Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: Year in Review

As we say farewell to 2015 and hello to 2016, I'd like to take a moment and remember the highlights of this great year:

The Royal Blue Jazz Band performed their second annual concert with the Mile High Jazz Band during the Jazz Extravaganza.
The Royal Blue Jazz Band traveled to UNR to perform at the Jazz in the Schools Clinic.
22 band members proudly represented Carson Middle School in the Northern Zone Honor Band.
The annual Band-O-Rama event was held at Carson High School.
The Bingo Chili Night fundraiser generated over $6,000 that will go towards the purchase of new storage cabinets for instruments and uniforms.
All band and orchestra students earned unanimous "Superior" ratings at the Northern Zone Band Festival.
The Royal Blue Jazz Band met my inspirational figure in my life, Chuck Wackerman, and performed a clinic with his jazz band.  Then, for the first time in program history, they performed at the Reno Jazz Festival.
Advanced Band took their annual spring trip, performing at two local middle schools and at Disneyland.
All groups performed their spring concerts in the Cafeteria, signaling an end to the 2014-2015 school year.
Total enrollment reached 200 students for the first time in program history.
7th and 8th grade students helped run the 3rd annual car wash fundraiser.  Over $1200 was generated, going towards new instruments for the expanding band program.
Jazz Band students began a monthly tradition called “Jazz in the Commons,” performing for the school at the end of each month.
Amber Vedova began her student internship with the band program.
The Fall Concert featured all groups in their first performance of the school year.
The CMS Marching Band performed at the Nevada Day Parade on October 31.
The CMS Marching Band performed at the Veterans Day Parade on November 11.
23 band members were selected to represent CMS in the 2016 Northern Zone Honor Band.
The Advanced Band performed for part of the tree lighting festivities in downtown Carson City for the 2nd year in a row.
The Advanced Band performed at the Share Your Christmas food drive on December 11.
Students ended their year with the winter concert at the Community Center.

Thank you for a very memorable 2015.  Here's to another amazing year of doing what we love.

 Click here to check out our instagram!
Click the photo to visit our Instagram page!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, December 14, 2015

Concert Wrap-Up

Dear Parents,

Wow!! What a great week it has been!  I cannot begin to tell you all how proud I am of these students.  My job is incredible and that feeling is reinforced day in and day out by the wonderful students and supportive community. I received nothing but praise about student behaviors and the quality of the performances!

Concert Recordings
Back by popular demand: concert recordings! I uploaded several selections to YouTube for students and families.  Feel free to share these with anyone who was unable to attend the concert.

Beginning Strings
St. Nick's Canon on the Housetop
Advanced Strings
The 12 Musical Days of Christmas
William Tell Overture
March from the Nutcracker
Beginning Band
High Adventure
Concert Band
March of the Magical Toys
The Simple Gifts of Christmas
Jazz Band
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Jingle Bell Rock
Intermediate Band
Liturgical Fanfare
Chorale Elega'nt
Advanced Band
Santa at the Symphony
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Concert Program
Due to our record concert attendance, we ran out of concert programs.  I uploaded the program.  Feel free to print off as many copies as you'd like!  2015 Winter Concert Program

The fresh snowfall at the end of the concert made for a magical experience that neither the students nor I will forget.  

The Share your Christmas Food Drive on Friday brought holiday cheer to all!  The students marched through the neighborhoods and sounded great! We even performed Tribute to America once again.

Final Grades
All grades are up to date as of today, December 14.  Several students have low grades on tests or unexcused absences from concerts.  Please send me a note by Thursday, December 17, if you have any questions about your student's grade.  Since I will be out of town, I have also offered to listen to recording of make-up playing tests.  Feel free to have your student email me a recording by Thursday and I will listen to it. 

What's Next?
This week while I'm in Chicago for the Midwest Clinic, my substitute (thank you, Raynell) will work with students on Band-O-Rama and Festival music for the bands. Sue Jesch will be working on fundamentals and Christmas carols with the strings.  This will allow us to hit the ground running in January.  Although no practice assignments will be given, please ensure that your students remember that they do play in a band/strings class and that they should still continue to practice.  

I will be writing a "Year in Review" post within the next week.  

That's all, folks!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Dear Parents,

With the winter concert drawing even closer, I have received a few questions from folks.  That got me thinking that you may have the same unanswered questions.  Here are some FAQs regarding our winter concert at the Community Center on Thursday:

Q: Can we come early to help set up?
A: Yes, as long as it's no earlier than 4:30 PM and you are with your parents.  Bring decorations or lights and we may even use them as part of our concert!

Q: When is call time?
A: 5:45 PM for Beginning Strings. No later than 6:00 PM for everybody else.

Q: What do we wear?
A: Parents may wear whatever they want!!  But seriously, here's the concert attire for each group:

  • Beginning Strings, Beginning Band, Concert Band: Blue music polo or SSA polo with black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes.
  • Intermediate Band and Advanced Band: Tuxedo outfit issued to your student, including blue cummerbund, bow tie, and black marching shoes.
  • Advanced Strings: Formal black and white attire.  Dresses and skirts must go below the knees.
  • Jazz Band: Wear your outfit from your concert ensemble.
Q: Can we decorate our instruments or ourselves?
A: Absolutely!  Holiday hats are encouraged.  If you decorate instruments, make sure the decorations do not get in the way of the functionality of the instrument or damage the lacquer.

Q: Can I bring baked goods without signing up online?
A: Sure!  Just show up with your favorite pie, cheesecake, cookie recipe, fudge, brownies, or anything else and we will sell it.

Q: What time does the concert start?
A: The concert starts at 6:00 PM

Q: What time does the concert end?
A: The entire event should finish around 8:30 PM. 

Q: Where do kids sit when they don't perform?
A: They will sit together as a group in a predesignated area.  Parents are welcome to sit with the kids (in fact, the more parents who do will help students stay focused on the performance).

Q: How much is admission?
A: My concerts are always FREE!

See you all tomorrow night!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Year Without A Christmas Parade...

Dear Parents,

We are on the home stretch towards putting on our winter concert.  The students are putting the finishing touches on their music, as well as their instrument decorations!

Before I get into the details for the winter concert, I must restate how incredibly proud I am of all the band members who participated in the "parade" on Saturday.  After hearing the announcement that the buses weren't going to show up, they were all very understanding and flexible.  We enjoyed a pizza and movie day in the band room.

Our warm-up with Drum Major Lindsay.

Winter Concert Details

Are you ready?  December 10 is right around the corner.  The kids and I cannot wait to show you everything they've learned throughout the fall!  Don't forget to sign up to help, and thank you to everyone who has already! 

Here's the schedule.  We will do our best to keep things as close to these times as we can. I encourage kids and parents to listen to all groups.

4:30 PM
We will be setting up for the concert.  Any parents that can come early to help would be greatly appreciated.
5:45 PM
Call time for Beginning Strings; begin selling dessert.
6:00 PM
Close down dessert table until intermission; CONCERT BEGINS with Beginning Strings Call time for everybody else.
6:15 PM
Advanced Strings performs.
6:35 PM
Beginning Band performs.
6:50 PM
Concert Band performs.
7:05 PM
INTERMISSION.  Reopen dessert table.
7:15 PM
Jazz Band reports to stage for warm-up
7:30 PM
Close down dessert table.  Jazz Band performs.
7:50 PM
Intermediate Band performs
8:10 PM
Advanced Band performs
8:30 PM
CONCERT ENDS.  Sell any remaining items at the dessert table.  Students will help load equipment truck.

NEW EVENT: Share Your Christmas Food Drive

In order to give the Intermediate and Advanced Bands another performance opportunity, we will walk to the Governor's Mansion on Friday, December 11, to perform our parade song at the food drive. This will either happen during your student's band class, or as a mass group sometime during the school day.  As soon as I know, I'll pass the information your way.  

That is all I have for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

-Mr. Jacques-

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Upcoming Performance Flyers

Dear Parents,

I'm including all important information for all upcoming events, including handouts that I gave to the kids.  With 3 events in the next 8 days, it's a busy time of the year.  Enjoy!

Tree Lighting - December 4
Information Handout

Christmas Parade - December 5
Information Handout
Parade Route Map
Sign Up To Help

Winter Concert - December 10
Information Handout
Sign Up To Help

Monday, November 30, 2015

A December to Remember

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a great weekend with your families. It was nice to be "off the grid" for a few days to enjoy some time off.  As we return, it's time for our next group of musical events.  Read below for information on rehearsals and performances.

After School Rehearsals
Tuesday, December 1: Marching Rehearsal from 2:30-4:30 PM
Wednesday, December 2: Concert Band Rehearsal from 2:30-4:00 PM
Tuesday, December 8: Jazz Band Rehearsal from 2:30-4:30 PM

Tree Lighting - December 4
Advanced Band's performance at the tree lighting festivities is still on!  Call time is 6 PM on the corner of Telegraph St. and Curry St. with the following items:
  • Instrument
  • Music
  • Festive clothing with jeans.
Our performance begins at 6:15 PM and ends at 6:45 PM.

Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade - December 5
It's official!  The parade committee was able to place us early again.  We will be entry #22 which means an earlier day.  The 9:30 AM call time still stands, but we will be arriving home earlier.  See the parade flyer for more information.  We still have spots left for volunteers:  

Winter Concert
This is just a reminder that the winter concert is on December 10, with two performances: 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM.  Before each performance, we will be hosting a dessert night.  Please sign up to bring an item here:   More details are in the concert flyers, which went home with your students.

That is all for now.  I will post more updates as needed.  It's great to be back!

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Honor Band Results

Dear Parents,

This morning during school announcements, we had a talk about what we were thankful for, and I told every class how proud and blessed I am to be able to work with them. Your kids are truly amazing, and what I'm about to show you proves my point.  I'm so thankful for this wonderful job, amazing kids, and very supportive parents.

Every year during this time, we have honor band auditions and the results are in.  A whopping 22 students from CMS were invited to join the honor band!  2/3 of the Advanced Band made it into this group, as well as 2 members from Intermediate Band.

Maryn Myler
Jasmine Wong-Fortunato
Emily Cuellar
Bahar Jazani
Katie Jeffries
Josephine Payan
Cierra Randall
Chloe Marks
Max Fontaine
Fiona McDonald
Megan Finnerty
Will Contine
Kyra Fields
Slade Pronk
Christina Brase
Lindsay Chowanski
Emilie Figueroa
Matt Jones
Adam Richetta
Nate Amrhein
Tara Eustis
Emma Hataway

Your students also represent 30% of the entire honor band!  What a great representation from CMS. 

Tree Lighting

Advanced Band will be participating in this fun event on Friday, December 4, from 6:00-6:45 PM on the corner of Telegraph St. and Curry St. See the handout sent home with these students for more information.

Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade

This event is still scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 5, with a 9:30 AM call time.  Additional details were sent home in a handout.  We need assistance with uniforms and chaperones.  Please sign up to help here:  

Winter Concert

This is just a reminder that the winter concert is on December 10, with two performances: 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM.  Before each performance, we will be hosting a dessert night.  Please sign up to bring an item here:   More details are in the concert flyers, which went home with your students last week.  

Have a great Thanksgiving holiday with your kids!  

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, November 16, 2015


Dear Parents,

I have an important update: the winter concert will now be on December 10 for all groups.  Due to a conflict that made it so that no school administrators were able to attend the first part originally scheduled for December 3, we needed to make a change.

The concert will be broken into two parts.
  • Part 1 features Beginning Band, Concert Band, Beginning Strings, and Advanced Strings.
  • Part 1 begins at 6:00 PM.
  • Part 2 features Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, and Advanced Band.
  • Part 2 begins at 7:30 PM.
I will have more details by Wednesday, including a handout that will be sent home with all students.  

Veterans Day Parade Wrap-Up

As you can see, the band looked great!  There were several comments about how professionally the band marched, how well they played, as well as comments of surprise that "They were a middle school band?!"  We also made it on the news:

Honor Band Auditions
Advanced Band and Intermediate Band students will be auditioning for a chance into Honor Band this week.  Auditions will be during lunches and after school.

Advanced Band: Tree Lighting Performance
That's right! The Advanced Band was welcomed back once again to perform for part of the tree lighting festivities on Friday, December 4.  Call time is 6:00 PM and students will be performing at 30 minutes "set" from 6:15-6:45 PM.  Students participating will have a handout with more details.

Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade
Our last parade is just around the corner.  Call time for parade participants is 10:00 AM in the band room.  New this year: students will celebrate a successful parade season with a pizza lunch at Round Table in the Grand Sierra Resort, followed by arcade time in FunQuest.  All participating students will receive handouts on Wednesday with more details.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, November 9, 2015


Dear Parents,

This week is going to be an exciting one, both during and outside of your student's music classes.  We have a new, last-minute performance on Tuesday, followed by the parade on Wednesday, followed by honor band rehearsal opportunities through the end of the week. This is also Ms. Vedova's final week with us!

Class Progress: 
Jazz Band is becoming better and better at playing in a jazz style.  They'll be performing: Jingle Bell Jazz, Sway, Baby It's Cold Outside, and Jingle Bell Rock.
Concert Band has received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: March of the Magical Toys, Apollo Fanfare, Chopsticks for Christmas, and Simple Gifts of Christmas.
Intermediate Band has also received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: Sleigh Ride, Liturgical Fanfare, Little Drummer Dudes, and Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!  Various members have also been working on honor band music on the side.
Beginning Band has received their first ever sheet music: High Adventure and Name That Christmas Carol.  We will also add a few selections from the method  book to create a memorable winter concert.
Advanced Strings has also received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: William Tell Overture, Gymnopedie, The 12 Musical Days of Christmas, and March (from the Nutcracker).
Advanced Band has also received all 4 of their winter concert pieces: Santa at the Symphony, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Jingle Bells and Jungle Drums, and Joy.  All students are also working on their honor band music, which will double as a playing test next week.
Beginning Strings has received their first ever sheet music, St. Nick's Canon on the Housetop, Silent Night, and Ode to Joy.

Veterans Concert - November 10
Intermediate and Advanced Bands will perform their parade song during class at approximately 9:15 AM for students, staff, as well as some veterans from our armed forces.  If you're available, the ceremony begins at 9:00 at CMS, and parents are welcome to join us for this special opportunity.

After School Rehearsal - November 10
All parade participants must attend this very important rehearsal.  Regardless of how much snow accumulates, IT WILL BE COLD, so help your students remember to dress accordingly.  This practice is going to be extremely important to help the students understand the unique demands of playing an instrument in cold weather.

Veterans Day Parade - November 11
Everything is on track for the parade on Wednesday.  Call time for all participants is 8:00 AM in the band room. Don't be late!  We will have 75 minutes to feed students breakfast, get them into their uniforms, do some quick practicing outside, and load the buses.

Thank you to all parents for signing up to help!  We have room on the bus for anyone who would like to chaperone.  Don't forget--make sure you're fingerprinted through the district if you wish to join us on the bus.

Honor Band
Students in Intermediate and Advanced Bands have been given music for honor band tryouts.  I am offering extra help during lunches, as well as the following times:
Wednesday after the parade until 1:30 PM
Thursday from 2:30-3:30
Friday from 2:30-3:30

Auditions will be held next week.

That's all, folks!

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, November 2, 2015


Dear Parents,

What a week it has been!  We have a lot to celebrate today, as well as a few things to look forward to as we continue into this new month.

Fall Concert Wrap-Up
The Fall Concert is in the books.  We had a successful spaghetti feed, as well as a record attendance in the cafeteria.  After speaking with our principal during the event, he said that he has never seen that many people come out to a concert.  Thank you so much for your patronage!  We also raised $1,220 from the spaghetti feed, also a record!

This would have been impossible without your help, parents.  Thank you.  I could not have done any of this alone.

Nevada Day Parade Wrap-Up
We had perfect weather for the parade on Saturday, as well as an early entry.  We have never played for that many people in recent memory.  The students should be very proud of what they accomplished.

Upcoming Event: Veterans Day Parade
The next event for the Intermediate and Advanced Bands is the Veterans Day Parade on Wednesday, November 11. Call time is 8:00 AM in the band room.  If you wish to join us, we will have room on the bus for chaperones!  There are also some spots available for uniform help, braiding hair, and helping provide a breakfast for these hard working men and women. Sign Up To Help!

All ensembles are hard at work preparing new music that will be showcased at the winter concert. How appropriate that the weather has changed outside.  Soon, your homes should become filled with festive cheer as you hear this music being practiced by your students!  

Have another great week.

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Final Steps

Dear Parents,

A great week of performances is upon us!  This is just a reminder that all performances are mandatory and they contribute to a major portion of your student's grade.  I'm really excited to see them show off all that they have learned these last two months.

Fall Concert
Here are just a few reminders for all groups.
  • 5:30 PM: Dinner service begins.  
  • 6:00 PM: Call time for all groups.  Young bands will grab instruments and music, then sit in their spots on stage.  Intermediate and Advanced Band will stay in the band room to change.
  • 6:30 PM: Concert Begins; Intermediate and Advanced Band students will sit next to their families with their instruments and music. 
  • 7:15 PM: Concert Band, Beginning Band, Advanced Strings, and Beginning Strings students may sit/stand with parents.  Intermediate and Advanced Bands perform.
  • 7:30 PM: Approximate end of concert.  Students will put away instruments, change, and help with clean-up.
  • By 8:00 PM: Students dismissed.
          Please note the following based on your student's ensemble:
o   Beginning Band & Advanced Strings: We still need a little more spaghetti.
o   Concert Band & Beginning Strings: We still need a little more sauce.
o   Intermediate Band: We still need a lot of salad and garlic bread!
o   Advanced Band: Please bring dessert items with your students during the day or during the                  evening before 5:00 PM.

Concert Dress: Band/Strings polo shirts, black dress pants, black socks and black dress shoes.  Intermediate and Advanced Band: Full marching uniforms.

*If you have not yet paid your $20 lab fee, your student will need to arrive with a plain navy blue polo in order to perform.  They will receive their polo shirts once they have paid their fee.

Sign Up To Help  - Thank you to all volunteers!

Nevada Day Parade
I have some news about the Nevada Day Parade.  We are entry #31! This means that we will play earlier and to a bigger crowd.
  • 8:00 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms, take a photo, and load the bus
  • 9:00 AM: Arrive at staging area (Adaline Street) for warm-ups.
  • 10:00 AM: Parade begins.  We are entry #31.
  • 12:00 PM: Return to CMS to change and eat lunch.
  • Approx. 1:00 PM: Dismissal.
Make sure your student has shown you their handout with all details about this event.  

Sign Up To Help - Thank you to all volunteers!

Thank you again! Let's have a great concert week.

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Detail Oriented...

Dear Parents,

Mr. Jacques here!  It's time for the weekly update. I have new details about the Fall Concert, the Nevada Day Parade, and the Spring Trip, as well as a quick "progress report" on each class.

Fall Concert
I have some details about the fall concert on October 28.  This event is mandatory for all ensembles except for Jazz Band.  There will also be a spaghetti feed, as well as root beer floats and other baked goods.  Here's what I'm thinking for logistics and times for the night:
  • 5:30 PM: Dinner service begins.  
  • 6:00 PM: Call time for all groups.
  • 6:30 PM: Concert Begins; Intermediate and Advanced Band in band room to change into uniforms.
  • 7:15 PM: Concert Band, Beginning Band, Advanced Strings, and Beginning Strings students may sit/stand with parents.  Intermediate and Advanced Bands perform.
  • 7:30 PM: Approximate end of concert.  Students will put away instruments, change, and help with clean-up.
  • 8:00 PM: Students dismissed.
            We are asking all members to bring one item for the spaghetti feed:
o   Beginning Band & Advanced Strings: A box of spaghetti
o   Concert Band & Beginning Strings: A jar/can of sauce
o   Intermediate Band: Bag of salad or loaf of garlic bread
o   Advanced Band: Dessert Item

Concert Dress: Band/Strings polo shirts, black dress pants, black socks and black dress shoes.  Intermediate and Advanced Band: Full marching uniforms.

Sign Up To Help

Nevada Day Parade
Here is what I know about the Nevada Day Parade on October 31:
  • 8:00 AM: Call time in the Band Room to change into uniforms, take a photo, and load the bus
  • 9:00 AM: Arrive at staging area for warm-ups.
  • 10:00 AM: Parade begins.  We are entry #31.
  • 12:00 PM: Return to CMS to change and eat lunch.
  • Approx. 1:00 PM: Dismissal.
Students will receive handouts with further details in class on Wednesday.

Advanced Band Spring Trip
Congratulations!  Disneyland has accepted our audition and invited us to come back in May!  I will now begin planning the trip, and I will have details, including trip cost, at next week's meeting.

Class Progress:

Jazz Band has learned their first winter concert piece, received their second winter concert piece, worked extensively on solos, and continues to make progress on Woodchopper's Ball and Louie Louie.
Concert Band is well on their way towards preparing a great fall concert. Those who have paid their fees in full received their polo shirt on Monday. They received new music last week.  Practice makes perfect!
Intermediate Band should now be able to play Tribute to America from memory.  This, coupled with new music they received last week, will be their primary goals for the next couple weeks as they prepare for the fall concert and the Nevada Day Parade.
Beginning Band is working on the following for the concert: Merrily We Roll Along, Go Tell Aunt Rhody, Hot Cross Buns, Au Claire de la Lune, and Lightly Row.  Those who have paid their fees in full received their polo shirt on Monday. Practice makes perfect!
Advanced Strings sight read their last piece of music for the fall concert: Cimmaron.  They're very excited and having an extraordinarily fun time with sight reading.  Those who have paid their fees in full will receive their polo shirts Wednesday.
Advanced Band sight read their hardest song of the year today. It's very encouraging to hear that they can already navigate their way through it.  With their other pieces concert ready (and parade ready), they'll be receiving winter concert music this week!
Beginning Strings is working on the following for the concert: Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, D Major Scale, Can-Can, and possibly a few others!  Those who have paid their fees in full received their polo shirt on Monday.  Practice makes perfect!

That all I can think of right now.  In the meantime, go out and enjoy the Indian Summer!

-Mr. Jacques-

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A word from Amber Vedova

Dear Parents/Guardians,

My name is Amber Vedova and I will be the student intern from the University of Nevada, Reno working in your child's classroom this semester.

I will be working with Nicolas Jacques to provide an enriched educational and musical experience for your child.  This internship is the culmination of my music education degree and I am excited to have the opportunity to put my learning into practice.  During this semester I will be observing, team teaching, and lead teaching under the supervision of Georgia Tachoires from the University of Nevada, Reno.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at


Amber Vedova

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fall Concert News

Dear Parents,

Welcome to October!  Can you believe we are already approaching the end of the first quarter in school?  It's amazing how fast time flies.  In this newsletter, I will include class updates and a word on our fall concert, scheduled for October 28.  Before that, however, is an important word on grades.


I have posted grade printouts in my room for all students and they can make up any playing tests by Friday. If they are doing their best, ALL students have the potential of earning a "B" or higher by the end of this week.  All practice logs marked "INC" have not been turned in and cannot be made up; however, students can let me know through a note by Friday if any of these have been made in error.

Jazz Band received their first winter concert piece, and had a chance to listen to and vote for two others, which I just purchased today!
Concert Band continues to improve upon their fundamentals, and received "Freaky Fantasy," their second piece of sheet music for their fall concert.  Keep listening for good tone, which requires a lot of air and a bit of volume.  This may sound a little loud for your young children and pets. :-)
Intermediate Band is on the cusp of being able to play all of "Tribute to America" from memory.  On Tuesday after school, we plan to march at least 1 mile in preparation for the Nevada Day Parade, and they will receive new music this week.  They will now be participating in the Fall Concert on October 28!
Beginning Band learned their fourth and fifth notes, and they'll be learning their first folk songs in the upcoming weeks.  Keep listening for good tone, which requires a lot of air and a bit of volume.  This may sound a little loud for your young children and pets. :-)
Advanced Strings is learning the classic: "William Tell Overture" and has made it through most of the song. They will be presenting this as part of their fall concert.
Advanced Band is sight reading new music each day and deciding what to perform for the upcoming concerts this year.  They are great readers and they are helping me choose music for the school year.  They will now be participating in the Fall Concert on October 28!
Beginning Strings is learning their D Major Scale, which contains the building blocks for many, many songs that they will be learning starting next week.

Fall Football Game Wrap-Up

The football game was a lot of fun.  Approximately 20 students from Carson Middle School and 10 students from Eagle Valley Middle School joined the high school band for the evening. They performed the National Anthem and the School Song in front of the home crowd with the high school band, played along in the stands, and saw their award-winning halftime show.

Fall Concert Update - October 28

Our fall concert will now include Intermediate and Advanced Bands, as well as Beginning Strings, Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Advanced Strings.  This concert will also include a dinner fundraiser.  Amber Vedova, my student intern, will be putting on this concert. We will have more details as soon as she and I work everything out.  Stay tuned!!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, September 27, 2015

It's Fall!

Dear Parents,

I love this time of year. It may not feel like fall with the recent warmth, but the signs of fall are everywhere.  In our world, marching bands reign supreme during these months.  Parades are right around the corner, and high school bands all around the country are preparing for their marching competitions.

At CMS, we have a couple fun events coming up: the fall football game and the Damonte Marching Invitational.

Fall Football Game is for all Advanced Band members and any 8th graders in Intermediate Band.  Call time is officially 5 PM this Friday in the front of Carson High School.  Dress is blue jeans and any CMS or CHS spirit wear. Students will be playing the National Anthem and the School Song, as well as possibly playing Tribute to America. A flyer will be sent home soon with more information. Participation is highly encouraged, but not mandatory. As such, there will be no official chaperones and no transportation provided. Students playing with the band will have their admission waived but parents and siblings will need to purchase a ticket at the gate (game starts at 7 pm).

Damonte Marching Invitational is on for October 17, and I only have 14 spots left!  5 dollars buys your ticket to this field show tournament.  A handout with more details will be available to all participating students by the end of this week. All parents are welcome to attend with their student for an additional 5 dollars.

Jazz in the Commons was a huge success!  We had over 200 students come to watch the jazz band perform their first two pieces of music at 7:30 AM.  Due to its amazing success, this is now the beginning of a tradition. Students will perform once per month and create an even warmer and more inviting atmosphere for students and teachers at our school. See a picture from Friday's performance here!

Our student teacher, Amber Vedova, begins working with us on Monday.  Beginning this week, she will be part of some of the newsletters, and she'll have a chance to tell you a little more about her at that time. 

Upcoming Events
October 28: Fall Concert
October 31: Nevada Day Parade
November 11: Veterans Day Parade

I'll be posting more later this week, including a quick progress report on all ensembles.

-Mr. Jacques-

Monday, September 21, 2015

Open House

Dear Parents,

It's time to update you on your student's ensemble progress, as well as upcoming events.  This newsletter includes:

  • Ensemble progress
  • Introducing our student intern: Amber Vedova
  • Open House
  • Marching band field show trip
  • Other upcoming events

Jazz Band received their 2nd piece of music.  On the last Friday of each month, the Jazz Band will perform in the commons area for the school.  The first "Jazz in the Commons" performance will be this Friday!
Concert Band received their first piece of music, First Concert March, which they will begin rehearsing this week.  We had over 80% of students turn in their practice logs last week. Our goal: 100%.  These 6th graders are sounding really good.
Intermediate Band is sounding better and better on Tribute to America, and they're ready too begin memorizing for next week.  For the first time in the 3 years I've been here, we also had 100% of students turn in practice logs this week!
Beginning Band can play their first 3 notes with a great tone, and they're beginning to read music.  We are moving forward into their first songs, as well as more complicated rhythms.  They're so enthusiastic and eager to play.  We had over 80% of students turn in their practice logs last week. Our goal: 100%.
Advanced Strings can now play 3 pieces of music, and they're so great at reading beyond the notes/rhythms. We also gained a cello player from Texas.  We had 94% of students turn in their practice logs last week.
Advanced Band has partially memorized the Star Spangled Banner and Tribute to America, and will be ready to perform both on Wednesday at Open House!  They will be receiving some new music shortly.  For the first time in the 3 years I've been here, we also had 100% of students turn in practice logs this week!
Beginning Strings learned to use their bows last week.  They're so excited and enthusiastic every single day!  We also had around 80% of students turn in their practice logs last week. Our goal: 100%.  This class is really sounding great.

Introducing...Our Student Teacher!

Starting on September 28 and continuing through the end of the semester, we will have a student intern working with us.  Her name is Amber Vedova and she will be finishing her degree in Music Education this fall.  Her final assignment is to teach classes and learn from a teacher who has experience.  She will be conducting the fall concert, as well as rehearsing 100% of classes from mid October into early November.  During that time, I will be observing her and playing along with the students in each group.

Open House: September 23

Advanced Band students will have their first performance at Open House on Wednesday.  Call time is 5 PM in the Band room.  Students should wear their blue polo, black pants, black socks, and black shoes.  We will perform at exactly 5:28 PM and be finished by 5:45 PM and students will be free to visit classes with their parents.

Optional Field Trip: October 17

Students who are participating in the Marching Band are encouraged to attend the Damonte Marching Invitational on October 17.  Call Time is 12:00 PM to load the bus, and we will return around 6:00 PM.  Students will be able to listen to all the area high school marching bands.  The cost is $5 and it's open to the first 30 students who sign up.

Other Upcoming Events

October 28: Fall Concert
October 31: Nevada Day Parade
November 11: Veterans Day Parade

That is all for this week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Giant Steps

Dear Parents,

I hope you're all enjoying your weekend and making the most out of it, despite all the smoke.  Included are some quick updates about ensembles, reminders about practicing, and our our first upcoming events.

Jazz Band finished learning their first song!  We will add soloists and learn a second song this week.
Concert Band continues to work on fundamentals, and they're already much different sounding band than last month!  They will receive their first sheet music this week.
Intermediate Band has learned their parade song.  Their next step is phrasing and memorization, as well as continued progress in the method book.  They are also welcoming 4 new members from Concert Band!
Beginning Band knows their first 3 notes and they're ready to begin learning their first songs.  Keep reminding them about how to practice correctly.  This is the most critical point in their music education.  If they practice well, it will set them up to be outstanding musicians.
Advanced Strings can now play 3 songs and they're cruising through the method book! I think they need harder music. :-)
Advanced Band is memorizing the parade piece and working on a lot of fundamentals.  Their next step: receiving winter concert and Band-O-Rama music (yes, it's still September).
Beginning Strings learned how to play their first song this week!  Keep reminding them about how to practice correctly.  This is the most critical point in their music education.  If they practice well, it will set them up to be outstanding musicians.


Students in each class will have weekly playing tests.  Practicing at home ensures their success.  Here are some helpful tips for parents and students:

Students in beginning groups and Concert Band receive weekly practice charts that clearly describe all the steps necessary to be productive and efficient.  Make sure these students are covering all the items listed for a solid foundation.  Once they cover all the items on the practice chart, they may move on to anything that they'd like to do for fun.

Students in the upper groups will receive weekly goals to complete.  They should always begin with a warm up that includes long tones, breathing exercises, lip slurs, and technical rhythm studies (from the back of the book).  Then, they should work on the materials from class.  Once they've achieved the class goals, then they are welcome to play whatever they'd like for fun.

Upcoming Events

October 2: Fall Football Game (Advanced Band and other 8th grade band members)
October 28: Fall Concert (Concert Band, Beginning Band, Beginning Strings, and Advanced Strings)
October 31: Nevada Day Parade (Intermediate Band and Advanced Band)

That is all from this week!

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, September 4, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect

Dear Parents,

As we all head into a much-deserved 3 day holiday weekend, I thought I'd update you on your student's progress, as well as introducing practicing, a skill that they will use for the rest of their lives in music.  Here's how each group is doing:

Jazz Band is well on their way towards learning their first piece of the year, as well as improving over the blues scale.  I could still use more trombone players, but all the other sections are in really good shape!  I will be auditioning the percussion section later this month.  I appreciate everybody's diligence in making it on time to a 7 AM rehearsal.

Concert Band is reviewing fundamentals.  There's a lot to remember: sitting properly, breathing, pressing down the right keys, maintaining a proper embouchure, listening while watching the director, all while making sure that the tongue starts the note properly.  There's a reason why it's a proven fact that students who take music are the best kids ever!

Intermediate Band has learned most of their parade piece, and it's week 3!  They have also played their first test and learned how to march.  We had 75% attendance at our last marching rehearsal and their enthusiasm is contagious!

Beginning Band has learned how to put together their instruments, put them away, take care of them, sit properly, breathe correctly, hold instruments correctly, play their first note, and...they have began learning their second and third notes. As I said kids ever!

Advanced Strings has learned their first song, and they received two more to begin working on over the weekend.  They're fundamentals are really strong, so they sky is the limit with them.

Advanced Band could put on a concert and sound really great on their parade piece.  They took their playing test for chair placements and are eagerly awaiting the results to be announced Tuesday.  Their next step: memorization.  They will also receive the Star Spangled Banner to learn next week.  They're off to such a strong start.

Beginning Strings has learned the parts of their instrument, instrument care, posture, playing position, their open strings, and note names.  They also successfully performed their first playing test.  Next up for them: their first songs.

Practicing - Young Groups

Students will begin practicing today.  I have given Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Beginning Strings a sheet that maps out everything they need to do.  Feel free to look this over with the kids.  I'll be sending out a digital copy soon if they ended up misplacing them.  They will have an online practice log to complete between September 10 and 11. They will get more information on this next week, but if you want a sneak preview, click the practice log link on the CMS Bands homepage.

Practicing - Experienced Groups

For Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, and Advanced Strings, practice logs will be very similar to last year.  The only difference is that it is goal-based and not time-based.  Students are free to practice as long as it takes to complete their weekly goals, even if it's less than 100 minutes total.  Please ensure that they still have their instruments home for at least 4 days.  Practice logs will be submitted online between September 10 and 11 on the CMS Bands homepage.

That is all for now.  Enjoy your long weekend!

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Marching Forward

Dear Parents,

Two weeks are officially in the books!  Here are the highlights from last week:

  • Beginning Band learned their first note and they can all play with a good tone.
  • Beginning Strings learned their open strings and parts of their instrument.
  • Concert Band is sounding great, playing through an exercise I wrote while we wait for more method books to arrive.  They will receive sheet music this week.
  • Intermediate Band has learned how to march and will be learning their parade piece this week.
  • Advanced Band has learned their parade piece and will begin marching with it this week.
  • Advanced Strings received their first sheet music last week and will learn another piece this week.
Car Wash Wrap-Up
Our profit from this year's car wash was an outstanding $1,300! Some of this money has gone to new instruments for our students who cannot afford them on their own.  Thanks to a successful car wash, combined with some outstanding offers from pawn shops, we are very close to being able to supply all students in need with school-owned instruments.  We have now added 3 flutes, 1 alto sax, 2 trumpets, and 2 trombones to our school inventory. 

After School Rehearsals

Students in Intermediate and Advanced Bands will have after school rehearsals every Tuesday from 2:30-4:30 PM.  This is where students will learn how to march and play as a group in preparation for the fall parades.  Please do your best to not schedule doctor's appointments or other conflicts during this time.  If for any reason your student cannot make it to a rehearsal, just send me a note and they will be excused.

Concert Band - After School Rehearsals

Any Concert Band members who would like to learn to march are welcome to attend the same Tuesday rehearsal from 2:30-4:30 PM.  Once I see what they can do, I'll invite some of them to have the honor of either playing in the parades or holding the banner in front of the band. 


Practicing is a very important part of your student's success in band/strings.  If students do not practice at home, they will not remember what they learned in class and they will not progress.  At a very minimum, students should be practicing a minimum of 15-30 minutes per day.  Beginning after Labor Day, I will begin having students keep online practice records.  With laptops available to all students, this requirement will be a convenient and paper-free way to track their progress.  More on this next week.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we are off to a GREAT start!  Thank you all.

-Mr. Jacques-

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Dear Parents,

It has been a great first week!  This year, we have an incredible school record to celebrate.  At 200 students, we officially have more students enrolled in band and strings than ever before.  Thank you for helping them be part of this great activity that we all do together.  Here are some other highlights from week 1:
  • Students in Advanced Band and Advanced Strings began playing on Tuesday.
  • Students in Intermediate Band began playing on Wednesday.
  • Students in Concert Band began playing on Thursday.
  • Students in Beginning Band and Beginning Strings have chosen their instruments and will begin playing next week.
  • We have set a date for our car wash fundraiser: August 29.  See below for more information.
  • Forms were due Friday. Please get these in ASAP so I can finish dealing with paperwork. :-)
  • Fees are due as soon as you're able.  I appreciate those who have paid or communicated with me about when you can.  I'll be sending out bills/receipts later this week.
  • All students need method books and instruments beginning Monday.
  • Beginning Band and Concert Band: The rest of the school instruments will be given out on Monday.
  • Beginning Strings: Students will be receiving instruments throughout the week from Sue Jesch if they chose to rent through the Carson City Symphony.  Everyone needs instruments by Friday.
CMS Car Wash

The 3rd annual CMS Bands Car Wash fundraiser is on Saturday, August 29, from 9 AM-1 PM at Grocery Outlet.  This car wash will help us purchase instruments and take care of other expenses throughout the fall.  All students in Advanced Strings, Advanced Band, and Intermediate Band were given at least 3 tickets to sell.  I also offered Concert Band a chance to take tickets if they wanted to help out.  There will be prizes for the top sellers, and students will have a chance to help wash cars on Saturday.  I'll have sign-ups for students on Monday.  This event is always a lot of fun for the students and parents.

Jazz Band

Jazz Band begins Monday at 7 AM!  Anyone is able to attend and try it out. They will be able to make great music that the whole school enjoys each morning.  As we get into the spring semester,  this becomes a competitive group that performs at festivals and competitions.  Students who participate in Jazz Band become better musicians because of the extra time they are able to put towards playing their instruments.

After School Rehearsals

Students in Intermediate Band and Advanced Band will begin rehearsing on Tuesdays from 2:30-4:30 PM beginning September 1.  These rehearsals are extremely important because students have a chance to march and play as a combined group.  After we memorize our music and become proficient at marching, we will begin marching through the neighborhoods around the school. Parents are welcome to come and watch.

Let's have a great week 2!

-Mr. Jacques-

Thursday, August 13, 2015

In the Beginning...

Dear Parents,

I'm very excited to welcome you all back to another great year of band and strings at CMS!  This year, the possibilities are endless and I cannot wait to begin working with all your wonderful musicians.

I need your help taking care of a few items so that the students can get off to a successful start:

  • Handbook Contract/School Instrument Use Form - Handed out at Sneak Preview nights, and on Monday to your students, or available here.  Click here to read the handbook and return this by Friday, August 21.
  • Instrument Rentals - Use the above form to be considered for a school-owned instrument, or visit any of the other music shops.  Click here to see a list of local stores that rent instruments.  All students must have instruments by no later than Monday, August 24.
  • Field Trip Form - Handed out at Sneak Preview nights and on Monday to your students.  I need this form returned to me so that students may travel to festivals, parades, and other trips throughout the year.  Please return this by Friday, August 21.
  • Method Book - Available for purchase from Play Your Own Music beginning Friday, August 14. Click here to see which method book your student needs.  Students must have their method book by Monday, August 24.
  • Lab Fee: $20 - This fee covers specific items that your students will need throughout the year.  Click here for details.  Please pay by Friday, August 21.  
On Monday, we will not need instruments.  Their first day of playing is entirely dependent on how quick the students are to take care of the above items.  In the past, the upper groups have been known to start playing as early as Wednesday.  Young groups usually begin with instruments on the second week of school.  

Feel free to email me if you have any further questions.  Thank you for getting your students "up and running!"

-Mr. Jacques-

Friday, May 29, 2015


Dear Parents,

We did it!  Another outstanding school year is in the books.  I wanted to first talk about promotion and instrument/uniform turn-ins.  Here are some incredible statistics:
  • All students who were required to be at promotion were either present or accounted for.  Nobody skipped this final performance.
  • 1/3 of Concert Band volunteered to play along and learned the music in just one week!
  • All uniform items were returned by the last day of school.
  • All school instruments were returned or reissued as summer rentals on time and in good repair.
  • Everybody helped out with cleaning and organizing the band room, saving me hours of time.
I have NEVER had such a GREAT sounding band at promotion.  In addition, I have never had such a cooperative group.  We set up the gym in 8 minutes and returned everything to the band room in 5 minutes.  Last year, this took over an hour!  Everyone worked as a team and what is potentially the most chaotic day ended up being one of the most relaxing for all of us.  Thank you students!  

Oh, did I mention that these were all 6th and 7th graders??  The future looks very bright for our band/strings program!

To all the 8th graders reading: Don't think I forgot about you!  I was so proud to have a group of approximately 10 8th graders who tried to come back to visit me before promotion practice.  Your hugs, positive comments, and genuine excitement made me even more sad to say goodbye.  But again, don't think of it as goodbye. Think of it as "See you later!"  Regan and Gillian: your speeches were absolutely wonderful.  It has been quite a journey seeing you all grow both as human beings and musicians since our first day together at CMS.

2014-2015 Highlights
  • There were two strings classes this year, for the first time in CMS history
  • The marching band debuted new uniforms and marched in 3 parades
  • The Dolan Automotive Fundraiser generated over $5,000 from very generous donations
  • 21 students were selected for the NZNMEA Honor Band
  • 6 students were selected for the NMEA All-State Band
  • Chili Bingo Night earned the program approximately $6,300 in profit
  • Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band, and Advanced Strings all earned straight "Superior" ratings at the NZNMEA Music Festival
  • For the first time in known history in Carson City, the CMS Jazz Band represented our state capital at the Reno Jazz Festival
  • 6 outstanding 8th grade band members were selected to play in the CHS Wind Ensemble
  • Adelynn and Josie were recipients of scholarships to attend the Lake Tahoe Music Camp

Jazz Camp begins on Monday!  I have room for a couple more people.  If you're not registered and you want to drop in to see if this camp is for you, come on Monday and try it for yourself!  We have a nice group of people signed up in the ensemble camp, and the concert on June 9 is going to be a lot of fun!  

I'll post little updates here and there throughout the summer.  Thank you for a great year, everybody.  Parents, Mrs. Heaton, and Ms. Simkins: I couldn't have done this without you!  In the words of Porky Pig: "That's All, Folks!"

-Mr. Jacques-

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Advanced Band Audition Results

Dear Parents,

After three days of auditions and playing tests, I have a list of the newest members of the 2015-2016 Carson Middle School Advanced Band.  Some of the sections were really competitive, making it a tough decision. Here are the results:

Emily Cuellar
Bahar Jazani
Maryn Myler

Katie Jeffries

Will Contine
Max Fontaine
Jonathan Francone
Chloe Marks
Fiona McDonald
Josephine Payan
Bryce Peterson
Cierra Randall
Chloe Vasquez

Alto Sax
Christina Brase
Lindsay Chowanski
Slade Pronk
Jackie Puett
Emily Wolf

Tenor Sax
Emilie Figueroa

Weston Aldrich
Matt Jones
Owen Lieder
Even Peterson
Ryan Pitman
Adam Richetta

Nate Amrhein

David Barrientos
Spencer Elliott

Kayleigh McCain-Thicke

Stephen Chandler
Tara Eustis
Kenny Fox

Again, congratulations!

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Final Week

Dear Parents,

Happy Memorial Day!  I hope you're all enjoying the weather and getting in some quality time with your families.  We have just four days of school left, so this update serves as a reminder of what needs to be done to wrap-up the school year.

To-Do Items

Uniform Returns took place last week.  If your student still has one, please have them bring it back ASAP.  I will ask the office to post a fee to student accounts if they aren't returned by this time.

Instrument Returns
All string students: May 27
Band members NOT participating in promotion: May 27
Band members participating in promotion: May 29

Summer Rentals
This offer is returning this year!  Students who want to have an instrument over the summer will be able to keep their instrument until August!  See Mr. Jacques for a summer rental application and return it by the instrument return date listed above.  When you return the instrument in August, you will need to have the instrument taken to a local repair shop for a basic maintenance.

8th Grade Promotion
This is mandatory for all Intermediate and Advanced Band members.  Students will meet in the gym at 12 PM on May 29.  The ceremony begins at 12:30 PM and ends no later than 2:00 PM.  Students will be excused once all equipment has been returned to the band room and all school instruments are either turned in or reissued for the summer.

Final Playing Tests/Audition
Final playing tests are finishing up on Tuesday and Wednesday.  If a student feels like they want to do better, I will have a limited number of spots open at lunch for anyone wishing to retest.

More Band for your Buck!

Jazz Camp
Jazz Camp is right around the corner, and I'm excited to be hosting this for all area student musicians.  Please sign up by May 29 so I know how many copies to make and how many snacks to purchase.   Click here for more information.

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Last 10 Days of School

Dear Parents,

Wow!! What a great couple of concerts! I appreciate all the students working together, especially those who had a concert on the day I wasn't at school.  On Wednesday night after the first concert, Dan Sadler commended the groups on a great performance. On Friday morning, Dr. Ward (assistant principal) made an announcement congratulating all your students to the entire school!   Congratulations to all students in all groups on a fine performance to end the year!

To-Do Items

With 10 days until the end of the school year, we have a few housekeeping items to cover:

Uniform Returns will take place on Wednesday, May 20.  Anyone who borrowed shoes, tuxedo pants, cummerbunds, bow ties, or tuxedo shirts must return them by this time.  Students who purchased polos, shoes, or tuxedo shirts get to keep them or have the option to trade next fall.

Instrument Returns
All string students: May 27
Band members NOT participating in promotion: May 27
Band members participating in promotion: May 29

Summer Rentals
This offer is returning this year!  Students who want to have an instrument over the summer will be able to keep their instrument until August!  See Mr. Jacques for a summer rental application and return it by the instrument return date listed above.  When you return the instrument in August, you will need to have the instrument taken to a local repair shop for a basic maintenance.

8th Grade Promotion
This year, all 7th grade band members in Intermediate and Advanced Band will be playing for the 8th grade promotion on May 29 at noon.  I will also open this up to any other band member volunteers.  Attire for this performance will be SSA.  We'll be learning the song next week in preparation for this special performance.  Students will return their school instruments immediately following this ceremony.

Final Playing Tests/Audition
I have sent band students home with a list of music that they need to prepare for their final playing test.  This test will also double as an audition for advanced band, if they wish to be considered.  These tests will take place in class on May 25-27.

More Band for your Buck!

I am putting together a 2014-2015 Band and Strings documentary DVD that includes select concerts, pictures, and other memories from this school year. The cost is $12 and I will have order forms available for any student who wishes to purchase a copy.  Please pay in cash or checks payable to Nick Jacques.

Jazz Camp
Jazz Camp will take place from June 1-5.  It includes two sessions: a Jazz Explorers session for first timer middle school students, and a Jazz Ensemble session for current jazz band members or anyone who wants to take a faster pace that ends with a performance at Comma Coffee on June 9.  Click here for more information.

Disneyland Pictures
Would you like a picture of the Advanced Band from Disneyland?  Send your student with $10 by Monday and we will make you a copy!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

This Is It

Dear Parents,

There is so much to celebrate and so much more to look forward to in the next week.  Let's begin with a few reminders about our final concerts of the year.

May 13: Spring Concert, Part 1  Call time is 5:15 PM in the band room in your student's concert attire.  The concert begins at 5:30 PM with the 5th grade bands from the elementary schools.  We will the continue with Beginning Strings, Beginning Band, and Concert Band.  The concert should end around 7:00 PM.  We will also be giving out special awards to certain members of each group, so this one is definitely not to be missed!

May 14: Spring Concert, Part 2  Call time is 5:15 PM in the band room for Advanced Strings and Intermediate Band.  Call time is 5:30 PM in the cafeteria for Advanced Band and Jazz Band.  The concert begins at 5:30 PM.  Please make sure your student is in their concert attire.  We will play music from our band festivals, plus some others that we learned for fun in the last month.  The concert should end around 7:30 PM.  We will also be giving out special awards to certain members of each group.

Wind Ensemble Results

This year, an unprecedented 6 students made it into Carson High School's Wind Ensemble.  Congratulations to Adelynn Puett, Regan Lowe, Rachael Cuellar, Jacob Richetta, Syrena Chowanski, and Gillian Mandel!

Spring Trip 

The 2015 Spring Trip is in the books and it's definitely one that I will never forget!  The chaperones were incredible, our bus driver was on time, friendly, and safe, and the students did very well.  Here are a few photos that highlight parts of the trip.

Heavy snow and chain controls greeted us on the first leg of the trip.

12 hours later, we played in the water and enjoyed this view!

Fun at the pool.

On Friday, we preformed at Dale Jr. High (this conductor was my elementary school band director).  Their school performed for us immediately after.

The band, immediately after performing at the soundtrack recording session.

The band on stage.  Just wait until you get a chance to see a recording of their performance!

Would your student like to be in this ensemble and travel with their best friends?  Final playing tests for band members will take place on the final two weeks of school.  This will include 3 major scales for Beginning Band and Concert Band members, 5 major scales for Intermediate Band and Advanced Band members, and a chromatic scale, as well as a prepared piece of music or all ensembles.  If you'd like to be considered for Advanced Band, I will also be looking at consistent practice logs and work ethic in class.  Best of luck!

One more concert and we're done!  Let's make the most out of it!