Dear Parents,
Thank you to everybody who attended the winter concert on December 12. Our students are truly talented and they showed amazing effort. For those of you who want to see any videos of the performance, I have uploaded some recordings from the concert to YouTube. The following links will get you to some of your band's songs.
Beginning Band:!beginning-band/c17o
Concert Band:!concert-band/c1lr2
Intermediate Band:!intermediate-band/c1qq8
Advanced Band:!advanced-band/cozj
Jazz Band:!jazz-band/c1mgv
Marching Band, from Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade:!marching-band/cdhn
Also, thank you to all the parents who helped in any capacity, especially with set changes, supervising kids, and running the bake sale. Please email me if you would like me to excuse your student from leaving the concert early so that I can adjust their grade. I completely understand that the concert went long and some of you or your students had other things to do. For our spring concert, I am considering doing two concerts on separate days: one at the Governor's Mansion and another in the CMS cafeteria. Our program is growing, and this will allow us to better feature all the students. They will be held sometime in May.
Spring Trip Payment
Although the first spring trip payment was originally due Monday, December 16, I am extending the deadline to Monday, January 20. If you wish to still pay early, feel free!
Calendar of Events
January 7: Spring Trip Meeting, CMS Band Room, 6:30 PM
January 27: Honor Band Pre-Rehearsal, Carson HS, 4:30 PM
January 28: Jazz Extravaganza, Community Center, 7:00 PM (jazz band only)
February 1: Jazz in the Schools, UNR, All Day (jazz band only)
February 20-21: Honor Band in Fallon, All Day
March 8: Solo and Ensemble, Carson HS, All Day
March 17: Jazz Band Concert, Community Center, Times TBA
March 20: NZNMEA Band Festival (all groups except strings)
One final reminder: Practice sheets are due on Tuesday! After this week, I will be reworking practice sheet procedures. Although I still ask students to start practicing their new festival music, no practice sheets will be required during winter break.
Finally, I'd like to with everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy the valuable time off with your students, and I look forward to hitting the ground running in January after a restful break. Festival and honor band season is right around the corner!
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