Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: Year in Review

As we say farewell to 2015 and hello to 2016, I'd like to take a moment and remember the highlights of this great year:

The Royal Blue Jazz Band performed their second annual concert with the Mile High Jazz Band during the Jazz Extravaganza.
The Royal Blue Jazz Band traveled to UNR to perform at the Jazz in the Schools Clinic.
22 band members proudly represented Carson Middle School in the Northern Zone Honor Band.
The annual Band-O-Rama event was held at Carson High School.
The Bingo Chili Night fundraiser generated over $6,000 that will go towards the purchase of new storage cabinets for instruments and uniforms.
All band and orchestra students earned unanimous "Superior" ratings at the Northern Zone Band Festival.
The Royal Blue Jazz Band met my inspirational figure in my life, Chuck Wackerman, and performed a clinic with his jazz band.  Then, for the first time in program history, they performed at the Reno Jazz Festival.
Advanced Band took their annual spring trip, performing at two local middle schools and at Disneyland.
All groups performed their spring concerts in the Cafeteria, signaling an end to the 2014-2015 school year.
Total enrollment reached 200 students for the first time in program history.
7th and 8th grade students helped run the 3rd annual car wash fundraiser.  Over $1200 was generated, going towards new instruments for the expanding band program.
Jazz Band students began a monthly tradition called “Jazz in the Commons,” performing for the school at the end of each month.
Amber Vedova began her student internship with the band program.
The Fall Concert featured all groups in their first performance of the school year.
The CMS Marching Band performed at the Nevada Day Parade on October 31.
The CMS Marching Band performed at the Veterans Day Parade on November 11.
23 band members were selected to represent CMS in the 2016 Northern Zone Honor Band.
The Advanced Band performed for part of the tree lighting festivities in downtown Carson City for the 2nd year in a row.
The Advanced Band performed at the Share Your Christmas food drive on December 11.
Students ended their year with the winter concert at the Community Center.

Thank you for a very memorable 2015.  Here's to another amazing year of doing what we love.

 Click here to check out our instagram!
Click the photo to visit our Instagram page!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, December 14, 2015

Concert Wrap-Up

Dear Parents,

Wow!! What a great week it has been!  I cannot begin to tell you all how proud I am of these students.  My job is incredible and that feeling is reinforced day in and day out by the wonderful students and supportive community. I received nothing but praise about student behaviors and the quality of the performances!

Concert Recordings
Back by popular demand: concert recordings! I uploaded several selections to YouTube for students and families.  Feel free to share these with anyone who was unable to attend the concert.

Beginning Strings
St. Nick's Canon on the Housetop
Advanced Strings
The 12 Musical Days of Christmas
William Tell Overture
March from the Nutcracker
Beginning Band
High Adventure
Concert Band
March of the Magical Toys
The Simple Gifts of Christmas
Jazz Band
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Jingle Bell Rock
Intermediate Band
Liturgical Fanfare
Chorale Elega'nt
Advanced Band
Santa at the Symphony
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Concert Program
Due to our record concert attendance, we ran out of concert programs.  I uploaded the program.  Feel free to print off as many copies as you'd like!  2015 Winter Concert Program

The fresh snowfall at the end of the concert made for a magical experience that neither the students nor I will forget.  

The Share your Christmas Food Drive on Friday brought holiday cheer to all!  The students marched through the neighborhoods and sounded great! We even performed Tribute to America once again.

Final Grades
All grades are up to date as of today, December 14.  Several students have low grades on tests or unexcused absences from concerts.  Please send me a note by Thursday, December 17, if you have any questions about your student's grade.  Since I will be out of town, I have also offered to listen to recording of make-up playing tests.  Feel free to have your student email me a recording by Thursday and I will listen to it. 

What's Next?
This week while I'm in Chicago for the Midwest Clinic, my substitute (thank you, Raynell) will work with students on Band-O-Rama and Festival music for the bands. Sue Jesch will be working on fundamentals and Christmas carols with the strings.  This will allow us to hit the ground running in January.  Although no practice assignments will be given, please ensure that your students remember that they do play in a band/strings class and that they should still continue to practice.  

I will be writing a "Year in Review" post within the next week.  

That's all, folks!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Dear Parents,

With the winter concert drawing even closer, I have received a few questions from folks.  That got me thinking that you may have the same unanswered questions.  Here are some FAQs regarding our winter concert at the Community Center on Thursday:

Q: Can we come early to help set up?
A: Yes, as long as it's no earlier than 4:30 PM and you are with your parents.  Bring decorations or lights and we may even use them as part of our concert!

Q: When is call time?
A: 5:45 PM for Beginning Strings. No later than 6:00 PM for everybody else.

Q: What do we wear?
A: Parents may wear whatever they want!!  But seriously, here's the concert attire for each group:

  • Beginning Strings, Beginning Band, Concert Band: Blue music polo or SSA polo with black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes.
  • Intermediate Band and Advanced Band: Tuxedo outfit issued to your student, including blue cummerbund, bow tie, and black marching shoes.
  • Advanced Strings: Formal black and white attire.  Dresses and skirts must go below the knees.
  • Jazz Band: Wear your outfit from your concert ensemble.
Q: Can we decorate our instruments or ourselves?
A: Absolutely!  Holiday hats are encouraged.  If you decorate instruments, make sure the decorations do not get in the way of the functionality of the instrument or damage the lacquer.

Q: Can I bring baked goods without signing up online?
A: Sure!  Just show up with your favorite pie, cheesecake, cookie recipe, fudge, brownies, or anything else and we will sell it.

Q: What time does the concert start?
A: The concert starts at 6:00 PM

Q: What time does the concert end?
A: The entire event should finish around 8:30 PM. 

Q: Where do kids sit when they don't perform?
A: They will sit together as a group in a predesignated area.  Parents are welcome to sit with the kids (in fact, the more parents who do will help students stay focused on the performance).

Q: How much is admission?
A: My concerts are always FREE!

See you all tomorrow night!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Year Without A Christmas Parade...

Dear Parents,

We are on the home stretch towards putting on our winter concert.  The students are putting the finishing touches on their music, as well as their instrument decorations!

Before I get into the details for the winter concert, I must restate how incredibly proud I am of all the band members who participated in the "parade" on Saturday.  After hearing the announcement that the buses weren't going to show up, they were all very understanding and flexible.  We enjoyed a pizza and movie day in the band room.

Our warm-up with Drum Major Lindsay.

Winter Concert Details

Are you ready?  December 10 is right around the corner.  The kids and I cannot wait to show you everything they've learned throughout the fall!  Don't forget to sign up to help, and thank you to everyone who has already! 

Here's the schedule.  We will do our best to keep things as close to these times as we can. I encourage kids and parents to listen to all groups.

4:30 PM
We will be setting up for the concert.  Any parents that can come early to help would be greatly appreciated.
5:45 PM
Call time for Beginning Strings; begin selling dessert.
6:00 PM
Close down dessert table until intermission; CONCERT BEGINS with Beginning Strings Call time for everybody else.
6:15 PM
Advanced Strings performs.
6:35 PM
Beginning Band performs.
6:50 PM
Concert Band performs.
7:05 PM
INTERMISSION.  Reopen dessert table.
7:15 PM
Jazz Band reports to stage for warm-up
7:30 PM
Close down dessert table.  Jazz Band performs.
7:50 PM
Intermediate Band performs
8:10 PM
Advanced Band performs
8:30 PM
CONCERT ENDS.  Sell any remaining items at the dessert table.  Students will help load equipment truck.

NEW EVENT: Share Your Christmas Food Drive

In order to give the Intermediate and Advanced Bands another performance opportunity, we will walk to the Governor's Mansion on Friday, December 11, to perform our parade song at the food drive. This will either happen during your student's band class, or as a mass group sometime during the school day.  As soon as I know, I'll pass the information your way.  

That is all I have for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Upcoming Performance Flyers

Dear Parents,

I'm including all important information for all upcoming events, including handouts that I gave to the kids.  With 3 events in the next 8 days, it's a busy time of the year.  Enjoy!

Tree Lighting - December 4
Information Handout

Christmas Parade - December 5
Information Handout
Parade Route Map
Sign Up To Help

Winter Concert - December 10
Information Handout
Sign Up To Help