Please read this carefully as there are several important announcements and updates that apply to each ensemble.
CONGRATULATIONS to Advanced Band!! Disneyland officially accepted our audition and we will be performing a concert in the park on May 9 or 10. I am still working out more details, including finding park hours, setting performance times, determining final costs, and seeking approval from the superintendent. We will have a spring trip meeting for all advanced band parents on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 6:30 PM in the band room.
Our marching band will now be performing at the Reno Veterans Day Parade! We are no longer going to Virginia City. It is an exciting change because it will not be as cold, the parade is a little shorter, and we will be playing in front of thousands of people. Call times and an itinerary should be available after Oct. 23.
New Event: Sierra Band Crusade. This event is the Nevada State Marching Band championship, held on Saturday, November 2, at Mackay Stadium on the campus of UNR. This is an optional event for any band student interested in participating in marching band at the high school level. They will get to see the finest marching bands in the area compete, including Carson High School. The cost of $15 includes admission and a pizza lunch. Since we only have one bus, I will only be able to accept the first 40 students and the first 8 chaperones who bring me money. I encourage you to take advantage of this excellent opportunity.
New Event: Beginning Band and Concert Band will be having a Fall Concert on Tuesday, Oct. 29. Thank you for giving me your input. We received unanimous support for this concert. Strings will not be participating in this concert. The call time for students will be 5:30 PM in the band room. The concert will start at 6:00 PM and we should be done no later than 6:45 PM. This will be a low-key concert that showcases the first two months of your student's music education at Carson Middle School. As such, concert dress will be your student's SSA, and we will be playing various pieces out of their method books and discussing how they progressed this fall.
October 18: Fall Football Game (optional for any band members). 5:30-9:30 PM
October 25: Nevada Day Rehearsal (mandatory for marching members). 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
October 26: Nevada Day Parade (mandatory for marching members). Times TBA
October 29: Fall Band Concert (mandatory for beginning and concert bands). 5:30-7:00 PM
November 2: Sierra Band Crusade (optional for any band member) 9:30 AM-5:30 PM
November 7: Veterans Assembly (during school for int/adv band, and parents are welcome!). 10:00-11:00 AM
November 11: Reno Veterans Day Parade (mandatory for marching members). Times TBA
*Practice Sheets due Tuesday* The first class with 100% turned in on time will earn the reward of no longer needing to fill them out.
Beginning Band: Essential Elements, #31-51
Concert Band: Essential Elements, #67-91; chromatic scale as discussed in class on Tuesday; clarinets: all "gorilla jumps"
Intermediate Band: Crazy Train, Honor Band music.
Advanced Band: Crazy Train, Honor Band music, Abracadabra, Chorale and Shaker Dance II.
Strings: D Major Scale; Essential Elements, beginning through #88; any new sheet music.
That's the news for this week! Take note of anything important and feel free to ask me any questions.
-Mr. Jacques
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