are the highest honors given out by judges, whose job is to listen to and critique the ensemble.  I will set up a link to their performance once I upload their songs to YouTube.

Honor Jazz Band Concert - March 17
The CMS Jazz Band will be performing in the Community Center on Monday night at 7 PM.  Call time for students is 6:15 PM in full concert dress.  We will be performing with 4 other area jazz bands, as well as the high school honor jazz band.  Come support our fine musicians as we represent our school.

NZNMEA Band Festival - Thursday, March 20
This festival is fast approaching!  All details are available HERE.  I will be sending out an email with specific parents who have volunteered at specific spots, plus a list of students who will be with us for the entire day.  As a reminder, Beginning and Concert band members need to meet at the Community Center by 7:30 AM with instrument, music, and full concert dress. Copies of the schedule and details for each band have been sent home. You can also view a schedule of all participating schools HERE.

Washoe County Band Festival - March 27
This festival is still scheduled to take place as planned, and details are available HERE.  Copies of this have been sent home with advanced and intermediate band students. I still have room for up to 5 chaperones who would enjoy traveling with us on the bus.

The Reno Bighorns reached out to us and is wanting to donate money to the band program by holding a fundraiser at their game on Saturday, April 5.  For every $8 ticket we sell, the band will receive $4.  I have handed out flyers to all students and I will update this with further details as I receive them.  

Students have begun selling tickets for the annual bingo/chili night scheduled for March 28.  Tickets will be a dollar each and all they need to include is the name, phone number, and raffle item wanted on the back of each ticket.  Each student is required to sell at least 10 tickets, but they may sell as many as they want. Last year, our top sellers each sold over 600 tickets.  There will be prizes for the top sellers.

After School Rehearsals
The next groups and times for after school rehearsals are as follows:
Intermediate Band: Wednesday, March 19 from 2:30-3:00.
Advanced Band: Wednesday, March 19 from 3:00-4:30.
Intermediate Band: Monday, March 24 from 2:30-4:00.
Advanced Band: Wednesday, March 26 from 2:30-4:00.

Calendar of Events

March 17: Jazz Band Concert, Community Center, 6:15 PM Call Time
March 20: NZNMEA Band Festival, All Bands, see flyer for specific times
March 27: Washoe County Band Festival, Damonte Ranch High School, 12:00-5:15 PM (Intermediate and Advanced Band)
March 28: Bingo Chili Night, CMS Cafeteria, 6-8 PM (Advanced Band plus any other volunteers)
April 5: Reno Bighorns Game, Reno Events Center, 7:00 PM

Practice Logs
Students will continue to turn in practice logs by submitting them online through a Google form. The link can be found on the front page of, your student's Edmodo account, or right here:   All band and orchestra members MUST turn in a practice log during each of the following three weeks in order to remain eligible to perform at their respective music festival.  Please practice specific sections of all festival pieces as we discuss each day in class. 

Students will have the option of submitting practice logs on their devices during the last few minutes of class on Tuesdays.  

-Mr. Jacques-

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