Monday, May 25, 2020

Final Returns and Final Grades

Dear CMS Band Families,

I am about to approach my final week of teaching middle school band. What a year to be doing this.  We didn't have a final concert or any final trips, but we did have a wonderful 3/4 of a school year in person, followed by making a major and abrupt adaptation to a new normal for awhile. After dialing in lessons and figuring out what works best, I ended up with more students completing their work online than my best ever week of practice logs!  If we can succeed in music through distance learning, just imagine what we'll accomplish when we come back to playing in band classes! Even though things are rather tough right now, the future for our students is bright.

We have just 2 more days of returns:
  • 26-May T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z 9AM - 2PM
  • 27-May MAKE-UP 9AM - 2PM
Here are the reminders from last week:
  • School-owned instrument with all reeds and other personal items removed. Leave instruments lined up neatly by instrument type (this will be labeled) on the floor.
  • Complete uniform, cleaned, in garment bag (Advanced Band and Jazz Band). Hang your uniform on the garment racks in the hall. If you still have marching shoes, remove them from the garment bag and line them up against the wall.
  • Music folder with all personal music, flyers, and pencils removed (Advanced Band and Jazz Band). Return music folders to their assigned cubbies. 
Students who ordered special shirts may pick those up on their drop-off date or the make-up date this week. The shirts are just $10 and I will announce what we have left after Wednesday for those who did not pre-order the shirts.

I extended the Advanced Band and Wind Ensemble audition deadline to Monday, June 1. Results will be posted on June 3.

This week, students will complete a final survey, which will require them to log into InfiniteCampus and check their grade, look for low/missing scores, and tell me if there is anything they need to make up.  This survey will be due on Thursday, May 28, and counts as this week's attendance. All make-up work will be due on Monday, June 1.

I will have one more update early next week and we'll be finished with this crazy school year. Thank you for your flexibility and your willingness to try new things.  We're almost there!

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Return of the Items...

Dear CMS Band Families, 

This week, I have a couple of updates that include a timeline for instrument, uniform, and music returns, as well as our weekly assignments and auditions. 

The time has come for students to return to school and return any school-owned items and collect things from their lockers.  Here is what they need to return, along with some important directions:
  • School-owned instrument with all reeds and other personal items removed. Leave instruments lined up neatly by instrument type (this will be labeled) on the floor.
  • Complete uniform, cleaned, in garment bag (Advanced Band and Jazz Band). Hang your uniform on the garment racks in the hall. If you still have marching shoes, remove them from the garment bag and line them up against the wall.
  • Music folder with all personal music, flyers, and pencils removed (Advanced Band and Jazz Band). Return music folders to their assigned cubbies. 
Here is a list of the return times, sorted by last name.  Please be sure they make it to the band room during these times. If none of these times work, please contact me. 

18-May A, B, C 9AM - 2PM
19-May D, E, F, G 9AM - 2PM
20-May H, I, J, K, L 9AM - 2PM
21-May M, N, O, P 9AM - 2PM
22-May Q, R, S 9AM - 2PM
26-May T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z 9AM - 2PM
27-May MAKE-UP 9AM - 2PM

This week, students will complete another lesson on Peardeck. To receive full credit, students must finish the slideshow and complete the quiz. There will be $10 gift certificates to Absolute Music for the top scores! The assignment is due on Thursday night at midnight and the winners will be announced on our weekly Zoom show on Friday at 10 AM.

Our weekly Zoom session has become more of a "talk/game show" where we wrap up our week with fun conversation, virtual games, and even a pretend spring trip. I encourage all students to attend this fun and interactive show. This week's theme: Disney, in honor of our spring trip that would have been taking place starting tomorrow.  The Zoom show will take place Friday from 10:00-10:45 AM.  Parents, feel free to watch.

Virtual Advanced Band (grades 6-7) and CHS Wind Ensemble (grade 8) auditions are now up and running! There is no Jazz Band audition requirement this year.  I posted the audition instructions in Google Classroom, and they are due on May 29.

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe (and sane). Have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, May 3, 2020

New Week, New Lesson...

Dear CMS Band Families,

Back to it again! This week features a different kind of lesson and a change to the Zoom schedule.  I am also working on audition information and a schedule for when students can return to campus to return instruments, music, uniforms, etc.

This week's lesson is a complete re-design of what we've done in past weeks. All students will have 1 assignment: a slideshow that helps them review all music fundamentals and guides them through how to compose their own melody. All of the information is in a self-contained and interactive slideshow that automatically saves their work.  Since some of us are left with extra free time these days, I invite any parents to also check it out. Here's the link:

This assignment will be due on Thursday night, May 7. I will grade it on Friday morning. This will also double as their weekly attendance.

I will no longer be holding Zoom sessions on Monday-Thursday.  Instead, I will have an optional weekly Zoom meet-and-greet on Friday at 10:00 AM.  This session will be a fun place for us to all gather at the end of the week to share how we are doing.  I might also surprise students by playing games, reading to them, or who knows what else!

Auditions are right around the corner! I will post the audition information on Friday.  In the meantime, students should review their Band-O-Rama music and study all the scales they worked on in class through March. Audition will take place through Flipgrid, where students will video record themselves playing through the audition. For students who prefer to audition in person, we are tentatively planning to offer live auditions on the week of May 18 at CMS.

HIGH SCHOOL BAND INFO (8th grade parents only)
Here is what I'm currently planning for the high school band classes:
Jazz Band: No audition necessary this year.  This class is also during "0" period and is open to any student with prior jazz band experience at CMS.
Marching Band: No audition necessary. In high school, this is its own class. It meets on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from August-November. There will also be a mandatory band camp from August 3-7 and 10-14. We may also add a freshman-only orientation to band camp on Friday, July 31.  I will have much more information about this class in June.
Cadet Band: No audition necessary. Open to any student who just completed Beginning Band or any experienced student who wants to learn a secondary instrument.
Concert Band: No audition necessary. Open to any student currently in Intermediate Band or Advanced Band.
Wind Ensemble: An audition is required. This is the top-performing group at Carson HS, much like our Advanced Band at CMS.  I will post audition information shortly.

If reading this gave you more questions than answers, please feel free to email me and I will help guide your student to the correct class.  I will also know more once we finish the end of the school year and I've completed the transition over to the high school.

As of now, we are expecting to begin the process of returning instruments, music folders, and uniforms beginning on May 18. This will also be the time your student may visit their locker, return any library books, and pick up medicine from the nurse's office.  Once I have specific times, I will share that with you.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Spring Update

Dear CMS Band Families,

As you have all heard, we just received word from Governor Sisolak and the state superintendent of education that Carson Middle School is closed through the end of the school year.  This newsletter update outlines what I know about our new schedule and grading. As always, we may need to make some adjustments as we work together to navigate these new situations and conditions.

We are now on a "pass/fail" grading system.  Students with an overall semester grade of 60% or higher will receive a "P" at the semester, indicating a passing grade.  Students with an overall semester grade of 59% or lower will receive an "F" at the semester, indicating a failing grade. All weekly assignments completed before spring break will be re-assigned a grade of 100% if they were completed and "missing" if they were not. This week, students are responsible for completing the following by Friday at noon:

  • 2 assignments on Quizizz
  • At least 30 minutes of practicing on at least 1 play-along video.
  • Weekly survey
All these assignments are on Google Classroom. The weekly survey also asks students to report their band workload.  I will continue to make minor adjustments weekly to be sure that students do not become overwhelmed with the amount of online instruction we provide. 

We are also making a modification to the weekly schedule. Next week, I will maintain our Zoom video lesson schedule. Beginning on May 4, I will switch to providing pre-recorded video lessons that students can view on their own. We will also have no formal instruction on Fridays. This time will be used for teachers to lesson plan, collaborate, and finish grading. Next week, I will also provide Zoom office hours on Friday for any students who would like to visit with me, ask questions, etc. I will announce a formal outline of all this information once we are closer. As for this week, all assignments are due Friday at noon.

Once again, I will be operating my instrument supply kiosk in the parking lot adjacent to the district office.  I will be open from Thursday from 11:00 AM-12:30 PM. Please stay in your car.  *Note: I'm out of stock on alto saxophone cleaning swabs*

Please know that I miss your students dearly. I miss making music. I miss all the festivals and trips that would typically be taking place this time of year. Take this time as an opportunity to bond with your kids. If the workload is too stressful, take a break and let us know. We are here to support you, and we know that we will all emerge from this situation stronger and more resilient than ever.


Nick Jacques

Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Break Play-Alongs

Dear CMS Band Families,

We have made it through a few weeks of unprecedented times, and we have all adjusted to a completely different way of learning.  Now, it's time to take a step back and enjoy our spring breaks. Since many students will have more hours of free time than they may know what to do with (get those chores done!), I have put together a list of play-along tunes.  These videos have the notated parts, along with backing tracks, as well as videos of musicians playing the music so students can practice the proper techniques. This is meant to provide students with hours and hours of unlimited musical entertainment from home.


Have a wonderful spring break, and stay happy, healthy, and safe.

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, April 5, 2020

April Showers...

Dear CMS Band Families,

You know the saying, "April Showers brings May flowers." We are now on our 3rd week of distance learning and we have all discovered that this month will be spent at our homes, with the updated return time being after April 30. Hopefully the old saying will come true and we can all be reunited with a little bit of normalcy in May. We shall see. In the meantime, here is this week's plan, along with a minor attendance and grading update.

ZOOM VIDEO LESSONS - Students should attend at least one. Both are highly recommended. Below is the schedule.

I am also adding a little fun: Zoom theme days! Monday and Tuesday: Pet or Stuffed Animal Day. Wednesday and Thursday: Crazy Hat Day.

All students with internet access and instruments will complete the following lesson:
  • Practice anything for at least 30 minutes. I will also still accept Flipgrid videos.
  • Complete at least 1 Edpuzzle assignment while following along on your instrument.
  • Complete the end-of-week practice survey.
We are awaiting further guidance from the district and the state board of education about how grading will look. For now, band students will either earn a complete or a missing for their weekly assignments with no letter grade attached.  Once I have more details, this will change to a "pass/fail" or letter grades and I will make changes accordingly.

Finally, I'm going to clarify attendance and update you on the cutoff for attendance each week. Students earn attendance for the week by communicating at least once with their teachers in any given week. Acceptable forms of communication include email, Google Classroom, appearances on Zoom, or phone calls. My cutoff for attendance is 2 PM on Friday. Any late check-ins count for the next week of school. Thank you so much for your patience as we take this journey together. I appreciate you all!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Reflecting on March Madness...

Dear CMS Band Families,

It was a month ago that I wrote a newsletter update with the title "Leaping into March Madness" as a way to say that March gets pretty busy. Little did we all know what we were truly in for.  I have to say that I am finding myself quite sad that I cannot teach. During a time of year that's usually filled with events, I feel it even more.  I miss your kids dearly and I hope they are doing okay at home.


I will hold Zoom lessons at the following times this week:
Concert Band: Monday and Wednesday from 10:00-10:30 AM
Advanced Band: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00-10:30 AM
Intermediate Band: Monday and Wednesday from 11:00-11:30 AM
6th Period Beginning Band: Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00-11:30 AM
7th Period Beginning Band: Monday and Wednesday from 12:00-12:30 PM

All students in all classes will meet on Friday from 10:00-11:00 AM to wrap up the week.

Several students expressed confusion with the PDF I posted and mistakenly completed that assignment when they didn't have to. Please only ask for a PDF assignment if your student is unable to practice or access a computer.  Here is the preferred assignment:

Practicing + Flipgrid Recording - Students will practice for at least 30 minutes for the week and complete the practice survey on Friday. They will then record themselves playing through one of their pieces on Flipgrid while listening to a backing track through their headphones. Directions will be posted in Google Classroom on Monday and I will walk students through this process in Zoom.  I will then take all these recordings and edit them together to create a virtual band performance!

Alternative assignment: Practicing, EdPuzzles, and Quizizz - If students cannot get Flipgrid up and running or they're struggling with the tempo in the baking tracks, students will practice for at least 30 minutes for the week and complete the practice survey on Friday. Then, students will have an assortment of videos with questions in EdPuzzle, as well as some quizzes (through a program called "Quizizz"--not a typo). Detailed instructions will be posted in Google Classroom.

Just a reminder: students do not need to complete Flipgrid AND the alternative assignment. These assignments are due on Friday at noon.

Finally, just a reminder that we now track attendance weekly. Students are to communicate with each of their teachers at least once per week. Any communication through Zoom, practice surveys, or emails will count towards their weekly attendance requirement.

Are we beginning to get the hang of this new normal? It has been a learning curve for us all. We as teachers are constantly adjusting and adapting to do what is in the best interest of you and your students.  Thank you so much for your patience as we work to smooth things out. I appreciate you all!

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, March 20, 2020

Virtual Learning...

Dear Band Families,

Our new normal continues with the launch of virtual learning, which is set to begin on Monday at 9:00 AM.  I have some important information on how this looks in band, as well as a couple other announcements.

Spectrum is providing broadband for free for 60 days to households with K-12 students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription. Parents/Guardians will need to enroll to take advantage of this program by contacting Spectrum directly at 1-844-488-8395.  

Starting Monday, all students will have weekly assignments. These assignments will be due on Friday, March 27, at noon. There will be a practicing component (30 points), a playing test component (100 points--see below), and a rehearsal participation component (30 points--see below).  Click here for this week's lesson.  This PDF version is also uploaded in the student's Google Classroom page.  There is no need to print this document.  The school will print this document for those who do not have internet or Smartmusic access.

Students will continue to have weekly playing tests on Smartmusic.  If students cannot complete their Smartmusic test, they will need to complete the note name and rhythm quiz, as well as the rhythm composition. These are located in the PDF version of this week's lesson.

I am required to take attendance weekly by checking in with students at least once per week. This also counts as your student's rehearsal participation grade. This will be handled in several ways:
  • Zoom Rehearsals - Students will meet as a class on Monday and Friday for 30 minutes.  The link and exact times are posted on student's Google Classroom pages. I will check in with everybody, answer questions, and hear individuals play. 
  • Zoom Office Hours - Students will have a chance to check in during my office hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00 AM-Noon. 
  • If students cannot get in on Zoom during the week, they are required to respond to a question on Google Classroom. I will post this question as an assignment on Monday morning. 
If I do not hear from students by Friday at noon, I am required to log their absence and contact parents. Please be sure your student stays in touch with me as we work through our new virtual learning plan.

I sound like the tax man when I say this: your spring trip refunds are in the mail!  Trip refunds were sent out on Friday, March 20.  Email me with any additional questions.

Once again, all upcoming events continue to be on hold.  We are continuing to get through this situation as a community, and once we are able to have performances, I will update the calendar and share that information.

Even though I won't be there in person for you, I'm still there for you through email, Remind, and Google Classroom.


-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A New Normal...

Dear Band Families,

Welcome to the new normal.  I will be doing whatever I can to bring a little bit of normal back to your lives through music. Since we are in uncharted territory, we'll be incorporating some new ideas to supplement the things students normally do at home.

The band room will be open Thursday and Friday from 9 AM-2 PM for instrument pick-up.  I will also be selling reeds and other essential supplies. Only students will be allowed in the school and may only access the band room, library, and their locker. I will also help students get into Zoom for future video conferencing in the coming weeks.

Starting this Monday, all students will have weekly assignments. These assignments will be due on Friday at noon. I will have the to-do list posted on their Google Classroom page. Assignments will include a combination of activities through Smartmusic, online videos, online quizzes, Flipgrid, as well as paper-based packets for those without access to technology.

I will scan in PDFs of new music for the two classes that were going to receive it: Beginning Band and Advanced Band.  Fortunately, everybody else already has all the music they need. Once we end up figuring out our official return date to school, students will have what they need and we can pick up from where we left off.

I will begin working with my office secretary to issue refund checks to everyone who has made trip payments. We will begin processing refund checks by the end of this week in hopes that you will have these in your hands by next week.

As you know, we have canceled Band-O-Rama, Reno Jazz Festival, and our spring trips.  Other events taking place later in April and May are still up in the air, so we'll just have to wait and see how things unfold.

Even though I won't be there in person for you, I'm still there for you through email, Remind, and Google Classroom. Here's to our new journey together!

-Mr. Jacques-

Thursday, March 12, 2020

March Madness Indeed...

Dear Parents,

I have some significant updates to announce that impacts all students.  Please read below:

  • Band-O-Rama is postponed until further notice.  Please disregard the flyer I sent home with students this week. 
  • Both the Concert/Intermediate Band and the Advanced Band spring trips have also been postponed until further notice. I will suspend payment collection until we know more information on how to proceed. 
  • The Reno Jazz Festival has been cancelled. This event is not going to be rescheduled this year.
Other updates:
  • I have finalized and posted all 3rd quarter grades. If you're too excited to wait for the printout to be sent home with students, feel free to log into Infinite Campus to see where your student stands for quarter 3. 
  • I have changed the due dates for all future playing tests. Playing tests will now be due on the last evening of any given weekend that they are assigned. The following is due Monday (end of the extended weekend) on Smartmusic: 
    • Jazz Band: Midnight Snack
    • Concert Band: New Orleans Strut
    • Intermediate Band: New Orleans Strut
    • Advanced Band: New Orleans Strut
    • Beginning Bands: The Clumsy Clown
  • As of now, all after school rehearsals will still take place as scheduled.  The next rehearsal is the invited Concert Band members and Intermediate Band on Tuesday from 2:30-4:30 PM. 
We are facing a new and strange situation here, and I will continue to communicate any updates as they occur.  As I told the students, we are going to continue to make wonderful music in class and keep working as if nothing is postponed or cancelled.  Once this situation passes, they will be ready to showcase all the amazing work that has taken place in the band room.  I hope you all have a restful and safe weekend. 

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, February 28, 2020

Leaping into March Madness...

Dear Parents,

March Madness, a saying that most of us relate to basketball, definitely means something different when it comes to next week in our music world. When I was a college student at UNR, both of these worlds collided for a couple of magical weeks when the band played at basketball games.  Since our team did well, we also traveled with them to the NCAA tournament. We were always excited to travel to new and exciting places together as a band.  No, I was never excused from all the midterms and projects I left behind while traveling, but those experiences are my best memories from college.

This week, many students will have performances, and they will have their first taste of these experiences making great music with good friends. Between our performances and the end of quarter 3, next week is a big one! Here's everything you need to know:

March 1: Capital City Community Band Concert - This event will include our school's Clarinet Choir and Percussion Ensemble, along with other youth groups. The Capital City Community Band hosts this annual concert as a salute to young musicians. The concert begins at 3 PM in the Carson City Community Center.  Extra credit for all students who check in with me at the end of this concert!

March 3: Jazz Extravaganza Concert - All money from presale tickets is due back to me by Tuesday morning, March 3.  CMS Jazz Band and the Mile High Jazz Band put together a joint concert to benefit our music program.  This concert begins at 7 PM in the Carson City Community Center and tickets are just $10. Students ages 18 and younger are free! The Mile High Jazz Band donates all the profits from this concert to the CMS Jazz Band. Click here for the flyer.

March 6: Advanced Band at Washoe County Band Festival - As the only bands who perform here from outside of Washoe County, this festival is an amazing educational experience for our students.  The Advanced Band performs at 2:40 PM in Nightingale Concert Hall at UNR.  Click here for the flyer.  Please email me if you can chaperone.

Just 1 more week until grades are due for quarter 3.  Many students have been making up tests. Some students have been so determined that they have improved by as many as 3 letter grades in just a week!  This is proof positive that all our students will be successful if they put their minds to it.  Just a few more notes about grades:
  • I will update all grades by Sunday night, including citizenship. 
  • Students will have until Thursday, March 5, make-up or re-take any missing playing tests. Students may retake tests for me in class, after school, on SmartMusic, or recorded at home and emailed to me.
  • I will be available after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 3:30 PM for any students who wish to practice, receive help, or re-take tests. There will be no Percussion Ensemble or Clarinet Choir this week. 
The next payment is due on March 15. This date is also the cut-off for any refunds.  Please let me know if you need any financial assistance or extra time to catch up on payments.  
  • Intermediate and Concert Band: Full payment of $180 is due on this date.
  • Advanced Band: Payment #4 of $125 is due on this date.  
Save the date!  Band-O-Rama is on March 26, and is mandatory for all groups. More information to follow after next week. 

Here's to a successful busy week in March, where 2 months of hard work during quarter 3 begins to pay off in amazingly musical ways. Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Prepping for a busy March...

Dear Parents,

Time for a long overdue update with class updates, grade updates, and rundown of our very busy first week of March.

Jazz Band performed at their Jazz in the Schools Clinic. This was their 8th appearance at this free performance hosted by the Reno Jazz Orchestra. Students are also enjoying weekly visits from professional musicians at our rehearsals, also courtesy of the Reno Jazz Orchestra.  Next event: Jazz Extravaganza on March 3.
Beginning Bands have been working on fundamentals and applying those fundamentals to their Band-O-Rama music. Students are just a few weeks from being able to play through this music. Every year, it's a remarkable transformation that these students undergo in just a few short months of playing.  Next event: Band-O-Rama on March 26.
Concert Band can play through all their Band-O-Rama music and they're making outstanding progress. Several of these students have been invited to join Intermediate Band on their spring trip. Students will also receive new music for their band festival in April.  Next event: Band-O-Rama on March 26.
Intermediate Band is working on their Band-O-Rama music and can just about play through it successfully as a class. They also received and are working on their band festival music. We are working as a class to make the best decision possible on what we will be performing at our first band festival.  Next event: Washoe County Band Festival on March 7.
Advanced Band has learned all their Band-O-Rama music and is preparing challenging literature for their first band festival.  They will be playing high school-level music and pushing the envelope of what a middle school band is capable of doing.  Next event: Washoe County Band Festival on March 6.
Percussion Ensemble began just a few weeks ago. Now in their second year of existence at CMS, this group of enthusiastic percussionists rehearses on Tuesday afternoons and will be putting together music for 2 events. Their first event: Capital City Community Band's concert on March 1.

We have been successfully replacing weekly practice time of 30 minutes with weekly to bi-weekly playing tests on Smartmusic.  A majority of students are successfully turning in their assignments. Those who aren't completing them at home have the opportunity to complete them in my practice room at school during class. They also have the option to play for me once they have attempted to record through the program. For more information on how to record, please see the previous newsletter.  Students are also earning weekly participation by being prepared in class, as well as weekly citizenship.

I updated the calendar with all known rehearsals and events.  You can either click here or click "calendar" at the top of the webpage. Here's a list of our very busy first week of March:
March 1: Capital City Community Band Concert - This event will include our school's Clarinet Choir and Percussion Ensemble, along with other youth groups. The Capital City Community Band hosts this annual concert as a salute to young musicians. The concert begins at 3 PM in the Carson City Community Center. I will offer extra credit for any student who checks in with me at the end of this concert.
March 3: Jazz Extravaganza Concert - Each year, the CMS Jazz Band and the Mile High Jazz Band put together a joint concert to benefit our music program.  This concert begins at 7 PM in the Carson City Community Center and tickets are just $10. The Mile High Jazz Band donates all the profits from this concert to the CMS Jazz Band. Click here for the flyer.
March 6: Advanced Band at Washoe County Band Festival - As the only bands who perform here from outside of Washoe County, this festival is an amazing educational experience for our students.  The Advanced Band performs at 2:40 PM in Nightingale Concert Hall at UNR.
March 7: Intermediate Band at Washoe County Band Festival - Intermediate Band will also enjoy this amazing experience as they get a chance to perform in front of judges that will help them become even stronger musicians.  This group performs at 10:05 AM at North Valleys High School.

As we enter our spring performance season, this is where students will begin to hit those major "breakthrough" moments in both how they perform and how they work together. I hope you all enjoyed the Presidents Day weekend!

-Mr. Jacques-

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Playing Tests

Dear Parents,

It's time for an update as we move through January and closer to our first performances of the second semester. I have some detailed and helpful information about playing tests through Smartmusic, and a change to how we will be practicing in the coming weeks.

Starting this week, students will receive more regular playing tests on portions of their Bandorama and band festival music in lieu of weekly practice grades (more info on this below). Students will record these tests through Smartmusic for a score. With many students and only 1 of me, this setup allows students to focus on instrumental growth at home so we can focus on group pieces in class. This program also listens to your student and helps them fix mistakes.

  1. Make sure you have practiced the piece with “Mr. Jacques' Practice Tips” first. 
  2. Click on “Assessment” up in the grey area.
  3. Click “Calibrate Mic” to make sure your microphone is working properly (if you get scores that don’t seem correct in the future, sometimes the mic is the problem.  Try using headphones with a built in microphone or a different computer.  Sometimes, rarely, a separate microphone is needed and can be purchased directly from Smart Music).
  4. Tune your instrument.  If your instrument is not in tune, you will not get a good score (excludes percussion/keyboard percussion).  
    1. Go to the Smart Music assessment page and click on “Tuner”.
    2. Use the information you learned in class tune your individual instrument. 
    3.  In band we use “Concert Pitch” to describe the note we want everyone to play.  Usually we use the concert pitch “Bb”, which is what flutes, trombones, baritones, and mallet percussion will play (though you don’t need to tune mallet instruments).  Clarinets and trumpets will play an open C and saxophones will play G, but the tuner will read “Concert Pitch Bb”. 
    4. Read the needle on the tuner and figure out which way to adjust your instrument.
    5. After you’re all tuned and have practiced the piece several times, you’re ready to try testing. 
  5.  Mute “My Part” so the computer doesn’t test itself.  Remember, you’re trying to get better at your instrument, not just learn how to “beat the system” 
  6. Mute “Accompaniment” so it’s not hearing itself and giving you bad scores.
  7. Turn the metronome to about half volume.  Again, we don’t want it grading itself and this has been a big issue, especially during the rests.
  8. Click on “Assessment”.   Drummers click “Perc./Clap Mode”.
  9. Press the “Record” button and play the piece.
  10.  Look at your score and see if you’ve reached 90% or above.  If you didn’t reach 90% or above, DO NOT SUBMIT the song unless it's the due date and you've done your best.  You haven’t reached a performance ready level and probably need to go back to your “Mr. Jacques' Practice Tips” to figure out what is wrong. 
  1. Click “Save” to save your score.
  2. If you didn’t get 100%, try a few more times to see if you can perfect your performance a bit.
  3. When you are satisfied with your score (above 90%), click on the arrow in the box of scores and select the one you want to submit.

    1. Click on the notes that turned up red.  Click the bottom left of the note to make sure you have the fingering correct.  Click the bottom right of the note to make sure the note coming out of your instrument is the note you hear.
    2. Click the “Playback” button (blue arrow with red dot) to hear a recording of yourself.  Can you identify what is wrong?
    3. Are you playing the rhythm correctly?  Are you playing each note EXACTLY when the blue line reaches it?  Do you know your note names?  How about fingerings?  What about your embouchure (mouth position…are your cheeks puffed out, reed broken, etc.)?
    4. Make sure you’ve muted the accompaniment and maybe even the metronome.  This has been getting people very low scores when the computer hears itself.
    5. Try using a different microphone.  If you are blowing into an instrument with air, many students find the headphone/microphone combination helpful as this way you can listen to the music but it will only record your instrument.  Percussionists may consider trying a different external microphone that plugs into the usb jack.
    6. Contact customer service by clicking the HELP button.  Because this is new to me AND I cannot see your computer/settings/etc. AND I’m not an IT expert, it will help them understand the common issues and hopefully fix them sooner.
    7. If you continue recording and having difficulty getting a score above 90%, submit your best recording, leave a comment in the comment section how many times you practiced it AND EMAIL ME at to let me know you need me to listen and give you feedback.  If you do not email me, I will not know to listen to it. 

All assignments are due on Fridays. Due dates are posted in your student's Smartmusic assignments page.  Students who have earned lower than a 90% on any playing test may come see Mr. Jacques in person during lunches or after school until June 2. 

We are suspending the 30 minute weekly Smartmusic practice assignment until further notice. I have found that several students have been recording their time by pressing record and letting the song play on their computer without them. Since the purpose of practicing is to get better at playing instruments rather than cheating the system, we will be using the playing test procedure above to ensure that students are improving.  This week and next week, I will automatically accompany any playing test with a practice grade. Students will earn full credit by submitting a playing test by the due date.

January 28: Percussion Ensemble, 2:30-4:30
January 29: Clarinet Choir, 2:30-4:00
February 4: Percussion Ensemble, 2:30-4:30
February 5: Clarinet Choir, 2:30-4:00
February 6-7: Honor Band rehearses at Carson City Community Center
February 7: Honor Band concert at Community Center, 7:00 PM
February 8: UNR Jazz in the Schools Clinic

Please remember to check the calendar of events for all future events. Sometimes, these dates seem to sneak up on all of us and this will help us eliminate any "surprises." 

As always, let me know if you have any questions. 

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Short and Sweet...

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year!  This week's short-and-sweet newsletter includes information about how to access your student's financial statements, announcements about a couple special ensembles I offer, and our spring 2020 schedule of events.

Last Week's Playing Test
Students in periods 3, 4, and 5 performed playing tests to determine their new chair and part placements for the spring semester.  Students who are absent or did not have their instruments on the day of the test are responsible for taking this test so we can place them properly in the band.

Practice Routine
All students will have 30 minutes of practicing on Smartmusic due on Friday.  Here's an example of a successful practice routine students should be following at home:

  • 3-5 minutes: Warm-up - Long tong tones using a tuner, mouthpiece buzzing (brass), or steady eighth notes and sixteenth notes on practice pads or mallets (percussion). 
  • 5-10 minutes: Smartmusic - Students will use their computers and record themselves in Smartmusic playing through the assignments posted to each class.  Have extra time? Explore by working ahead in the method book.  This step will easily add up to their 30 minutes required by Friday if they follow it each day.
  • 10-15 minutes: Sheet music -  Students should be working on rough spots in their sheet music by slowing it down, playing small sections of it at a time, using a metronome, etc. Students should not rush through sections of music and repeat the same mistakes.  Perfect practice makes perfect!

I have finished the calendar of events for the spring semester.  You may find the calendar by clicking "Calendar" at the top of this page or clicking this link:

NEW!! You will now have access to your student's financial statements online!  For instructions on how to access your account, please click "Charms Parent Login Info" at the top of this page and follow the step-by-step directions.  For students that are taking trips in the spring, all the fundraiser profit from Chili Bingo Night has been applied, as well.  Receipts will now be digital, and you can print them out from this page, as needed.

*Advanced Band and Jazz Band parents: Please refer to the Spring Trip Flyer at the top of this page for important payment dates and other information.  Your next payment is due on Wednesday, January 15.

Percussion Ensemble is open to any percussion student in the band program. We will have an informational rehearsal/workshop on Tuesday, January 21. Rehearsals will continue on Tuesdays from 2:30-4:30 through March 4, with 2-3 performances occurring in March. I will have more information at the rehearsal next Tuesday.

Clarinet Choir is open to any clarinet player who is comfortable reading music and playing over the break.  We will have our first rehearsal on Wednesday, January 22, from 2:30-4:00. Raynell Heaton, clarinet player in the Capital City Community Band, will be running the Clarinet Choir, and we will have 1 performance in early March. I will have more information at their first rehearsal next Wednesday.

Have a great week!

-Mr. Jacques-