Monday, January 25, 2016

And All That Jazz...

Dear Parents,

The Jazz Workshop that took place on Saturday was a huge success.  25 students interacted with professional musicians sponsored by the Mile High Jazz Band, spending the day making great music.  Jazz Band students have put together 3 new songs in just 3 weeks!  I can't wait to show off the fruits of your student's hard work on Tuesday night!  In the meantime, all classes are making excellent progress on their music that will be performed later this semester.

Practice logs have returned, with the same Friday due dates. Kids will get a copy every week, and I have an electronic version available on the website.

Here is the next month of events:
  • Jazz Band* - January 26: Jazz Extravaganza at the Community Center, 7:00 PM  
    • Call time is 6:15 PM with instrument and music in full concert attire.
    • Please stay for the entire concert. We will finish around 9:00 PM.
  • Honor Band* - January 27: Pre-Rehearsal at EVMS, 4:30-7:00 PM
    • Please wear SSA and arrive with instrument and music by 4:15 PM.
  • Jazz Band - February 6: Jazz in the Schools at UNR: 9 AM-4 PM
    • Trip memos will be passed out to students on Wednesday.
  • Honor Band - February 11-12: Rehearsals in Fallon, 7:00 AM-5:00 PM
  • Honor Band - February 12: Concert in Fallon, 7:00 PM
  • ALL BANDS* - February 25: Band-O-Rama, CHS, 7:00 PM
    • There will be a morning rehearsal from 7:30-10 AM at Carson High School.
* No transportation provided.

I hope to see many of you at the Jazz Extravaganza concert on Tuesday night.  We will have another update later this week.

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, January 15, 2016

Tickets to success...

Dear Parents,

Excellent progress and learning continues in all classes!  With events just around the corner, this is great news and it's also a sign that everyone's putting in a lot of hard work and showing outstanding dedication. Here's a class-by-class update, including each group's next event:

  • Jazz Band has all 4 songs that will be performed at the Jazz Extravaganza.  Next events: January 20 from 2:30-4:30 PM, January 23 from 9 AM-1 PM, and January 26 at 7:00 PM in the Community Center.  Keep selling those tickets!  
  • Concert Band knows the first half of their 4-movement song that is to be performed at Band-O-Rama.  They're making excellent progress playing as a band.  Next event: February 25.
  • Intermediate Band can perform their Band-O-Rama music, and it's only January!  They're ready for their festival music, which I will be figuring out this weekend.  Next event: February 25.
  • Beginning Band can perform the first movement of their song that is to be performed at Band-O-Rama.  Each student has specific goals that I mentioned at the end of their playing tests.  Next event: February 25.
  • Advanced Strings has learned 2 songs and will be receiving a third song next week. Violins have learned 3rd position, a new advanced technique.  Next event: March 22.
  • Advanced Band can perform their Band-O-Rama music, and it's only January! They have also been working on festival music and sight reading a couple tunes for the spring trip.  Don't forget to sell Extravaganza tickets! Next event: February 25.
  • Beginning Strings is learning some sheet music and building fundamentals from out of the book.  They are ready for harder music!  Next event: April 20.
  • Honor Band will have their FIRST REHEARSAL on Tuesday from 2:30-4:30.  We will sight read all 5 of the songs.
Other News: 
  • Spring Trip payment #1 of $125 is due.  Please send payments ASAP if you haven't done so already.
  • Honor Band code of conduct forms are due by our Tuesday rehearsal next week.
  • Jazz Band students and Advanced Band students should be continuing to sell tickets for the Jazz Extravaganza.  The more you sell, the more your spring trip will be discounted!
  • There will be no practice logs due next week. Students should be practicing fundamental rhythms, sheet music, and improving on any other personal areas of concern. 
MLK Weekend is upon us.  Enjoy all the fresh snow and free time!

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, January 8, 2016

The 100th Post

Dear Parents,

We have officially made it to 100 newsletter updates since I began this in 2013.  I appreciate the positive feedback about this form of communication.

In terms of your student's classes, this is the best start to the new year that I have ever had!  All classes can already play at least part of their Band-O-Rama music, they've identified specific personal goals, and they are motivated to make every rehearsal better than the last.  Here are all the upcoming events with dates, times, and participating ensembles.

  • Jazz Band* - January 23: Jazz Workshop at CMS, 9 AM-1 PM  
  • Jazz Band* - January 26: Jazz Extravaganza at the Community Center, 7:00 PM  
  • Honor Band* - January 27: Pre-Rehearsal at EVMS, 4:30-7:00 PM
  • Jazz Band - February 6: Jazz in the Schools at UNR: 9 AM-3 PM
  • Honor Band - February 11-12: Rehearsals in Fallon, 7:00 AM-5:00 PM
  • Honor Band - February 12: Concert in Fallon, 7:00 PM
  • ALL BANDS* - February 25: Band-O-Rama, CHS, 7:00 PM
  • Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, Advanced Strings - March 22: NZNMEA Music Festival at the Community Center, times TBA
  • ALL STRINGS* -  April 20: String Fling at EVMS, 7:00 PM
  • Beginning Band, Beginning Strings, Concert Band - April 21: Beginning Music Festival in Fernley, times TBA
  • Jazz Band - April 29-30: Reno Jazz Festival, times TBA
  • Advanced Band - May 19-22: Spring Disneyland Trip
* Transportation not provided

There will be a spring concert, but dates and times are still TBA.  I'll let you know if anything changes. 

Enjoy your weekend!

-Mr. Jacques-