A great week of performances is upon us! This is just a reminder that all performances are mandatory and they contribute to a major portion of your student's grade. I'm really excited to see them show off all that they have learned these last two months.
Fall Concert
Here are just a few reminders for all groups.
- 5:30 PM: Dinner service begins.
- 6:00 PM: Call time for all groups. Young bands will grab instruments and music, then sit in their spots on stage. Intermediate and Advanced Band will stay in the band room to change.
- 6:30 PM: Concert Begins; Intermediate and Advanced Band students will sit next to their families with their instruments and music.
- 7:15 PM: Concert Band, Beginning Band, Advanced Strings, and Beginning Strings students may sit/stand with parents. Intermediate and Advanced Bands perform.
- 7:30 PM: Approximate end of concert. Students will put away instruments, change, and help with clean-up.
- By 8:00 PM: Students dismissed.
Please note the following based on your student's ensemble:
o Beginning Band & Advanced Strings: We still need a little more spaghetti.
o Concert Band & Beginning Strings: We still need a little more sauce.
o Intermediate Band: We still need a lot of salad and garlic bread!
o Advanced Band: Please bring dessert items with your students during the day or during the evening before 5:00 PM.
Concert Dress: Band/Strings polo shirts, black dress pants, black socks and black dress shoes. Intermediate and Advanced Band: Full marching uniforms.
*If you have not yet paid your $20 lab fee, your student will need to arrive with a plain navy blue polo in order to perform. They will receive their polo shirts once they have paid their fee.
Sign Up To Help - Thank you to all volunteers!
*If you have not yet paid your $20 lab fee, your student will need to arrive with a plain navy blue polo in order to perform. They will receive their polo shirts once they have paid their fee.
Sign Up To Help - Thank you to all volunteers!
Nevada Day Parade
I have some news about the Nevada Day Parade. We are entry #31! This means that we will play earlier and to a bigger crowd.
- 8:00 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms, take a photo, and load the bus
- 9:00 AM: Arrive at staging area (Adaline Street) for warm-ups.
- 10:00 AM: Parade begins. We are entry #31.
- 12:00 PM: Return to CMS to change and eat lunch.
- Approx. 1:00 PM: Dismissal.
Make sure your student has shown you their handout with all details about this event.
Sign Up To Help - Thank you to all volunteers!
Thank you again! Let's have a great concert week.
-Mr. Jacques-
Thank you again! Let's have a great concert week.
-Mr. Jacques-