Saturday, January 25, 2020

Playing Tests

Dear Parents,

It's time for an update as we move through January and closer to our first performances of the second semester. I have some detailed and helpful information about playing tests through Smartmusic, and a change to how we will be practicing in the coming weeks.

Starting this week, students will receive more regular playing tests on portions of their Bandorama and band festival music in lieu of weekly practice grades (more info on this below). Students will record these tests through Smartmusic for a score. With many students and only 1 of me, this setup allows students to focus on instrumental growth at home so we can focus on group pieces in class. This program also listens to your student and helps them fix mistakes.

  1. Make sure you have practiced the piece with “Mr. Jacques' Practice Tips” first. 
  2. Click on “Assessment” up in the grey area.
  3. Click “Calibrate Mic” to make sure your microphone is working properly (if you get scores that don’t seem correct in the future, sometimes the mic is the problem.  Try using headphones with a built in microphone or a different computer.  Sometimes, rarely, a separate microphone is needed and can be purchased directly from Smart Music).
  4. Tune your instrument.  If your instrument is not in tune, you will not get a good score (excludes percussion/keyboard percussion).  
    1. Go to the Smart Music assessment page and click on “Tuner”.
    2. Use the information you learned in class tune your individual instrument. 
    3.  In band we use “Concert Pitch” to describe the note we want everyone to play.  Usually we use the concert pitch “Bb”, which is what flutes, trombones, baritones, and mallet percussion will play (though you don’t need to tune mallet instruments).  Clarinets and trumpets will play an open C and saxophones will play G, but the tuner will read “Concert Pitch Bb”. 
    4. Read the needle on the tuner and figure out which way to adjust your instrument.
    5. After you’re all tuned and have practiced the piece several times, you’re ready to try testing. 
  5.  Mute “My Part” so the computer doesn’t test itself.  Remember, you’re trying to get better at your instrument, not just learn how to “beat the system” 
  6. Mute “Accompaniment” so it’s not hearing itself and giving you bad scores.
  7. Turn the metronome to about half volume.  Again, we don’t want it grading itself and this has been a big issue, especially during the rests.
  8. Click on “Assessment”.   Drummers click “Perc./Clap Mode”.
  9. Press the “Record” button and play the piece.
  10.  Look at your score and see if you’ve reached 90% or above.  If you didn’t reach 90% or above, DO NOT SUBMIT the song unless it's the due date and you've done your best.  You haven’t reached a performance ready level and probably need to go back to your “Mr. Jacques' Practice Tips” to figure out what is wrong. 
  1. Click “Save” to save your score.
  2. If you didn’t get 100%, try a few more times to see if you can perfect your performance a bit.
  3. When you are satisfied with your score (above 90%), click on the arrow in the box of scores and select the one you want to submit.

    1. Click on the notes that turned up red.  Click the bottom left of the note to make sure you have the fingering correct.  Click the bottom right of the note to make sure the note coming out of your instrument is the note you hear.
    2. Click the “Playback” button (blue arrow with red dot) to hear a recording of yourself.  Can you identify what is wrong?
    3. Are you playing the rhythm correctly?  Are you playing each note EXACTLY when the blue line reaches it?  Do you know your note names?  How about fingerings?  What about your embouchure (mouth position…are your cheeks puffed out, reed broken, etc.)?
    4. Make sure you’ve muted the accompaniment and maybe even the metronome.  This has been getting people very low scores when the computer hears itself.
    5. Try using a different microphone.  If you are blowing into an instrument with air, many students find the headphone/microphone combination helpful as this way you can listen to the music but it will only record your instrument.  Percussionists may consider trying a different external microphone that plugs into the usb jack.
    6. Contact customer service by clicking the HELP button.  Because this is new to me AND I cannot see your computer/settings/etc. AND I’m not an IT expert, it will help them understand the common issues and hopefully fix them sooner.
    7. If you continue recording and having difficulty getting a score above 90%, submit your best recording, leave a comment in the comment section how many times you practiced it AND EMAIL ME at to let me know you need me to listen and give you feedback.  If you do not email me, I will not know to listen to it. 

All assignments are due on Fridays. Due dates are posted in your student's Smartmusic assignments page.  Students who have earned lower than a 90% on any playing test may come see Mr. Jacques in person during lunches or after school until June 2. 

We are suspending the 30 minute weekly Smartmusic practice assignment until further notice. I have found that several students have been recording their time by pressing record and letting the song play on their computer without them. Since the purpose of practicing is to get better at playing instruments rather than cheating the system, we will be using the playing test procedure above to ensure that students are improving.  This week and next week, I will automatically accompany any playing test with a practice grade. Students will earn full credit by submitting a playing test by the due date.

January 28: Percussion Ensemble, 2:30-4:30
January 29: Clarinet Choir, 2:30-4:00
February 4: Percussion Ensemble, 2:30-4:30
February 5: Clarinet Choir, 2:30-4:00
February 6-7: Honor Band rehearses at Carson City Community Center
February 7: Honor Band concert at Community Center, 7:00 PM
February 8: UNR Jazz in the Schools Clinic

Please remember to check the calendar of events for all future events. Sometimes, these dates seem to sneak up on all of us and this will help us eliminate any "surprises." 

As always, let me know if you have any questions. 

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Short and Sweet...

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year!  This week's short-and-sweet newsletter includes information about how to access your student's financial statements, announcements about a couple special ensembles I offer, and our spring 2020 schedule of events.

Last Week's Playing Test
Students in periods 3, 4, and 5 performed playing tests to determine their new chair and part placements for the spring semester.  Students who are absent or did not have their instruments on the day of the test are responsible for taking this test so we can place them properly in the band.

Practice Routine
All students will have 30 minutes of practicing on Smartmusic due on Friday.  Here's an example of a successful practice routine students should be following at home:

  • 3-5 minutes: Warm-up - Long tong tones using a tuner, mouthpiece buzzing (brass), or steady eighth notes and sixteenth notes on practice pads or mallets (percussion). 
  • 5-10 minutes: Smartmusic - Students will use their computers and record themselves in Smartmusic playing through the assignments posted to each class.  Have extra time? Explore by working ahead in the method book.  This step will easily add up to their 30 minutes required by Friday if they follow it each day.
  • 10-15 minutes: Sheet music -  Students should be working on rough spots in their sheet music by slowing it down, playing small sections of it at a time, using a metronome, etc. Students should not rush through sections of music and repeat the same mistakes.  Perfect practice makes perfect!

I have finished the calendar of events for the spring semester.  You may find the calendar by clicking "Calendar" at the top of this page or clicking this link:

NEW!! You will now have access to your student's financial statements online!  For instructions on how to access your account, please click "Charms Parent Login Info" at the top of this page and follow the step-by-step directions.  For students that are taking trips in the spring, all the fundraiser profit from Chili Bingo Night has been applied, as well.  Receipts will now be digital, and you can print them out from this page, as needed.

*Advanced Band and Jazz Band parents: Please refer to the Spring Trip Flyer at the top of this page for important payment dates and other information.  Your next payment is due on Wednesday, January 15.

Percussion Ensemble is open to any percussion student in the band program. We will have an informational rehearsal/workshop on Tuesday, January 21. Rehearsals will continue on Tuesdays from 2:30-4:30 through March 4, with 2-3 performances occurring in March. I will have more information at the rehearsal next Tuesday.

Clarinet Choir is open to any clarinet player who is comfortable reading music and playing over the break.  We will have our first rehearsal on Wednesday, January 22, from 2:30-4:00. Raynell Heaton, clarinet player in the Capital City Community Band, will be running the Clarinet Choir, and we will have 1 performance in early March. I will have more information at their first rehearsal next Wednesday.

Have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-