Monday, November 30, 2015

A December to Remember

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a great weekend with your families. It was nice to be "off the grid" for a few days to enjoy some time off.  As we return, it's time for our next group of musical events.  Read below for information on rehearsals and performances.

After School Rehearsals
Tuesday, December 1: Marching Rehearsal from 2:30-4:30 PM
Wednesday, December 2: Concert Band Rehearsal from 2:30-4:00 PM
Tuesday, December 8: Jazz Band Rehearsal from 2:30-4:30 PM

Tree Lighting - December 4
Advanced Band's performance at the tree lighting festivities is still on!  Call time is 6 PM on the corner of Telegraph St. and Curry St. with the following items:
  • Instrument
  • Music
  • Festive clothing with jeans.
Our performance begins at 6:15 PM and ends at 6:45 PM.

Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade - December 5
It's official!  The parade committee was able to place us early again.  We will be entry #22 which means an earlier day.  The 9:30 AM call time still stands, but we will be arriving home earlier.  See the parade flyer for more information.  We still have spots left for volunteers:  

Winter Concert
This is just a reminder that the winter concert is on December 10, with two performances: 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM.  Before each performance, we will be hosting a dessert night.  Please sign up to bring an item here:   More details are in the concert flyers, which went home with your students.

That is all for now.  I will post more updates as needed.  It's great to be back!

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Honor Band Results

Dear Parents,

This morning during school announcements, we had a talk about what we were thankful for, and I told every class how proud and blessed I am to be able to work with them. Your kids are truly amazing, and what I'm about to show you proves my point.  I'm so thankful for this wonderful job, amazing kids, and very supportive parents.

Every year during this time, we have honor band auditions and the results are in.  A whopping 22 students from CMS were invited to join the honor band!  2/3 of the Advanced Band made it into this group, as well as 2 members from Intermediate Band.

Maryn Myler
Jasmine Wong-Fortunato
Emily Cuellar
Bahar Jazani
Katie Jeffries
Josephine Payan
Cierra Randall
Chloe Marks
Max Fontaine
Fiona McDonald
Megan Finnerty
Will Contine
Kyra Fields
Slade Pronk
Christina Brase
Lindsay Chowanski
Emilie Figueroa
Matt Jones
Adam Richetta
Nate Amrhein
Tara Eustis
Emma Hataway

Your students also represent 30% of the entire honor band!  What a great representation from CMS. 

Tree Lighting

Advanced Band will be participating in this fun event on Friday, December 4, from 6:00-6:45 PM on the corner of Telegraph St. and Curry St. See the handout sent home with these students for more information.

Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade

This event is still scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 5, with a 9:30 AM call time.  Additional details were sent home in a handout.  We need assistance with uniforms and chaperones.  Please sign up to help here:  

Winter Concert

This is just a reminder that the winter concert is on December 10, with two performances: 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM.  Before each performance, we will be hosting a dessert night.  Please sign up to bring an item here:   More details are in the concert flyers, which went home with your students last week.  

Have a great Thanksgiving holiday with your kids!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, November 16, 2015


Dear Parents,

I have an important update: the winter concert will now be on December 10 for all groups.  Due to a conflict that made it so that no school administrators were able to attend the first part originally scheduled for December 3, we needed to make a change.

The concert will be broken into two parts.
  • Part 1 features Beginning Band, Concert Band, Beginning Strings, and Advanced Strings.
  • Part 1 begins at 6:00 PM.
  • Part 2 features Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band.
  • Part 2 begins at 7:30 PM.
I will have more details by Wednesday, including a handout that will be sent home with all students.  

Veterans Day Parade Wrap-Up

As you can see, the band looked great!  There were several comments about how professionally the band marched, how well they played, as well as comments of surprise that "They were a middle school band?!"  We also made it on the news:

Honor Band Auditions
Advanced Band and Intermediate Band students will be auditioning for a chance into Honor Band this week.  Auditions will be during lunches and after school.

Advanced Band: Tree Lighting Performance
That's right! The Advanced Band was welcomed back once again to perform for part of the tree lighting festivities on Friday, December 4.  Call time is 6:00 PM and students will be performing at 30 minutes "set" from 6:15-6:45 PM.  Students participating will have a handout with more details.

Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade
Our last parade is just around the corner.  Call time for parade participants is 10:00 AM in the band room.  New this year: students will celebrate a successful parade season with a pizza lunch at Round Table in the Grand Sierra Resort, followed by arcade time in FunQuest.  All participating students will receive handouts on Wednesday with more details.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, November 9, 2015


Dear Parents,

This week is going to be an exciting one, both during and outside of your student's music classes.  We have a new, last-minute performance on Tuesday, followed by the parade on Wednesday, followed by honor band rehearsal opportunities through the end of the week. This is also Ms. Vedova's final week with us!

Class Progress: 
Jazz Band is becoming better and better at playing in a jazz style.  They'll be performing: Jingle Bell Jazz, Sway, Baby It's Cold Outside, and Jingle Bell Rock.
Concert Band has received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: March of the Magical Toys, Apollo Fanfare, Chopsticks for Christmas, and Simple Gifts of Christmas.
Intermediate Band has also received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: Sleigh Ride, Liturgical Fanfare, Little Drummer Dudes, and Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!  Various members have also been working on honor band music on the side.
Beginning Band has received their first ever sheet music: High Adventure and Name That Christmas Carol.  We will also add a few selections from the method  book to create a memorable winter concert.
Advanced Strings has also received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: William Tell Overture, Gymnopedie, The 12 Musical Days of Christmas, and March (from the Nutcracker).
Advanced Band has also received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: Santa at the Symphony, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Jingle Bells and Jungle Drums, and Joy.  All students are also working on their honor band music, which will double as a playing test next week.
Beginning Strings has received their first ever sheet music, St. Nick's Canon on the Housetop, Silent Night, and Ode to Joy.

Veterans Concert - November 10
Intermediate and Advanced Bands will perform their parade song during class at approximately 9:15 AM for students, staff, as well as some veterans from our armed forces.  If you're available, the ceremony begins at 9:00 at CMS, and parents are welcome to join us for this special opportunity.

After School Rehearsal - November 10
All parade participants must attend this very important rehearsal.  Regardless of how much snow accumulates, IT WILL BE COLD, so help your students remember to dress accordingly.  This practice is going to be extremely important to help the students understand the unique demands of playing an instrument in cold weather.

Veterans Day Parade - November 11
Everything is on track for the parade on Wednesday.  Call time for all participants is 8:00 AM in the band room. Don't be late!  We will have 75 minutes to feed students breakfast, get them into their uniforms, do some quick practicing outside, and load the buses.

Thank you to all parents for signing up to help!  We have room on the bus for anyone who would like to chaperone.  Don't forget--make sure you're fingerprinted through the district if you wish to join us on the bus.

Honor Band
Students in Intermediate and Advanced Bands have been given music for honor band tryouts.  I am offering extra help during lunches, as well as the following times:
Wednesday after the parade until 1:30 PM
Thursday from 2:30-3:30
Friday from 2:30-3:30

Auditions will be held next week.

That's all, folks!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, November 2, 2015


Dear Parents,

What a week it has been!  We have a lot to celebrate today, as well as a few things to look forward to as we continue into this new month.

Fall Concert Wrap-Up
The Fall Concert is in the books.  We had a successful spaghetti feed, as well as a record attendance in the cafeteria.  After speaking with our principal during the event, he said that he has never seen that many people come out to a concert.  Thank you so much for your patronage!  We also raised $1,220 from the spaghetti feed, also a record!

This would have been impossible without your help, parents.  Thank you.  I could not have done any of this alone.

Nevada Day Parade Wrap-Up
We had perfect weather for the parade on Saturday, as well as an early entry.  We have never played for that many people in recent memory.  The students should be very proud of what they accomplished.

Upcoming Event: Veterans Day Parade
The next event for the Intermediate and Advanced Bands is the Veterans Day Parade on Wednesday, November 11. Call time is 8:00 AM in the band room.  If you wish to join us, we will have room on the bus for chaperones!  There are also some spots available for uniform help, braiding hair, and helping provide a breakfast for these hard working men and women. Sign Up To Help!

All ensembles are hard at work preparing new music that will be showcased at the winter concert. How appropriate that the weather has changed outside.  Soon, your homes should become filled with festive cheer as you hear this music being practiced by your students!  

Have another great week.

-Mr. Jacques-