Monday, January 30, 2017

A New Month

Dear Parents,

Ready to start a new month?  With January almost behind us, I'm happy to report that everything in the band world is continuing to go by smoothly, and the level of dedication I'm receiving from your students is quite remarkable.  Each week, I track the percentage of students who turn in practice logs and last Friday was first time I've ever had all classes at or above 90%! Here's the breakdown:

Jazz Band: 96%
Intermediate Band: 97%
Beginning Band A: 95%
Beginning Band B: 91%
Concert Band: 92%
Advanced Band: 94%

Pretty amazing! They will continue to receive a new practice chart each week, with a playing test each Friday. I appreciate the hard work from everyone that is practicing at home. Keep it up!

Class Progress
  • Jazz Band just performed at their first ever Folsom Jazz Festival! They did so well, considering that they have only been working on 2 of their songs for a few weeks.  Their next events are the Jazz Extravaganza on Jan. 31, followed by Jazz in the Schools on Feb. 11. 
The Jazz Band at the Folsom Jazz Festival on January 28.
  • Intermediate Band continues to improve quickly. They now have all their festival music and Band-O-Rama music.  I have also applied for them to participate in the Washoe County Band Festival.  Their next event is Band-O-Rama on February 23.
  • Beginning Bands continue to push ahead in the method book and learn new skills. They now have all their Band-O-Rama music.  Their next event is Band-O-Rama on February 23.
  • Concert Band can perform both Band-O-Rama songs, and they are already sounding musical! They have also received their festival music. They are doing so well that I have applied for them to participate with Intermediate Band in the Washoe County Band Festival. Their next event is Band-O-Rama on February 23.
  • Advanced Band was able to sight read straight through a couple of their new songs last week, without stopping! They now have all their Band-O-Rama and festival music. I applied for them to participate in the Washoe County Band Festival. Their next event is Band-O-Rama on February 23.
Upcoming Events
  • January 31: Jazz Extravaganza  The Jazz Band will be performing with the CHS Jazz Band and the Mile High Jazz Band on this fun-filled evening at the Community Center. The concert starts at 7. Jazz Band students are selling tickets for $10 per adult. Students are free! 
  • February 11: UNR Jazz in the Schools  The Jazz Band will perform a concert and receive a clinic from members of the Reno Jazz Orchestra in this free event. More information will be on its way soon.
  • February 16-17: Honor Band in Fallon  Honor Band will have two all-day rehearsals at Churchill County High School, followed by a concert on the evening of Feb. 17 at 7 PM.  More information will be handed to honor band students shortly.
  • February 23: Band-O-Rama   All Beginning Band, Concert Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students must attend this event. We will have a rehearsal from 7:30-10:30 AM, and the concert will begin that evening at 7:00 PM. More information will be handed out to students shortly.
Looking Ahead
  • March 8: Washoe County Band Festival (Ensembles TBA)
  • March 10: Chili Bingo Night
  • March 15: NZNMEA Band Festival (Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band)
I hope to see you at the Jazz Extravaganza on January 31! 

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, January 20, 2017

Feeling Jazzed...

Dear Parents,

It's time for some announcements about class progress and upcoming events.  First, however, a huge shout-out to those who made All-State Band this year:
  • Bahar Jazani
  • Chloe Vasquez
  • Madisen Aragon
  • Slade Pronk
  • Ethan Valdez
  • Kaitlyn Edge
  • Adam Richetta
  • Emma Hataway
These students will represent CMS in a band of 107 players from 25 schools across the state! If you'd like more information about this group, you may visit this webpage: 

Class Progress
  • Jazz Band is hard at work preparing for the Folsom Jazz Festival, Jazz Extravaganza, and Jazz in the Schools. These events take place in the time span of 2 weeks. I am so excited to see them working towards their full potential!
  • Intermediate Band has shown exceptional improvement since the new year. They have also welcomed 4 new players who are taking to the new class quite successfully. This group is really blossoming musically and I am considering giving them a second festival performance this spring.
  • Beginning Bands are moving along in the method book and they are getting close to being able to play through their first Band-O-Rama piece. Beginning B was also able to sight read through a song quite successfully on Friday. 
  • Concert Band can perform their first Band-O-Rama piece, and each day they sound better than the last. They are at a point where I am strongly considering giving them a second festival performance this spring.
  • Advanced Band has learned their first Band-O-Rama song and began sight reading their most demanding festival piece. They are also beginning to learn all 12 of their major scales, a step that will help them greatly in high school.  
Upcoming Events
  • January 21: Jazz Workshop  Come join the Jazz Band and professional musicians from the Mile High Jazz Band for a fun morning of music. This is an optional event from 9 AM-1 PM. For more information, click here.
  • January 23: Honor Band Rehearsal  Honor Band members must attend this mandatory rehearsal at EVMS from 5-7 PM.
  • January 28: Folsom Jazz Festival  The Jazz Band will be competing with jazz bands from the state of California. For more information, click here.
  • January 31: Jazz Extravaganza  The Jazz Band will be performing with the CHS Jazz Band and the Mile High Jazz Band on this fun-filled evening at the Community Center. The concert starts at 7. Jazz Band students are selling tickets for $10 per adult. Students are free! 
  • February 11: UNR Jazz in the Schools  The Jazz Band will perform a concert and receive a clinic from members of the Reno Jazz Orchestra in this free event. More information will be on its way soon.
  • February 16-17: Honor Band in Fallon  Honor Band will have two all-day rehearsals at Churchill County High School, followed by a concert on the evening of Feb. 17 at 7 PM.  More information will be handed to honor band students shortly.
  • February 23: Band-O-Rama   All Beginning Band, Concert Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band students must attend this event. We will have a rehearsal from 7:30-10:30 AM, and the concert will begin that evening at 7:00 PM. More information will be handed out to students shortly.
Looking Ahead
  • March 8: Washoe County Band Festival (Ensembles TBA)
  • March 10: Chili Bingo Night
  • March 15: NZNMEA Band Festival (Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band)
Enjoy the snowy weekend!

-Mr. Jacques-

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Back to the "swing" of things...

Dear Parents,

I'd like to welcome your band students back to school for what will be a fun and rewarding spring semester! With the crazy weather, I know we have had a lot on our minds lately, so I'll keep it brief for now with just a few reminders and some upcoming events.

  • All students: Practice charts will resume on Friday and are due next Friday, 1/20.
  • All students will have weekly playing tests beginning on Friday, 1/20.
  • Spring Trip participants: Payment #2 is due on 1/15.
  • Folsom Jazz Festival participants: Participation fee of $60 ($30 for chaperones) is due on 1/20. 
  • Jazz Band: Keep selling Jazz Extravaganza tickets. $6 from each ticket may go towards your Folsom Jazz Festival cost.
Upcoming Rehearsals/Events

Tuesday, 1/17: Jazz Band rehearsal at CMS, 2:30-4:30 PM
Wednesday, 1/18: Honor Band rehearsal at CMS, 2:30-4:30 PM
Saturday, 1/21: Jazz Workshop at CMS, 9 AM-2 PM - This event, sponsored by the Mile High Jazz Band, bring in professional musicians to work with students. It is mandatory for Jazz Band, and is open to any other band members who want to participate.
Monday, 1/23: Honor Band rehearsal at EVMS, 5-7 PM 
Tuesday, 1/24: Jazz Band rehearsal at CMS, 2:30-4:30 PM
Saturday, 1/28: Folsom Jazz Festival (all day; call time TBA) - This jazz festival performance is mandatory for Jazz Band members.
Tuesday, 1/31: Jazz Extravaganza concert at Community Center, 6-9 PM - This event is mandatory for Jazz Band. Tickets are $10 each and may be purchased in advance from any Jazz Band students.
Looking ahead: Thursday, 2/23: Band-O-Rama - Mandatory for all groups except Jazz Band.

As always, let me know if you have any questions. It's great to be back!

-Mr. Jacques-